???carseat for plane ride???


Jan 16, 2001
Our March trip will be our 2.5 year old daughter's first time flying. We purchased her own seat for the flight. My question--should we bring her carseat for the flight or will she be ok buckled in her own seat? We are renting a car through National and for an additional small fee we can rent a car seat. Our flight is short--only a little over 1.5 hours. If people think she will be comfortable and safe buckled in the seat--we sure would rather not drag the carseat(already bringing stroller, bags, and another child). Thank you for the info on what has worked for you.
You should definitely take the car seat. She'll be more comfortable, and if you do hit turbulance, she'll be much more secure. Seat belts are not made for children that small.

The airline is used to people flying with children and car seats. They will probably let you board early and make it to where it's not too difficult carrying the seat with you.

<img height=100 width=100 src=http://www.muppets.com/images/kermithead.gif>
1) Typical "car seats" are not permitted for use on airline seats.
2) Airline children seats are specially designated devices, and must be approved by the airline industry.
3) Your airline can tell you where to buy such a seat.
4) Based upon child age and child size, the standard seat belt might be adequate.
5) You should immediately call your airline for their policies.
Having a carseat made all the difference for my 2 1/2 year old. She sat in the seat and didn't fuss at all -- much different than a previous trip where she was a "lap child". She wouldn't sit still, she wanted to go from my husband to me and back again the entire flight. I was a little hesitant about our recent trip (considering her past performance) but it was wonderful. Definitely bring the carseat.
Look on your carseat for a sticker that says it is FAA approved. That is what the flight attendants will be looking for to determine whether or not you will be allowed to use it during the flight.
Something else to remember: the seat belts on the plane can be easily opened by just lifting up slightly on the buckle (a skill most 2.5 year olds will master after a few minutes). From what I have observed, opening the buckle every few minutes becomes a great way for small kids to amuse themselves and keep their parents busy during the flight. LOL, not how most parents want to keep their kids busy. ˇ

SueM in MN
Co-Moderator of disABILITIES
In all likelihood, your dot approved car seat has alo been approved by the faa. By now, your child is seated in a forward facimng position. Most, if not all, forrward facing seats are approved by the faa. In order to be sure, check the seat itself. It should have an approval sticker, or the like, saying it is ok.

Our oldest is now three. We have bought his own seat since he first flew at around 4 mos. we always bring the car seat. Be careful of airlines, though. some have wider seats than others. first class is no problem, but sometimes coach is. we found that southwest is slightly tighter then continental in coach, etc.
It has been a couple of years since we flew with a car seat, but we didn't have any problem. Also, since we specified we were bringing a car seat, my son's ticket was half price. Again, this was a few years ago, so I don't know if airlines still offer this, but it might be worth it to check.
take the seat. most are approved for airtravel these days. get yourself a carseat duffle bag for it. i love mine and id say its worth every penny if you only use it once! plus its probably not much more than the extra cost of using the rented seat.
Carseats are not only safer, but it'll be easier for you too. My kids are used to being buckled into their carseats and have not complained much about being buckled in on the plane. If you don't bring the carseat, your little one will be able to undo the seatbelt, and if she (he?) wants to get down and walk - you will have a struggle on your hands. Another tip - call the airline and ask if they have a child's meal for your flight - frequently they will provide more kid friendly food if you ask in advance.
Could do either. It depends on your child. Also, you said the flight isn't that long.

We've gone twice now. Once with a 2 1/2 year old; no car seat. Once with a 14 month old, yes on the car seat.

With the 2 year old, she didn't like the seat belt but pretty much behaved and it was a 3 hour flight. With the 14 month old, she seemed to feel like she was just in the car. Although she still acted up because she was tired or bored but it worked out alright.

So it's really up to you and what you think your child will be like.

We really didn't need one for our 2 year old but really needed one for our 14 month old.
Since it is a short flight, if you think your child can sit still I would go without the carseat. I have a 3 and a 1 year old and we have been taking short flights with our 3 year old without a carseat since she was about two and a half. Here's why: most airlines no longer allow preboarding for families, so trying to get on board gatechecking a double stroller, carrying two carseats, two children, a diaper bag, snacks, toys, etc. with all of coach class is near impossible. Also, depending on the type of airplane, you may have difficulty installing the carseat (airplane seat width varies) even if it is FAA approved. I've found that with our carseat my daughter is too high up for the tray to come down all the way and therefore rests at a slant causing snacks and crayons to roll all over the floor. In her carseat she is also able to put her feet up on the back of the chair in front of her and push, kicking the other person and to her it becomes a game, to everyone else involved, it's annoying.

Since we ditched the carseat, flights have become more relaxing. We have the "big girl" talk, she knows she has to keep her seatbelt on just like mommy and daddy and snacks and crayons don't roll around the plane... as much.

For us, the flight to Orlando is just under an hour and for my daughter flying without the carseat works for us. For that amount of time she enjoys quiet activities and we have had no problems keeping her in her seat. My younger daughter...well that's a whole other story...

Do what you think is best. This is what works for us.
Look at the manual for your carseat. If it is approved for air travel, I'd take it. Believe me, I know where you are coming from when you say how hard it will be to get through airport with two children, luggage, stroller, etc. We always end up in such a cranky mood by the time we get on the plane. (This year, to make it worse, we didn't have a window seat and the flight attendant said that carseats could only be buckled into window seats--something we've never be told before--and then they started switching us all around).

However, the main thing is always safety. If your child is safer in the seat, you should bring it. If you have watched just one 20/20 or Dateline special on what can happen to small children not properly secured in a case of severe turbulence, you would bring the seat.
I think it was on the iowa L1011 crash that a flight attndant told a mother to hold the lap child instead of buckled up alone. The child did not make it, but mom and attendant did. Attendant had to face mom. I believe the attendant went on a crusade to require children to be in child seats.

Just fyi.

Re: to seats next to the windows, it is a safety concern for exiting the row, as it could delay an exit from an interior seat, past a child seat, due to the child seat's size. The airline and plane mfgr must be able to evacuate the plane within 90 seconds (i think its 90).
Thanks everyone for all the great insights. One more question--several have mentioned that the car seat may have trouble fitting into the airline seat. We are travelling on Delta's ComAir nonstop flight --this is a rather small plane although not a prop. plane (aka puddle jumper)--do you think the seat will have trouble fitting. I guess the thing I most need to do is call the airline and ask-but since it is almost midnight I'd thought I'd ask you all first. Thanks again. We leave in 21 days--just paid the final balance. We can't wait.
We just flew with our DD who just turned 5 and I still brought the seat. She is more precious to me than anything and her safety is my responsibility. Belting systems in cars and airplanes were not designed for children...or for anyone under 4'9" tall.

I don't mind schlepping the carseat with us because it means I have a better chance of protecting her.
It should fit in the embraer type jet seat. But, you will probably have to lift the armrest in order to do so.
Dennis, thanks for telling me why about the window seat because even the flight attendant didn't know why. Now it makes sense.

I think it's so important that parents bring the seat. When I see a parent holding a baby or small child on an airplane, it makes me so nervous when we hit turbulence. I always have paid for a seat for my children even when they could have flown for free, so I could ensure that they were buckled up safely in a carseat. The force of turbulence or an emergency situation could cost a child's life, as was noted in post above.

On a recent trip to CA, we hit a thunderstorm and that plane was bouncing around like a rubber ball. I can't even imagine holding a child through that, or having one sitting in a seat that wasn't especially made for his/her size and safety.
I will be flying to WDW in November. I purchased a seat for my DS just so i can bring his car seat. I cant imagine having him climb all over me for a 3 hour flight. He loves to ride in the car seat so i sure he will be a lot happier and maybe even take a nap. Michelle


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