Chef Mickeys/3 year old birthday/Buzz Lightyear......


Dec 20, 1999
We are planning on celebrating my son's 3rd birthday with dinner at Chef Mickeys.

I know that Buzz is not a character there, however, it is his favorite, so, Has anyone ever scheduled a birthday celebration at Chef Mickey's? Please tell me about it. Who would I call to request a birthday cake? Is there any possible way of at least getting an autographed picture of Buzz for my son maybe at the table when we arrive? I would love to hear any suggestions you may have!

Well, we had our daughter's second birthday at the Crystal Palace and when I made the phone priority seating reservations, I mentioned that it was her birthday and asked if I could order a small cake or something. They told me that they'd make a note on the reservation and would provide a free cupcake for her (which was really sweet -- they also put Mickey shaped confetti and ribbons all over the table and brought a birthday card signed by all the meal characters), but that I should also remind them at check-in, which I did. It was great.

Having said that, we also ate at Chef Mickey's on the same trip and that was SO MUCH BETTER as a character meal. We were really surprised. Our kids adored it. I would imagine the same policy would apply there, too, but just to be sure I would call DIsney dining and ask. Also be sure to get him a birthday button at City Hall in the Magic Kingdom.

Have a great time!
if you want to find Buzz go to MGM. The Toy story characters can usually be found at Pizza Planet. We saw then at the chracter area next to voyage of the little mermaid.
I have to disagree about Chef Mickeys being the better character meal. The food was just OK, the room loud and the atmophere left a lot to be desired.
Crystal palace on the other hand has wonderful food, the setting is beautiful, and it very quiet compared to Chef Mickeys

<font color= red Comic Sans MS> All Star Music-April 2000 </font>
<font color= purple font= Comic Sans MS> Shades of Green- May 2002 </font>
We celebrated our daughter's 4th birthday at Chef Mickey's last August. It was our first night at Disney and she was terrified of the characters - they are so big. I ordered a birthday cake directly from Chef Mickey's about a week before. I got the number when I made our priority seating arrangements. The cake was great! (I think it cost around $15, it was very good and really cute). When the CM brought it out, several of the characters came over and sang Happy Birthday to her. She didn't like any of the food at the buffet. The next day we had breakfast with Pooh at Crystal Palace - it was a much better experience and there was lots of food she liked. She was more familiar with the Pooh characters and wasn't afraid :eek:


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