Cheerleading competition Mar. 23-24.....


<font color=FF00CC>OKW until 2042<br><font color=t
Sep 19, 2000
My daughter will be competing in a cheerleading competition on Mar. 23 and 24. It is a new competitive team that she is on and I am sorry to say somewhat disorganized. We have decided to stay at our DVC resort during that timeframe and have her stay with us instead of her team. Anyways to cut to the chase, her coach told me that it would cost $55.00 per adult for a 2 day pass to US and IOA and it would cost my daughter (the cheerleader) $95.00 (due to the fact of competition fees???). Doesn't that sound a little cheap to you? I questioned her and she couldn't quite give me a definite answer as to exactly what type of pass into the park(s) we were getting! I am still waiting for the answer but thought someone hear may be able to shed some light on the situation. Needless to say, this will be her last year with this team! We haven't been to US in a long while and this will be our first to IOA and I was wondering if you can park hop just like you do at WDW and if so, how is the transportation and the time it takes to get from one park to the other. I am very familiar with WDW and sorry to say not familiar with US/IOA but I am sure that once my 2 younger ones get older we will be. Thanks for all the help.

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Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

"If you were me, you'd be good looking."


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