Cheap Airfare Thansgiving Day and day after - book now????


DIS Veteran
Jan 12, 2000
We are going down either T-giving day or day after and air right now is $196.50 from Pgh. The day before T-giving and week before very high. Any ideas how long air for t-giving day and after will last $196.50?
If you have been watching prices and this is the best that you have seen, then I would scoop it up as soon as possible! Since you are travelling at a Holiday time, I would not expect that they prices will go down too much more.
But then I COULD be wrong! :rolleyes:

<font face="papyrus"><font size=2><font color=blue>BethR
Budget BoardCo-Host
Co-Host of The Rewards Board</font>
I agree with Beth. Being able to choose any flight on your travel days and still get non-stops for under $200 is worth it even if the fare was to drop a little, but I really don't think it will for those travel days.
I watched the proce of a non-stop Delta flight Thanksgiving go from:
Nov 00 = $161.50
Dec 00 = $171.50
Jan 00 = $181.50

I gave in and bought in December.
So, don't wait to long !
I'm not aware of any airline that sells more than 330 days out, so I don't know how you could have received a valid fare quote for Thanksgiving any earlier than the end of December of the prior year. Did Delta's website quote you a fare in November 2000 for November 2001 travel?


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