Chew treats for dogs


DIS Veteran
Nov 1, 2005
what do you give your dog to chew on?

Other than shoes, slippers,and stuffed animals, lol, My dog has a Nyla bone, a bison horn and a short beef bone that I fill with peanut butter.

I have read reports that hide chews can be harmful, and bones other than beef can splinter.

But, I see those raw hide chewies and pig ears and what not sold everywhere.

My dog has an insatiable need to chew. He also has a very strong bite, so I worry about things splintering.

What do you use?
My dog isn't big into chewing. He has a couple of rawhides in his toy basket, but it's rare that he chews them.

He likes some treats. I buy him vegetable chews (but one's been sitting there for days and he hasn't touched it), chicken and duck strips (only if Made in USA), and some other commercial dog biscuits and jerky. Those he'll eat.
Have you tried bully sticks? My dog also likes rib bones, beef knuckle bones and other beef bones (the kind with the meat stuff on it, not that you fill with anything) and antlers. I get them all from a feed store.

My dog is the same, he will chew on everything and also has a strong bite. Bully sticks probably last 30 minutes or so, the others can last several days.
Mine is a little dog and she loves the rope chew toys. I also give them cadet duck breasts.
Our dog is a big boy. He's a black lab/great dane mix, and has really powerful jaws. We give him the rawhide bones (or whatever those packages of white bones are) you buy at WalMart or Costco. We give them as treats, rather than a constant chew toy. The regular ones that WalMart or Costco sells, which are about 14-16" long he will eat completely in less than 20 minutes. It's quite the bone crunching noise when he rips into it. The really big ones...2+' long monsters, will take him a few days to go through, but he'll eat it all pretty quick. He's also dangerous with one of them in his mouth. When he gets one, he does what our kids call his happy dance. He'll throw it around and swing it around. He's whacked the kids more than once with it.

If he doesn't have a rawhide, luckily he doesn't chew on shoes or anything else. He has one of the mega sized tug of war ropes that he likes us to play with him, but that's it.
Not sure what a bully stick is, but I will check it out. My dog tends to vomit the rawhide chews, so he can't have that. Also, he will shred the rop toys to bits. I thinking it's not good for him to nest those little rope bits.

The problem is, if he can tear it, he will swallow it. Usually these items will be returned to me in a very unfortunate manner onto the carpet somewhere. So I have t be very careful about what he has access to.
A bully sticks is the private part of a bull, if you can believe it.

Our teddy bear dog is a strong chewer. He chews like it's his full time job. We've never tried bully sticks, but if they only last 30 min., I would consider that a treat. We have been buying big nylabone flexi-chews. We have tried the dura-chews, but they are super hard and our dog doesn't like them very much. He does chew off pieces of the flexi-chews, so we have to keep an eye on him.
My golden is a very strong chewer!!! He gets no plush at all! He loves bully sticks, but I can NOT stand the smell!! He has a variety of Nylabone and Kong chew toys...those seem to last the longest. He also gets antlers and marrow bones. Once pieces of the marrow bone start to come off, it gets taken away! I refuse to give any kind of rawhide to my dog..just not worth it.
We have a little yorkie and she is kind of picky. Her treats are beef jerky, I was eating it one day and gave her one and when she ate it we were so excited because we had spent a fortune trying to find something she would eat. She also get the little rawhide sticks, she like to bury them mostly but will grab one and chew on it for about 5 min. every once in awhile. She loves baby carrots (yes I know strange) so she gets two of those a day. As far as toys, she loves squeaky stuffed toys so she can tear out the squeaker and she loves to chase tennis balls and what we call crackle balls. She wakes us up every morning with a ball in her mouth.

My dog loved pig ears as a puppy, but now he finishes them in 20 minutes so they don't last very long with us. Never had an issue with them splintering, but they do chew them down into small pieces so we've had to watch when they get small and take it away so he didn't choke on it.

My dog's absolute favorite bone is from Wal-Mart. It's around $7 and has bacon flavored filling of some kind in the middle. It's hard though. It's seemingly impossible for the dog to fully get the center filling out, so he's always chewing at it. When the ends get chewed down, I'll buy him a new one but they last a long time.
My dog is a huge chewer. He's only two, so we're hoping he grows out of it. Sadly, he doesn't like Nylabones, but he enjoys when I put treats and peanut butter into a Kong. He also likes a Kong bone that I give him where you stuff treats into it, but seems to lose interest quickly--I think it's too challenging. Other than that, we give him the Milkbone bones that "brush" their teeth and he loves chewing on old shoes/slippers.
We use the Benebone dental chew (not the wishbone shape). It lasts forever (at least 6 months with my previous strong chewer, my current dogs have yet to go through one). It's similar material to the nylabone chews, but the shape is unique and preferred over any other style I have ever purchased. It's shaped like an "8" but it's curved so they can hold it easily, rock it back and forth, and it's ribbed so it does a great job cleaning their teeth.

I know turkey necks (raw, frozen) are used for Greyhounds on a regular basis to clean their teeth. Not sure what your feelings are on raw food (and the clean-up)
I have a 125# Great Pyrenees who is an aggressive chewer but also has a sensitive stomach.
Rawhide scares the crap out of me so he has never had it.
Most of the stuff available at the pet stores is either to light weight or upsets his stomach.

We have an assortment of Kong and Tuffy toys that are rated for toughness however, he really doesn't like toys.

Antlers both deer and Elk are always in his toy box. I buy Bully sticks at Costco but they are spendy and he eats them like celery sticks.

The local "foofoo" pet store carries an assortment of raw treats - we buy hooves and beef/bison bones. The bones I recycle by filling with cheeze-whiz and peanut butter, then freeze.
We also buy the big sliced femurs that our grocery store sells as soup bones along with beef feet and beef rib bones. We freeze all of these and give him some sort of frozen pupsicle every night. The hooves are fairly inexpensive and he likes those as well.

All bones given to him are raw. Bison bones are really hard and he really enjoys them but they are hard to find and expensive, so only an occasional treat.
Bully sticks the stinkier the better in his opinion. They like anything like that that. We do not do rawhide and only buy stuff from countries we trust. Most of our bully sticks come from Brazil or Canada.
They also get Kong ziggies occasionally and kong toys filled with peanut butter.
We use the Benebone dental chew (not the wishbone shape). It lasts forever (at least 6 months with my previous strong chewer, my current dogs have yet to go through one). It's similar material to the nylabone chews, but the shape is unique and preferred over any other style I have ever purchased. It's shaped like an "8" but it's curved so they can hold it easily, rock it back and forth, and it's ribbed so it does a great job cleaning their teeth.

I know turkey necks (raw, frozen) are used for Greyhounds on a regular basis to clean their teeth. Not sure what your feelings are on raw food (and the clean-up)
I need to look into this, I'm always looking for raw options
I need to look into this, I'm always looking for raw options

Greyhounds are notorious for bad teeth, so raw turkey necks are something many people give weekly to help keep their teeth clean, but it seems like feeding a raw diet is also more common among greyhound owners as well. We just adopted a greyhound a few months ago so I have been reading a lot.

We have not tried the raw turkey neck yet (I have one in the freezer). I was worried about it being messy, but everyone seems to say they wipe off their paws and face with a washcloth when they're done, but it's really pretty clean (feed either outside or on a towel inside).

Of course, it does not have to be frozen, but it makes it last longer so more time to chew and clean their teeth.
Greyhounds are notorious for bad teeth, so raw turkey necks are something many people give weekly to help keep their teeth clean, but it seems like feeding a raw diet is also more common among greyhound owners as well. We just adopted a greyhound a few months ago so I have been reading a lot.

We have not tried the raw turkey neck yet (I have one in the freezer). I was worried about it being messy, but everyone seems to say they wipe off their paws and face with a washcloth when they're done, but it's really pretty clean (feed either outside or on a towel inside).

Of course, it does not have to be frozen, but it makes it last longer so more time to chew and clean their teeth.
We give raw beef bones that have meat/fat on them. Our dog is trained to keep his bone on a folded sheet we keep for this purpose, once the meat/fat is stripped off he takes it throughout the house but then I don't care.
I've heard of raw meat diets and I have read that Greyhounds are often handled differently due to their racing and then retirement with the issues that carry from the racing. I've only known one person with a greyhound, sure was a cool dog
Greyhounds are notorious for bad teeth, so raw turkey necks are something many people give weekly to help keep their teeth clean, but it seems like feeding a raw diet is also more common among greyhound owners as well. We just adopted a greyhound a few months ago so I have been reading a lot.

We have not tried the raw turkey neck yet (I have one in the freezer). I was worried about it being messy, but everyone seems to say they wipe off their paws and face with a washcloth when they're done, but it's really pretty clean (feed either outside or on a towel inside).

Of course, it does not have to be frozen, but it makes it last longer so more time to chew and clean their teeth.
Hello fellow greyhound owner! Our grey, Ella, is a pretty strong chewer when we give her something to chew like a bone but isn't interested in chewing things outside of that...though she is a collector. She steals shoes, belts, stuffed animals, purses etc and brings them into her "lair" (the living room) just to own them. She is our third grey.
Be sure not to give your dog rawhide or any cooked bones - very dangerous and can lead to the need for emergency surgery.

I give my pup raw bones and she also has a couple of nylabones. She had an antler chew but never really seemed interested in it, plus I've heard they can crack their teeth on those.
