"Charge It To The Room! - I'm NOT Drunk!" - WDW Vacation 2013! (UPDATE - (2/7)

I fell insanely behind, but am officially here to all catch up now! Yay!

Ah! I definitely ended up ordering from Mickey Waffles for my bows! Now here’s hopin they’re getting here on time!!

Man, I’ve been so excited that Wendy is out with Peter now and I’m really hoping that she stays for Sept!! Crappy deal with that CM, but glad that she finally got to meet Wendy!!

Ugh, those bathrooms are just beyond amazing!!

Love the “charge it to the room’ thing that’s awesome!! Awesome pictures with Zurg!

Glad you finally got onto Splash! Awesome pictures of the castle, both inside and out!! So pretty!!

Yay for Disney at Halloween!! Aw man, you’re going to have so much fun!! I leave next week and cannot wait for all the fall/MNSSHP activities! It’s such a BLAST! Yaya!
Before I begin, I found the picture of us with Cinderella! YAY YAY YAY YAY!


Cinderella was absolutely fabulous, but it was brief since there were so many other people waiting to take a picture with her, but the princesses during dinner TOTALLY made up for the quick meet & greet with Cinderella.

I was trying to figure out how I will be able to convey all the emotions & complete 5 year old giddy happiness into words, so just take everything I'm saying & then multiply it by a billion happy thoughts.

For Part 1 of this fabulous meal, I'm going to stick to the food & atmosphere. Part 2 will be of the princesses because they were so fabulous they need their own update if not 2!

If I keep saying the word fabulous, I apologize, but it's just such a fitting word.


We were walking up the stairs to go to our table & literally I was bouncing.
I had not been to CRT since I was way way younger. It didn't matter that I'm 19 years old, at this moment I was literally a 5 year old in my heart.

There were tears, but you know, that's who I am.
I swear my name should be Olivia (that's my real name IN CASE ANYONE WAS INTERESTED, but don't call me that, I like Libby!) "Way Too Emotional" Pearl *Last Name Here*. Probably going to legally change my name to that.
Has a nice ring to it. (One day when I'm not speaking of something as important as CRT, I will tell you all a backstory of my almost name, but we'll save that for probably never cause I'll forget about it)
Back on track.

We walked into the room & basically my heart exploded. I actually said the words,
"My heart is exploded."
I was in complete awe.
None of the princesses were out at this time, so the anticipation was just growing! Maybe a glimpse of a princess (SPECIFICALLY ARIEL!) would've dulled my racing heart, but nope, not one yet.

We were seated at a table around the outside, on the opposite side of the windows, but I wasn't mad, I was in freaking Cinderella's Castle, like nothing could take away the feeling I was having at this moment in time.

After we all picked our seats, girls on the outside, boys on the inside, we were given our menus & wands & wishing stars, because we're all children. <3



What a stunning menu, I mean seriously. I want it now. Framed, on my wall.



You can tell where our table is from this picture.


I was in love with the wand.



After obsessing over my wand & wishing star for 10 minutes, our waitress, Denise, came up to take our orders.
I will go more into detail when I get to her picture, but this was the ABSOLUTE sweetest waitress I have ever had in my whole entire life. I want to go give her a hug right now.
She is exactly the kind of person that represents Disney.

Since we were on the dining plan for the first time ever, we were a little confused on what we got & when, but Denise explained everything to us & we were ready to order!

This was Ryan's appetizer - the cheese dish.

*I apologize the pictures are so dark, but my phone had died & all I had was Ryan's phone & it's flash is junky!*
Sadly, Ryan absolutely hated this dish. We ended up just calling it the Stinky Feet Cheese Tray.
Denise had brought my dad a refill & noticed that Ryan had barely touched his cheese & asked him if something was wrong with it.
Ryan just told her it wasn't what he thought it was going to be.
So she disappears & comes back with this.

A regular old bowl of American cheese & grapes, & she said it was absolutely free because she assumed she thought that's what Ryan had in mind when ordering.
This is only the beginning of how sweet Denise is.

I got for my appetizer, the broccoli cheddar soup!

I could drool right now. It was absolutely so delicious.


This was when she & Ryan were making fun of the Stinky Feet Cheese.
This woman was a total & absolute sweetheart.

Marge likes to pick at people, just for a little bit of fun.
So she says to Denise,
"I want to see Belle!"
Denise says, "You're in the wrong castle for that!"
M: "WHAT?! I wanted her to sing Be Our Guest!"
D: "You'll have to go to her neck of the woods for that song my Queen."
M: "Can you sing it to me?"
& Denise being the super sweetheart she is says, "I don't want to lose my job, so let me go check with the manager."
Then of course Marge jumped up saying she was totally kidding & everything was alright. & we all gushed about how perfect Denise is & how much we love her.

After Denise left, I was snapping the food pictures of our appetizers & Marge was making fun of me because she isn't about dat DISer lyfe... wow. did I just say that. Yeahp, I did. You're welcome.

After making fun of me, she steals the phone & starts snapping pictures of her own, which I will include in this glorious TR just for all you beautiful people.


My coffee<3



Oh, buy the way, all 3 of the boys got swords, which was a terrible, terrible thing because Marge was stabbing the bread with it to hand it out.
It was like one big, hilarious fiasco.


Not so hidden, hidden Mickey!

While we were all in hysterics over bread getting stabbed & hidden Mickey giddiness, Denise came back up & guess what she does.
She starts singing Be Our Guest, might I add BEAUTIFULLY!
She then hands Marge this beautiful thing.

We applauded her like crazy & she just kept bowing.
Again, I say, PERFECT.

Then our dinner came out! YAY NOMS!
I got the beef tenderloin,

Now, I am not a meat lover. I never get anything other than like chicken nuggets. So for me to get a steak was a big deal because I wasn't even sure if I LIKED steak.
But Oh. My. God. This steak. Oh. My. God.
So incredibly juicy & so perfect. It was so amazing.
I will never get anything else at CRT it was THAT good.
I could've eaten a whole plate of those babies.

Ryan got the same thing I got & agreed completely with my obsessiveness about it.

For dessert, Ryan got the trio, which I can't really remember what all 3 of the things were. I just knew I couldn't eat it cause I am allergic to berries!

I got the lemon sorbet!

This was such a good choice, because I was so full after eating the soup & the steak, that this was just so light & so so so so so so good.

Overall everyone gave their food 100 stars & Denise alone gets 95 of those stars.
It was such an incredible meal & so delicious.
I will return here 100 THOUSAND times for the food alone.

Now let me just say, this update was for the FOOD alone.

I have not even begun to explain the sheer perfection of the princesses.
Which will be coming soon!

Real Life Real Quick!
I fell insanely behind, but am officially here to all catch up now! Yay!

Ah! I definitely ended up ordering from Mickey Waffles for my bows! Now here’s hopin they’re getting here on time!!

Man, I’ve been so excited that Wendy is out with Peter now and I’m really hoping that she stays for Sept!! Crappy deal with that CM, but glad that she finally got to meet Wendy!!

Ugh, those bathrooms are just beyond amazing!!

Love the “charge it to the room’ thing that’s awesome!! Awesome pictures with Zurg!

Glad you finally got onto Splash! Awesome pictures of the castle, both inside and out!! So pretty!!

Yay for Disney at Halloween!! Aw man, you’re going to have so much fun!! I leave next week and cannot wait for all the fall/MNSSHP activities! It’s such a BLAST! Yaya!

Yay for getting caught up! I fell behind with updating, so we even out! :thumbsup2

& YAY MICKEY WAFFLES! I just ordered a MNSSHP bow from her yesterday! LOVE LOVE LOVE!

I just randomly will yell CHARGE IT TO THE ROOM! cause i love it so much, :rotfl: it will never get old & it will go on forever!

I have never been in Disney to even see the Halloween decorations so I am BEYOND excited! Like I can't wait at all!
& YAY OMG, have so much fun on your trip! which i'm sure you obviously will! :D
Thanks for reading & commenting! :love:
YAY!! More Libby updates! I feel like we learned so much about you in this one...your real name, some allergies, etc. :lmao:

I would be just as excited as you were because...hello! EATING IN THE CASTLE!!!!!!!! :cloud9: That's funny about the stinky feet cheese plate! What Denise brought out instead sounds tasty! I love american cheese cubes and grapes! Your entree looks amazing! I am a huge meat lover though...but still! I am so glad that, despite you not being a huge meat lover, that you were impressed with that. :cheer2:

Denise sounds so perfect! I love the card she brought Marge. It's so fun when there are CM's like that, who really go above and beyond! It makes it all that much more special!

AHHHHHHH you're going to Disney again!! I'm SO HAPPY FOR YOU! But also SLIGHTLY sad that your first day is my last day, so that makes chances of meeting up slim wayyyyy down! :sad: But regardless...I'm THRILLED FOR YOU! You are going to have the best time!! Hallofreakinween!!! You lucky girl! I can't wait to hear all about it! Also...I've been reading your Twitter updates lately and I wish I could give you a big squeeze! :hug: I hope you are feeling better! :flower3:
Wow i am so happy for you. I've been twice for Halloween and it was great fun. You will absolutely love it.
This is so much fun Libby! I'm so happy you went to CRT the place makes me want to cry it's so perfect! :)
AAAH - forgot to say- I'm totally only calling you Brer Libby from now on! loved reading so far! woohoo!!princess:

I'm glad you like it! Thanks for reading along princess! princess:
I absolutely love CRT, like I need to go there right now & cry because it's so beautiful & magical & AHH. DISNEY.
Yes! I love my new name! :cheer2:

YAY!! More Libby updates! I feel like we learned so much about you in this one...your real name, some allergies, etc. :lmao:

I would be just as excited as you were because...hello! EATING IN THE CASTLE!!!!!!!! :cloud9: That's funny about the stinky feet cheese plate! What Denise brought out instead sounds tasty! I love american cheese cubes and grapes! Your entree looks amazing! I am a huge meat lover though...but still! I am so glad that, despite you not being a huge meat lover, that you were impressed with that. :cheer2:

Denise sounds so perfect! I love the card she brought Marge. It's so fun when there are CM's like that, who really go above and beyond! It makes it all that much more special!

AHHHHHHH you're going to Disney again!! I'm SO HAPPY FOR YOU! But also SLIGHTLY sad that your first day is my last day, so that makes chances of meeting up slim wayyyyy down! :sad: But regardless...I'm THRILLED FOR YOU! You are going to have the best time!! Hallofreakinween!!! You lucky girl! I can't wait to hear all about it! Also...I've been reading your Twitter updates lately and I wish I could give you a big squeeze! :hug: I hope you are feeling better! :flower3:

Should've named the update "Libby Facts For You!" hahah!
Denise was so perfect, I will remember the experience she gave us for the rest of my life! She really is such a good representative of Disney magic & I hope to see her again one of these trips!
YAYAYAYAYAY! DISNEY! I am so excited! I have never been any time in the Fall season, so it will be my first time seeing all the Halloween decorations! & MNSSHP! AHHH. I can't handle it!
AWH. I won't be getting there til the late evening, :( I wish we could've had a little time to say hello!
One day though, for sure!
& thank you! I am feeling a little better, just was having a rough spot, but thank you! big hugs back at you! :flower3:

Wow i am so happy for you. I've been twice for Halloween and it was great fun. You will absolutely love it.

I am so excited! I've never gotten to see any of the Halloween decorations, so it's a first for me. SO SO SO EXCITED!
You just made me hungry for steak and potatoes at 8 am :rotfl:

I will be MIA until the 15th as we are preparing to leave for our Disney trip!!!!!!

But I will be back :)
I've just realised you have ANOTHER report for me to read! Woohoo! (Slowly getting the hang of this haha!) YES OMG all us twitter gals should go to CRT and fangirl over the beauty that is the CASTLE! AAAH! Would be the most magical princess moment! :love:
You just made me hungry for steak and potatoes at 8 am :rotfl:

I will be MIA until the 15th as we are preparing to leave for our Disney trip!!!!!!

But I will be back :)

HAVE SO MUCH FUN! I am very jealous!
The TR will be anxiously awaiting your return! ::yes:::thumbsup2

I've just realised you have ANOTHER report for me to read! Woohoo! (Slowly getting the hang of this haha!) YES OMG all us twitter gals should go to CRT and fangirl over the beauty that is the CASTLE! AAAH! Would be the most magical princess moment! :love:

YAY! You'll get the hang of it soon, it took me forever! hahah :woohoo:
OMG. That would be sooooo much fun, CRT would explode with all of us in there!
Found you! I couldn't remember where I left off when I first started reading :confused3
Oh well, can't wait to start reading!
I'm always happy to see there is something I will eat at places in Disney I NEED to eat at someday. I'm not HUGE on steak..

Yay all caught up on THIS one! Now to figure out where I left off on your first TR...which I can't seem able to subscribe to...
Denise sounds like such a perfect CM. Whenever I finally get to go to CRT, I hope she's my waitress! ❤

The food (besides the stinky cheese) sounds fantastic! I can't wait to hear about the princesses, AHHH!!! I WANT TO GO TO CRT!!!

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