Chef Mickey's - Opinions Please


Earning My Ears
Jul 12, 2002
A group...16...are going to Chef Mickey's for dinner on Saturday night, November 23rd at 8:00 p.m. It's our first night at Disney and we wanted to pick a fun place to start off our vacation and to celebrate a birthday, one of our teens is turning 14. Did we make the right decision? Please give me your opinion of Chef Mickey's.
We always have chef mickey's our first or second day of vacation. The food is good and the atmosphere is great. I think you made a good choice. Enjoy!
never been there for dinner but the breakfast is outstanding. We will actually be trying their dinner later this year.
Let me start off by saying I'm sure you'll have fun...but (you knew a "but" was coming, didn't you?)...we did the same thing the last time we were there (for the same exact reason) and we were very disappointed.

We had read all of the good things about Chef Mickey's and thought it was going to be the perfect place to start off the trip and celebrate a birthday. The bottom line is that it was just a buffet that tried to do more and failed (I just waved my Wendy's napkin over my head in tribute to the restaurant).

The same group of people is going again in October and the one rule I was given (as I do all of the PS) was to avoid all lunch/dinner buffets! Chef Mickey (and 1900 Fare) were the reasons given to me.

Anyway, everyone else on the board seems to love Chef Mickey's so that's why I'm sure you'll also enjoy it (when everyone else tells you that you're crazy, well then, you're crazy). However, if you're not big on buffets then I might reconsider.

I'll sign off now and let eveyone else tell you how great it is...regardless, have a GREAT time!
I like Chef Mickeys for breakfest. And USE to like it for Dinner till we went in Feb and it was HORRIBLE!!!! I would not go again for dinner!!:(
We went in May and loved it. It was one of the many highlights of our trip. We plan on dining there again in Feb. We thought the food was great on the buffet, but everyone's tastes are different.
ABSOLUTELY!! In my opinion, Chef Mickey's is the perfect way to start your Disney vacation. You just can't beat the atmosphere. Dinner there was our first activity when we made our first family trip in 2000, and we're now making it a tradition. It was quite a hit and one of the highlights of our trip. We've already booked it for our arrival dinner on Thanksgiving and for breakfast on my 31st birthday a few days later. :D
Chef Mickeys really is fun and I think you will enjoy it.

Yes, it is buffet food. It is decent to very good - really didn't have anything bad or memorable. The nice thing is that there is a large selection, so everybody is bound to find something that they like. I think a party of 16 is good. You will probably get more attention from the characters. We were only a party of 4 and really noticed that the characters spent a good deal more time with large parties.
Thanks for all your input!!! I realize everyone has different opinions and I appreciate everyone taking the time to comment. I think we will stick to our choice and go to Chef Mickey's. We have to try it at least once.
ok...just a little comment, sorry if I offend anyone...

We took the kids to California Grille in July and decided to stop by Chef Mickeys as we were considering it for our last evening at Disney. Maybe it's just me, but it was just too chaotic for my liking. Believe me, I don't mind loud boisterous places (i.e. Whispering Canyon is one of my favorites) but IMO Chef Mickey's felt like a cattle call to me (this is of course a generalization to the behavior of some I observed at the buffet line and does not apply to many good-mannered folk). I don't know what it is about buffet lines and human behavior, but it seems to put some people in a frenzy. I've decided to avoid buffets from now on...

Also, I KNOW we are at DISNEY the kid capital of the "world" but I do not think, IMO that children in ANY restaurant should be allowed to run around like banshees. I know I sound tight, but I believe kids can have fun at meals and still have table manners and be respectful of other diners...

Sorry to be so harsh, I know that Chef Mickey's is a special place for many families and I respect your opinion...I hate when people bash my beloved WCC...but that is why we have a democracy.
We've been for both breakfast and lunch. Enjoy the breakfast better. But, it is a fun way to start your trip. We did that last year with my brother in law and his family (it was their first trip). They loved it. Maybe you'll get seats by the window. We were able to watch fireworks. It was first week in Dec on a Wed. night. Regardless, just have a good time!! (I'll be in WDW same time:cool: ..having breakfast at CM on Thanksgiving!)
Also, I KNOW we are at DISNEY the kid capital of the "world" but I do not think, IMO that children in ANY restaurant should be allowed to run around like banshees. I know I sound tight, but I believe kids can have fun at meals and still have table manners and be respectful of other diners...

Sorry to be so harsh, I know that Chef Mickey's is a special place for many families and I respect your opinion...I hate when people bash my beloved WCC...but that is why we have a democracy.

Rude is rude and it doesn't matter where. What caught my eye on this post, though, was your use of the word "tight" -- that is such an '80s word! (^_^)
There will be a lot of small children running around.

I guess my question is if this environment would appeal to the 14-year-old whose birthday it's going to be, or if you might be better off somewhere like Whispering Canyon or Ohana.
We went for dinner..never going back..Food was gross. Character interaction is decent..


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