Cast Member Tickets


Earning My Ears
Jan 22, 2001
Does anyone have any updated information regarding cast member tickets? I have the opportunity to purchase 6 of them from a former MGM employee who purchased in February of 2000.I am considering purchasing these tickets but want to make sure that my family and I can use them for our vacation in April of this year. Can anyone help? Thanks
My aunt worked at Disney and purchased our ticket for us with her discount,that was not a problem BUT it it is the kind of discount where they get people in free I would think YOu would need ID.
Hope someone else can help you. Is it a substantial discount?
These are actual tickets 1Day 1 Park Cast Member Guest. My friend won't be going when we go but they were purchased by him back in February of 2000. I just want to make sure that Disney doesn't require some sort of ID when we get to the gate.
Usually the one day hoppers are comp. tickets that we get and cannot be used at the gate. You would have to exchange them at guest relations before entering the park, at which time, an ID is asked for. When i asked why, they said to track who uses the tickets.To be safe, i'd call a park guest relations office before purchasing. The only tickets i know of that you can enter with directly are the ones that a CM would order for you; they say cast member on them but you go straight to the gate and no ID is required. As far as your friend "selling" you a ticket, that's a no-no for a CM, but you did mention he was an ex-employee. good luck.

When we went in Nov my SIL used those one day tickets/vouchers that she got from her sister who is a TDS CM. Each day she would go to the ticket booth and exchange the ticket/voucher she got from her sister for a one day park hopper. She didn't have any problems (fyi their last names are not the same)
My husband is a Cast member. We give our free tickets to our grown kids. They have used them on a number of occassions in 1998 and 2000. They take them to the guest relations window and are give a one day "hopper" ticket to use. No questions asked. We have never been with them and they have never had a problem. We did this as recently as August 2000 and had 8 tickets and never a problem. They do not have the same last name as ours and was never asked for a CM ID. The only place a CM is needed to verify is at Pleasure Island and the Water Parks, and the CM must be at the turnstile to show ID. The only thing I would check is if there is an expiration date on the back of the tickets. I agree, buying them, then selling them is a No No, but a CM can give them as a gift or purchase them for friends and family.
Thanks for the help....Just to clarify a little more about the tickets I am considering...I am told they were actually purchased at a discount by a cast member who retired from MGM. The ticket she showed me was about the size of a credit card,white on the front with "2000" in multicolors and "Walt Disney World" in red and blue. The backside of the ticket says "1Day 1Park Cast Member Guest. Right underneath that it says "Not Valid For Park Hopper Priledges". There is a cost value of $40.48 Plus Tax also on the ticket. There is no mention of any expiration date. Have you seen a ticket like the one I am describing? Thanks again for your help!!
Those are fine. They are just regular tickets bought with a castmember discount. I have a four day hopper that says the same thing and have used it before. I now plan on using it on Feb 12 so if you are concerned I will let you know when I get back. I am sure you will not have a problem though as it was purchased and is not a comp ticket.
Seven of us used tickets like these in December.They were 5 day hoppers that said Cast member on the back(they were purchased by a DS cast member for us)and we had no problem using these tickets. :D
You won't have any problems with the tickets. I am a DS CM and purchase tickets for my family all the time. They are just like the tickets sold at the store or park, just purchased at a special CM rate. You will not need ID or to go to guest relations. The confusion is due to special comp. tickets that we get; not what you are talking about.
I've seen the tickets you described used before. The tickets we give away to our family are complimentary tickets given to the employees, and are 1 day hopper passes, and have no cash value/or trade in value. You shouldn't have any trouble, but I am unfamiliar with WDW CM tickets, and unfortunately, you could never call anyone, because I find you never get the same answer twice when you call WDW for information. Maybe a WDW CM will see this post and will reassure you.


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