Celebrating 6th birthday at WDW what to do?


Earning My Ears
Jan 11, 2001
My son will be turing 6 on July 10 and we will be at WDW staying at OKW. I am planning a dinner at Chef mickeys, I think e-night tickets will be available for that night, it's a Tuesday, for MK any other special treats cheap or free I can get or do for him. The meal and e-tickets will be great, but I need something for earlier in the day. ( we will have park hopper passes).
Did you book through Member Services? If you make a priority seating for dinner, make sure you tell them you will be celebrating the child's birthday. I know at Liberty Tree Tavern, they especially decorated the table and sang to the honoree. Also, pick up a sticky badge at City Hall on Main Street. It attracts attention frequently from the cast members and gets additional recognition too. Tony's on Main Street was very good for breakfast. Where ever you make those priority seatings (and remember you can do so 60 days prior to the planned meal since you will be a resort guest) make sure you tell them it's a birthday celebration. Talk to Member Services at the DVC for advice. Have a great time
I think the Pirate Cruise would be a really fun two-hour event for earlier in the day. I think it's 10:00 to 12:00? There's more information on it here under Dining/Restaurants. :D


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