Character lunch at Confisco Grille info?


Jan 6, 2001
Does anyone know how much this costs? Is it a buffet lunch or do you simply order from the menu? Also, any info for making PS's would be greatly appreciated!

You order from a menu and the costs are very reasonable. My group and I, two adults and two children, with food and drinks equalled about $40 for lunch.

Compare that to the $100 we spent the night before at Chef Mickeys in Disney! :eek:

I did not have to make ressies on the days I went, I understand they take them on certain days but not all.

We saw Spiderman, :sigh:, Dr Doom, Beetle Bailey, Betty Boop, a fortune teller, the Cat In the Hat and the Grinch and many others. My son LOVES going there every time we go to Orlando.


Mother of Michael
Proverbs 3:5-6


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We enjoyed a character lunch at Confisco's last January. It was not a buffet- you ordered off the menu. The food was really quite good, espcially the macaroni and cheese - the best m&c I've ever had. I tried to duplicate it when we got home, but to no avail. I think it must have been baked in a wood oven or something. I don't remember exactly what the prices were - but if they were extravagant I would remember that. So I would say they were reasonable. There was a LOT of character interaction the day we were there. We got great photos - until I ran out of film! :( We were there on a Sunday (Super Bowl Sunday) and there was a stand set up in the POE where they were taking lunch reservations - but they would not have been needed the day we were there. It wasn't crowded at all.

Hope this helps - Have fun!

Donna R.
The food is very good there and the characters are hilarious. Beetle Baily sat next to my 16 year old and flirted with her by writing messages to her on the paper tablecloth. They give you a pail of crayons and its fun to play and write messages till the food arrives. We made reservations but the place was only 1/2 full when the characters started coming thru the door at 12 noon. Enjoy!!

Mom of teens


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