car vs. onsite with an infant


Have a disney day!!!
Sep 12, 1999
Hi, my family (me, dh, dm, and ds 1 year old) will be traveling to FL in late Sept. Should we stay on-site at ASMo or stay off-site with a car? I don't know which would be easier with the stroller. I can't afford to stay onsite and rent a car, so please tell me your oppinions. Thanks <IMG SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_confused.gif" alt="confused">
We have stayed on site with our son at ages 13 months, 18 months 24 months and 30 months. We've always stayed at the Port Orleans but the All Stars rely on Bus Transporation just like the PO.

The biggest hassle we found was getting the stroller on and off the buses. And it really wasn't that bad. We just brought a big bag, put everything in the bag, zipped it up and I took the baby and the bag. My husband took the stroller. Typically we sat in the back of the bus because there is room infront of the back seat where the stroller can sit in front of you easily (the end of the aisle - hope that makes sense).

The bus transporation was so close to the entrance of the parks that it was easy just to walk out of the park and catch the bus. The places where you wait are shaded and some of them have fans running to cool it off.

Our hotel was only 10-15 minutes away from everything. We didn't have to figure out the best route to get there and worry about traffic. We just got on the air conditioned bus and waited for our bus stop.

I'm sure there are pluses to having a car but in 9 trips to WDW we have never once rented a car. Of course, we don't go off property, either. We just enjoy the total disney experience.

Hope that helps.

In every case, where we had to pick on or off site we choose to stay onsite.
We have done both, and for one thing staying on disney property is the best way to go. We will never stay off site again. And just think if you uses the busses there is no traffic, parking, hot cars, gas ect. Obviously carrying around a stroller can be a pain, but even with a car when you go to MK you will have to park your car (sometimes very far) and walk to the tram, where you haver to carry the stroller, then go on the monorail and then finally to MK. At least with the busses there is a/c and no worry about how to get somewhere and when you do get there it's always right at the entrance. We always bring a light weight stroller and we've had no problems. Besides Disney on site properties have so much to offer with wonderful theming and all that Disney Magic. Definately stay on site and don't worry about a thing
I agree with all the posters that indicated that you'll be fine staying on site and using Disney Transportation. We've done it ourselves several times with young children. The only time we found it to be a problem is when we wanted to go somewhere other than one of the main can get anywhere by transferring from one bus to another, but sometimes when you take those transfers into account and also consider the fact that some of those routes include several stops, you can end up spending a fair amount of time riding and/or waiting for buses. Again, it's not a problem when you're going to the main parks, but if you're planning to go to another resort or a 'minor attraction' be sure to figure in plenty of time for travel, and don't make the mistake that we did....planning a multi-leg bus trip too close to bed time.

Have a great time!
Take a good look at the budget boards, maybe YOU CAN find a deal and be able to stay onsite AND rent a car..

<font face="Tahoma" size="4"><table width="500" cellpadding="6"><tr><td bgcolor="#000000"><font color="#FFCC00">Saludos desde <font color="#008000">Me</font><font color="#FFFFFF">xi</font><font color="#FF0000">co</font>! ... wish it were <font color="#FFFF00">Epcot's.</font>

Disneyland 91
Disneyland Paris 93
WDW Offsite 97
WDW Dixie Landings 99</font></td></tr></table></font>
My wife and I have found that staying onsite is the way to go. We have done both, and we prefer the onsite transportation. We also rent a car to get back and forth from the airport, and also to drive to other resorts when buses are not the way to go. You can find good deals on car rental, we got a week rental for $120 next month.
My vote is to stay on site, at the end of the day when you have the choice of getting on a bus or standing in line for a tram then riding to your car, walking to your car, and then working your way thru the bumper to bumper traffic I would pick the bus. The kids are tired and so are you and it is so nice to just get the kids put them on the bus and ride to the hotel and go into your room! Also you should check at the top of the resort discussion board there is a place to click to find out about codes and discounts, you should check there because I believe there is something about All stars at $65 a night!

WDW 92,93,94,95,96,97,97,98,99,00,00
Just checked they are offering All-Stars for $49 a night with two different codes so be sure and check them out! They are good from 8/9-10/3!

WDW 92,93,94,95,96,97,97,98,99,00,00
checking the price of a rental car because there are some really good deals to be had now. Also, like stated before if you plan on going to other places at Disney besides the parks like DD or another resort to eat at a restaurant then a transfer will be required to get there which requires even more waiting time than ususal.

I have read numerous posts about others that used buses during this season and found that their cars have gotten them to their destinantions a lot faster than onsite transportation. If time is a real priority for you on this trip and you are a 'just get up and go type of person' at heart, then renting may be more beneficial.

Have a great trip!
Definitely check out the resorts board and the discount link on that page for info on some great discounts during the time you're planning to go. I made ressies for 1st week of Sept. at Polynesian and ASM and got amazing rates -- at ASM it is probably cheaper than staying outside (and you have the benefits of WDW transportation).

Good luck!
We always stay on-site, I wouldn't dream of staying off-site with young children. The Disney transportation is a haven after a hot, long day in the parks - its so nice not to worry about having to find the car, then having to cool off the hot car and drive back in traffic to an off-site resort.

We have also stayed on-site AND rented a car, but other than the trip to and from the airport, we never found we really needed it. Mears will take you to and from the airport, Universal or SeaWorld at next to nothing, and the Disney transportation is included with your hotel when you stay on-site, obviously.

So, I vote for on-site, no car! :)

Co-Moderator - Inspiration Board

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