Can't use entertainment rate for Sat.night only???


Feb 13, 2001
Ok, I might be blonde, and I know that since I quit my job 2 years ago to stay home and talk to tiny kids all day long, that I might not be the sharpest knife in the drawer, however, Loews has me completely confused...
I called and made a tentative ressie today with Loews for 2 nights at HRH......April 7 and 8 for entertainment rate of 129.00 + tax, I called back tonight after talking to hubby and told them I wanted to confirm it but wanted to drop 2nd night.
All of a sudden, they tell me I can't get the rate of 129.00 unless I stay 2 nights. After a few minutes, she changed it and said I could stay on Sunday night at that rate. Since I am new to this whole entertainment, loews blue, universal fan club thing, I am uninformed of all the rules and regulations. For all you pros out there, is this accurate info? I know that they are still working out all the kinks, and that is fine, I will not be upset if once we are there we don't get our bathrobes, etc, (except I still would like a coffee pot LOL), I just think maybe I was wrong in calling Loews and I should have called HRH directly...please give me your opinion.
Thanks a bunch!!


I haven't heard of a limit for the # of nights you must book.

Which date do you want to book? Maybe there is a special event that weekend or something.
I originally booked april 7 and april 8, a saturday and sunday. Everything was fine, when I called back later in the night to drop saturday, thats when they said no entertainment rate for 1 night. When I questioned it further, they put a supervisor on who said that basically, Loews could impose any restrictions that they wanted to about the entertainment rate.
But then like I said, when I dropped Sat and picked Sunday night, they were fine with that.

I certainly ran into restrictions when I was trying to book a stay there too, but it was a four night minimum then ... but that was the second week they were open.

Saturday is probably their highest occupancy night (people starting vacations on Saturday/ending them on Sunday, so you get overlap), so it doesn't surprise me they'd have such a restriction.
Unfortunately I have run into that at various hotels with the EC....alot of them do state that you must stay X amount of days or over a weekend. We arrive on a Wednesday and am checking out on Friday, so we avoided the over the weekend/2 day that an option for you?

I made a reservation the other day for one night stay on Saturday, December 1.

They gave me the Entertainment rate, no problem. Just today I added the night before, still no problem getting the Entertainment rate.
When making ressies with the EC are you asked for a Card# ? And has anyone been able to get the EC rate for Memorial Day Weekend?
No, you are not asked for the number. He told me just to present the card when I arrive and it must be vaild, meaning not expired.


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