Candy Cane Inn


Sep 24, 2000
DH and I will be travelling to CA in May and have made reservations at the Candy Cane Inn. Has anyone stayed there recently? I was able to find a few reviews using the search feature of the site but there are really not too many recent posts. Any opinions (good or bad) would be appreciated. Thanks for the help! :) :D :)

ºOº Peace, Love & Mickey ºOº

1980 Offsite
1990 Offsite
1997 Offsite
Jan 2000 CBR/Wonder
Nov 2000 CBR
Feb 2001 7 day Magic Cruise
May 2001 Disneyland
Well, I can't really answer your question right now. But, we will be staying at the Candy Cane Inn in just two more nights! We will be staying for 9 days and I will try to answer any questions that you have when I get back.

Wilderness Lodge; Dec 1999
Disneyland March 2001!
We stayed at the Candy Cane Inn September 2000 and fell in love with it. We booked it because it was inexpensive, close to DL, and loved by a lot of people on these boards. I usually steer clear of motels/inns because I just feel safer in larger hotels (& a lot of times they are cleaner), but I was very impressed with this boutique motel. The furnishings in the room were much nicer than I expected and the grounds were kept very clean. The staff was friendly and the continental breakfast each morning was great. We're not big breakfast eaters, so a toasted bagel & juice is all we need, and we took fruit with us to the parks for later. They have a shuttle to the park which we took once, then we walked the rest of the trip after seeing how close we really were.

We are going again in April and have booked our rooms at Candy Cane again.
I have some pictures of the Candy Cane Inn on my Photopoint album if you would like to look at them. You can get there by using then enter my e-mail address and that will bring up a directory and you can click on the Candy Cane album.

Keith ;)
WDW-87 Disney Villas
99 Wilderness Lodge


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