Chicago DIS Meet (moved)

Dan Murphy

We are family.
Apr 20, 2000
Here are pictures from yesterday's Chicago area DIS meet.  I am back
using the DIS web page for files, so I can do direct placement.  Let's see
how we do.  I hope to get most of the names correct. Where missing or
errors, fret not, just tell me in a post and I will add/correct.  Getting
hard for my feeble brain to keep all the DIS'ers I have met in the past year
straight, LOL.

<img src="" width="576" height="432"></p>

I picked up Dopeygirl (Tricia) about 10:30 AM for a short drive over to the
Stratford Square Mall in suburban Chicago Bloomingdale.  As we walked into
the mall, we saw what was to be the first 2 DIS'ers, also walking to the food court
area, the site of the meet.

<img src="" width="576" height="432"></p>

As the crowd began to gather prior to the 11 AM start time, I saw some
'old' faces and many new ones too.  Towncrier with hands in pockets most
visible in this shot.  He brought neat name tags with new DIS logo (globe)
on them for all.

<img src="" width="576" height="432"></p>

Here Dopeygirl is followed by Smee up the walk to the food court area.</p>

<img src="" width="576" height="432"></p>

Ok, now comes the tough part.....names and faces.  I will try, if
wrong or I forget, let me know.  I will always go left to right, unless I
say otherwise.  

TaraB, Towncrier (John), AngieIL and her DD, Avery (what a cutie!!!!!!) and
DonnaW.  The scrapbook TC is looking at is from Tara.

<img src="" width="576" height="432"></p>

Whosefigment (Helen and Candy) confused on screen names of both here, LOL)
TC's DW, Sue, and DS, James.  (Wondering if James still thinks we are all
geeks..or was it nerds, LOL)

<img src="" width="576" height="432"></p>

Smee's DS, Dan, in white shirt, Cleo's DS, Ben, in green shirt, Magyar2's
DD's,  Alicia in yellow and Emma in purple.

<img src="" width="576" height="432"></p>

CKupres (Cathi), DD, Emily and niece, Alicia.</p>

<img src="" width="576" height="432"></p>

Whosefigment and AngieIL with Avery.  Looks like Angie is a proud

<img src="" width="576" height="432"></p>

Well, let's see here.  Figment2 (Cyn) (yellow) ID6421 (Kathie, red
and DH, Dennis, black) (they have a baby due THIS about DIS
dedication), sshd (Stacey), (back to camera) and Steve and Corrine, who only
found the DIS a few months ago, are not yet registered and have about 500 or so
pins and have only been collecting since January.  

John, Shirley, Tiggersmom, Nat, Vince and other 'heavy hitters'
out.  LOL

<img src="" width="576" height="432"></p>

Kiminchicago (Kim) her DD, Sarah, dad, Herb, mom, Barb, and hiding behind
chair, DS, Eddie.  Barb and Herb take no claim for Kim's Disney addiction
but say it is working on them, LOL

<img src="" width="576" height="432"></p>

Tara catching me catching her, LOL</p>

<img src="" width="576" height="432"></p>

DonnaW's DH, Mark, and Smee enjoying lunch.  Even though Mark leaves
the Disney planning up to Donna, he says he is a Disney 'nut' all the way.

<img src="" width="576" height="432"></p>

A shot of one of the 'kids' tables, with Angie in foreground.  She
has the nicest smile.

<img src="" width="576" height="432"></p>

Pirate Jacksmom (Lori) and her 3 of her 4, Katie, Melissa and Jack. 
Another fabulous smile.  Actually there are soooo many nice smiles on this

<img src="" width="576" height="432"></p>

Cathi's niece, Alyssa, with her pins that Cathi is so good at.</p>

<img src="" width="576" height="432"></p>

December 99 (Chris) and DH, Dr. P (Mike)</p>

<img src="" width="576" height="432"></p>

Dopeygirl getting ready to woof it down (I know she'll hate me for that,
LOL).  Smee is left background.

<img src="" width="576" height="432"></p>

Guess Mark and Smee are finished with lunch.</p>
<img src="" width="576" height="432"></p>

Kathie, Dennis, Stacey.  These are real pin folks.  Kathie and
Dennis more or less got me started with my little pin collection at an earlier
meet last year.  I now have one of those new, larger pin bags from WDW with
about 40 or so pins, most gifts to me from DIS folks.

<img src="" width="576" height="432"></p>

OK, who does this one belong to?  I have an idea, but rather not
err.  LOL

<img src="" width="576" height="432"></p>

Angie and Avery...there is that smile again. Avery sure looks like she
just saw something, probably a HUGE pin collection of someone.  Note the

<img src="" width="576" height="432"></p>

Everyone looking at pins</p>

<img src="" width="576" height="432"></p>

An overall shot of the area we had.  At the peak, we had about 50
people at 16 tables.  About 1:30 or so, two security guards came by and
were wondering what was going on.  They called the mall Security Manager,
Mr. Nance to talk to someone.  I wound up the 'go to' guy and explained
what was going on.  He had some reservations, but said OK.  For his
concerns, he earned a Chicago Mickey, but did not want his picture taken,
LOL.  Darn!!.  I was thinking maybe he was related to Swan/Dolphin.

<img src="" width="576" height="432"></p>

Figment2 in yellow and Pirate Jacksmom, here signing in on my sign up
sheet I am using right now.  I think PJ has the making of a character CM
with unusual signing spots.

<img src="" width="576" height="432"></p>

Jason, Fantasmickey's (Jeanie) DS, Jason, enjoying lunch.  Brisully,
(Brian) standing to left and Steve and Corrine in background.  Oh my, what
did Corrine just see......a holy grail??????  (for non pin folks, that is a
REAL special pin...I just found that out awhile ago)

<img src="" width="576" height="432"></p>

The Troublemakers' Club website Board was duly represented by Crissup Magyar2, and
Cleo .<img src="" width="106" height="70">

<img src="" width="576" height="432"></p>

A few folks had left and I hurriedly got everyone together for a group
shot before we 'lost' anymore.  It was funny because the lady on far left
in red was not part of our group, but got swept up with the 'swarming' of
DIS'ers.  I told her she would be fine, just smile.  Don't think she
did, LOL.

<img src="" width="576" height="432"></p>

Same picture with Mark and I exchanging places.  Thanks, Mark.</p>

<img src="" width="576" height="432"></p>

Everyone is starting to get ready to break up.  </p>

<img src="" width="576" height="432"></p>

Someone's kid laying on a table, LOL</p>

<img src="" width="576" height="432"></p>

DG will shoot me, but this pretty sums up the, sharing,

<img src="" width="323" height="432"></p>

Brisully leaving with his pin collection, believe it or not, in a wheeled
suitcase.  About 4 of these were present at the meet.  Some folks
REALLY have a lot of  pins.  WOW!!!!!!!


Well, there it is!  Another great DIS meet, made up of some of the
nicest people I have had the pleasure to meet.  DIS folks are the
best.  If you have the opportunity to attend a meet, go.  If you
don't, get one started, it is not that hard.  You will be surprised at how
relatively easy it is to get folks to come.  Just start with a 'feeler'
post and go from there.

The next Chicago meet is scheduled for May 20th at Disney Quest.  Put
it on your calendar and stop by.

Hope this loads for everyone and you enjoy.</p>


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