Chicago IL Pin Meet


DIS Veteran
Feb 22, 2000
It's that time again! Here's the info:

Date: Feb. 3 - Sunday
Place: Gurnee Mills Food Court - Dine-O-Rama
(which is close to entrance J)
Time: 11:00am

Why? Because a Character Warehouse has opened up in the mall. A great combination - shopping & Pins!

If you have questions, email me at or Mary at

See you there!

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
We have been to the store several times and they tell us they are closing January 31, 2002 and moving to somewhere on the East Coast.
Well, wouldn't you know! We will still meet up there and thanks for the info. Looks like I'll have to take a road trip before the end of the month.

Cyn:bounce: :bounce:

Mom and I would love to attend, but-----it's superbowl sunday. I know to many that means nothing, but I prefer to think of it as one of those un-marked calender holidays. One that many people celebrate but noone has made it an official holiday via an act of congress or whatever it takes. (LOL)

Anyway I am also a season ticket holder and I just KNOW the Bears will be one of those teams and I KNOW that I will be picked through the lottery to get tickets. You see the reason I know this is anytime I have any extra money saved something always comes up to take it away. I just got a raise so the bears WILL go and they WILL take my money......:earseek: :earseek: :earseek: :earseek: :earseek: :bounce: :earseek: :bounce:
Dawn - I thought the Superbowl was always the last weekend in January! Oh well, there may be a few of us there!

We'll just have to plan Meet #2 for 2002 sooner than later.

Usually you are right, however due to 9/11 and the NFL cancelling one week they had to push the game back one week to allow the make up of those games.

That's why. The bad thing is it's in New Orleans and Mardi Gras starts that same week!!!Talk about a crazy place to be!!!!!

If things don't work out for us of course , and you are still having the meet we will be there. Once we see how the playoffs work etc,etc,etc, I'll know more.

Take care

dawn g
Aw, come on Super Bowl'ers...............
The pin meet starts at 11AM you will be home long before the Super Bowl starts and you will even have some time to stop by the grocery store and pick up some snackies.
I am assuming the Bears will win--therefore, I am a season ticket holder and expect I WILL be chosen through the lottery to get a ticket (just like I'll get a trade for a Wet Paint with a rack pin LOL)

Anyway, I can't commit til I see what happens and I don' want to miss the pin event, BUT I will not miss the superbowl when the Bears are there!!!!

I am very optomistic!!!!!
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Well, Dawn, I guess there's good news and bad news. Bad news is the Bears lost (sorry!). Good news is maybe you'll be able to make the meet on 2/3?

Cyn, you are absolutely right, much as I hate to admit it. Oh well, there's always next year and they have a good base to work from. So anyway now, back to the original question.

Which food court??????????


dawn g and audrey w
Dawn - Since I am not all that familiar with Gurnee Mills which do you suggest?



Mom and I were there before Christmas. We took a map sooo, we will find out where the character warehouse is and then let you know which food court is closest. I'll post and email you later today or tomorrow.


dawn :bounce:
Thanks Dawn! I edited my original post above. We will meet at Dine-O-Rama at 11:00am.

See you there!

Cyn:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:


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