Can't we use Aeroplan on United Airlines?


DIS Veteran
Feb 16, 2000
I just checked Air Canada's website, and you guys are right, there are black out dates for March break. However, United Airlines is an Air Canada partner and I clicked on their rewards chart (still 25,000 points per ticket) and the only blackout date they show is sometime in November and Christmas. So, this leads me to believe I could called United and book using my Aeroplan points? I know when I had Canadian Points and American was their partner I used Canadian Airlines points on American. Hope I am not confusing anyone.... Does any one have experience using United Airlines with their Air Canada points
We used aeroplan miles to book our '99 trip on United. We had no problems at all. You just call the aeroplan booking number and tell them you want to book United and they will give you a special number to call. The only difference was that, with United, once you book it, that's it, no changes permitted. Whereas with Air Canada, you can make changes to your flights. So just make sure you book the dates that you really want!

We had a great flight on United from Calgary to Denver then to Orlando, we might be doing the exact same thing this coming January :)

Good luck!

Cass AKA Timon
Thanks for the info! I just got off the phone with United and they only have 4 black out days in March (which don't interfer with us). Thanks for the tip with the points, I would have assumed that we could have changed dates. How far in advance did you book? Hearing the horror stories about Aeroplan and how far in advance it seems some people have to book makes me nervous. We won't be able to book until end of the summer (still 5,000 points short for 3 tickets).
I believe we booked in July and our flight was in October, but I think it all depends on the availability of seats on the flight you want.

Hopefully you get the flight you want!

Cass AKA Timon
We tried using our points for WDW about 3 months before for late April and could not get any flights on United from Chicago to Orlando. I suspect that we need to book at least 6 months or more to make sure we get seats on those flights. :mad:
We just booked 11 months in advance for Hawaii and even though we got 4 seats, we got lousy connections (it will take us 15 hours to get there from Winnipeg!). But at least we're getting there.

The moral of the as soon as you possibly can!
Hi Bea.

I booked with Aeroplan in October 2000, for April 2001 and still it was difficult to get dates that were close to what I wanted. I ended up making my plans around the dates that Aeroplan could get us to and from Orlando from Nova Scotia.

So my advice, is to book as soon as possible. Seems Orlando is a popular destination for Aeroplan members :)

Good luck


8 days and counting!!!!!!!!!!
We booked in late May/early June 2000, for late November/early December flights. We had to fly into Miami and make the 4 hour drive up to Orlando. Has anyone else noticed that their specials lately are only for those in the Toronto or Montreal area? What about the rest of us Canadians. I think it's time to look at some other programs for collecting points.
I recently managed to book from Victoria to Orlando in Nov 2001. I called the Aeroplan number and chose the option to book via a partner airline.

You are still dealing with an Aeroplan agent but he/she has access to AirCanada flights but can also book United Flights. They can't see United Flights so have to pretend they are making a booking, submit it, and wait a minute or two to see if United will allow it.

Person I dealt with was in Vancouver (love those 800 numbers because the night before it was St. Johns). Name was Deanna, and she was marvellous. It took her an hour and a half but she got us flights there and back via United on exactly the days we wanted. There was absolutely nothing available on AirCanada, even changing our schedule by days.

She said tickets could be changed or cancelled and points reinstated but there would be a $50 costs and tickets had to be mailed in. Other agents had told me they couldn't be changed, period. So I hope I don't have the opportunity to find out who was right.
We booked in Nov 00 for our Jan 01 flight. United was just fine although we didn't have 5 seats together but that is ok.

Aeroplan is fine but very limited to use as very few seats per flight are allowed for point travel.


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