Cheap way to treat cold sores?


DIS Veteran
Jun 5, 2003
I have little sores in the corners of both lips. I've been treating them with Abreva, and it seems to work, but they're still there and the little tube of Abreva is almost gone. I hate to buy another--that teeny, tiny little tube is $14 at WalMart, was $18 at Walgreens:scared1:

Isn't there some cheaper way to treat those little lip cracks?
I have cracked corners all the time in the winter. I use medicated chap-stick all the time, to keep ahead of the problem. Even if they are not sore/cracked, I'm using it. I like the Rite-Aid brand because it is so smooth. I have a big bag of these at home from the BOGO sales they have. DH thinks I'm an addict but DD and I use it ALL the time! LOL!
I have cracked corners all the time in the winter. I use medicated chap-stick all the time, to keep ahead of the problem. Even if they are not sore/cracked, I'm using it. I like the Rite-Aid brand because it is so smooth. I have a big bag of these at home from the BOGO sales they have. DH thinks I'm an addict but DD and I use it ALL the time! LOL!

I'll give it a try--we have a ton of chap sticks around here, unused. I really don't think its a cold sore, anyways, just some irritation and dry skin. At least see if it works!
Herpes can be treated with a prescription medication. It may be cheaper to have a script filled than to use over the counter products.
Absolutely the best thing to use is carmex!!!! It cures a cold sore in a matter of days and is great for cracked/chapped lips. It costs about $1.29!!!! get the one in the little white jar with a yellow lid. I have tried abeva and this is sooo much better.
Zovirax is a prescription cream, but clears them up right away.

We have found that taking Lysine (found with the vitamins) once a week keeps cold sore breakouts from happening at all. Lysine is an amino acid, and while there are no conclusive studies, it really does work. Our doctor said that while she couldn't give scientific proof, that it couldn't hurt! We tried it and when it is taken regularly, there are NO breakouts... :goodvibes
When DS forgets to take it, a breakout occurs everytime. :eek:

Good luck...cold sores are no fun at all!
I HATE COLD SORES!!!! I get them very frequently. I use lysine only when I feel one coming on--perhaps I should take the advice of minnierocks and use it all the time. I also use Abreva--expensive! My Dr. told me that if the sore goes away in about 10 days using Abreva and Lysine that its about the best I can hope for. He said the prescription meds take just as long. I am a special ed. aide and am around kids with poor hygeine skills. I have had a cold and cold sores off/on for about the last 4 mths. YUCK!

I haven't tried Carmex for a long time for a cold sore--maybe it is worth a shot since the Abreva is so expensive.

Good luck fellow cold sore sufferers!
I get cold sores all the time specially if under stress, my doctor gave me a prescription cream (denavir) and the cold sores usually will heal in 3 days I keep it with me at all times and use it as soon as I "FEEL" one coming and sometimes will not even notice them. Just ask your doctor if he could prescribe it for you.
If it's just cracked lips, not a cold sore, put vaseline on them at night before you go to bed and try putting a vaporizer or humidifier in your bedroom. Also make sure you are drinking enough water during the day and wearing chapstick during the day, especially when you're outdoors in the sun and/or wind.
I have little sores in the corners of both lips. I've been treating them with Abreva, and it seems to work, but they're still there and the little tube of Abreva is almost gone. I hate to buy another--that teeny, tiny little tube is $14 at WalMart, was $18 at Walgreens:scared1:

Isn't there some cheaper way to treat those little lip cracks?

liquid antacid( logic was it treats ulcers in stomach so my primary suggested it for sores it worked for me and my family!), maalox etc.. even the generic ones. But it is more perfect for the sores you get when you bite the inner cheek, tounge etc.. hope it helps
Tea bags! Just steep a black pekoe (even Lipton) tea bag in hot water for about a minute, remove from water (wring out excess water with side of teapsoon) and place over cold sore as soon as it cools enough to apply.

The tea bag has tanic (sp?) acid in it and is so soothing!

I've had cold sores off and on since childhood and this has always worked better for me than anything I could smear on or ingest.

Plus, you can also sit and have a cup o tea to boot!
as far as cold sores go, i find these things work:

-carmex. works wonders.
-herpecin. about $6-7 bucks a tube, but it lasts.
- if you catch it early, ice cubes. put in a bag and apply directly to sore.
- if it's already swollen up (to where there's the bubble) pop it with a sterile needle and apply rubbing alcohol. i swear this works. it's pretty cheap to get alcohol swabs (near the diabetic aisle) a box is about 2 bucks for a lot of them. it might sting for a moment, but it works.
I have little sores in the corners of both lips. I've been treating them with Abreva, and it seems to work, but they're still there and the little tube of Abreva is almost gone. I hate to buy another--that teeny, tiny little tube is $14 at WalMart, was $18 at Walgreens:scared1:

Isn't there some cheaper way to treat those little lip cracks?

We've found tea tree oil to be marvelous! At the first sign of the cold sore, dab some on. This can be found with vitamins anywhere. HTH
Being a cold sore gal from way back in the day when you were told to put zinc oxide on it - yes, try wearing that to school in 6th grade:rotfl: And, I never just get a tiny one, they are HUGE and make me feel miserable!

The best thing I have found it Zovirax prescription to dab on, but what works wonders unbelievably is Oil of Olay Super Stress vitamins. If I feel one coming on, I can take this vitamin and it will not come up. If I get one during the night, I can take one in the morning and by afternoon, pretty much gone.

Don't know what it is, but I love them!!! And they are cheaper than Zovirax or Abreva.
I'm thinking you are using *way* too much of the Abreva. One of those little tubes should last you several cold sore break outs. You only need to put the tiniest little bit on the cold sore. Squeeze the tube until the cream is barely coming out. That's all you should need. Any more than that just wastes it.
Wintertime cracks in the corners of the lip are usually not cold sores, but just cracked skin. Something like vaseline or diaper rash creme should soothe them until they heal.

Real cold sores are something else entirely. The only effective home remedy I've used on those is chlorine bleach. Obviously, if you use bleach the trick is NOT to ingest it, because it's a poison (though a drop or two really won't hurt you if you immediately drink some water to dilute it.)

You use it full-strength and dab it directly on the sore with a q-tip. It does sting, I won't lie to you, and you have to put it on often, about once an hour or so. It works because herpes is a virus, and bleach is one of the few household disinfectants that is an effective virus killer.
The Abreva could actually make it worse. I get cold sores that only Valtrex works for and Abreva only makes them worse.

I would suggest that the sores at the corners of your mouth are probably due to not drinking enough water. My husband gets them occasionally.

A cold sore has different characteristics: tingling before the breakout, bubbling skin into blisters, perhaps oozing before crusting to a scab. I hate them....:eek:
The only effective home remedy I've used on those is chlorine bleach. Obviously, if you use bleach the trick is NOT to ingest it, because it's a poison (though a drop or two really won't hurt you if you immediately drink some water to dilute it.)

You use it full-strength and dab it directly on the sore with a q-tip. It does sting, I won't lie to you, and you have to put it on often, about once an hour or so.

Wow. I'm going to try that idea next time.

In the past I've used really cheap perfume and dabbed it on frequently. My sisters sometimes will use perfume, and immediately on top talc.

I've been finding the thing that works best for me is to use Zovirax at first sign of tingly symptons, frequently. Then in a few hours when the blisters appear, I poke them with a needle. It releases the liquid, therefore there is no pressure building up to make the cold sore bigger. I may have to poke them a few times, and I keep using the Zovirax. My experience is great with this method, most times 2 or 3 days after start of symptons, can't even really tell a cold sore started.

The medicated Blistex, the white liquidy stuff in the squeeze tube, is great as it seems to have a numbing agent to help with any pain.
carmex is my freind. I love the little pots they come in (very hard to smash). I have a little pot in just about every room (the pot kind is 1.29). For work, I have a little squeeze tube, in a knitted cozy(eaiser to tell it from eveyone elses). I paid 88 cents for the tube kind at walmart, Works wonders, and is so cheap you can use alot of it and not feel bad!


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