Celebrating a Birthday - LATE!!!


Earning My Ears
Jan 22, 2001
In your opinion is it alright to ask for Birthday Celebrations at Restaurants and such if it is not your actual Birthday? We are taking my DD to Disney to Celebrate her 5th Birthday, but will not actually be there until after her Birthday. Can we still ask for the Birhtday Pin at MK, and for the caracters to sing or get her a cake at the restaurants?
We usually travel a week after dd's birthday and always have one meal that is her "birthday" meal. This year, we will be there a month after and she was talking about her birthday dinner. My son, whose birthday will be just over a month after our visit, claimed he deserved a birthday dinner at WDW too. I agreed with him, so each of them will have a birthday meal there, instead of one out at home.

I don't have a problem with it, as long as you are truly celebrating the occasion, not trying to take advantage to get something extra. Just my 2 cents.
Hi, December 5, 2001 will mark Walt Disney's 100th birthday! I wish I knew that, I would have booked a trip for our daugther who shared DEC 5 as a birthday! I'll bet there are special plans!

SandraC, visit our Disney family web site www.angelfire.com/on/disneyfun
1975 - off site (11 years old),
1977 - off site (13 years old),
1987 - Indian Rock Shores (23 years old with hubby, b/f at the time),
1990 - Holiday Inn International Drive/Daytona Beach (26 years old, with hubby, six month after wedding),
1998 - KIDS VILLAGE, GIVE KIDS THE WORLD, Make-a-Wish trip with 4.5 year old daughter born ill),
2001 APRIL - CBR - ON SITE FIRST TIME! YIPPY! With dd 7 years old, ds 15 mo
My dd turned 4 right before our recent trip. Her school was on Spring Break for her bday, so she had to share her day at school with another child and she knew it was well before her bday. Then we planned a family bday dinner at one of her favorite places near home, only to have to re-schedule and move to another place because of a blizzard that never came. So, we chose the first full day at WDW as her bday celebration day and she had a great time. She wore the button from City Hall all day and we started at the castle for breakfast. She enjoyed special little perks throughout the day including being chosen as the helper at Bear in the Big Blue House at MGM.... an honor that was like being crowned Queen of England for my dd! All sorts of CMs really made it a special day, worth having postponed her actual bday celebration by a few days.
Your child will treasure that memory, so go for it.

When I told my kids that we were going to WDW during Spring Break, they immediately assumed it was a birthday trip (for both of them since their birthdays fall around that time). So, now I plan to let each of them have their "birthday day at WDW", even though we will actually not be there on either of their birthdays.

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