canceling a flight


Jun 15, 2000
My DS has informed us he just made the varsity baseball team.Being a sophomore I am shocked but very pleased for him. In the second breath informed us no Disney for him this year. I thought maybe I would give the ticket to my girlfriend to go however I don't think she can fly with us on that date.Does anyone know how flexible the airlines are about changing tickets?
If you have a non-refundable ticket you can't just "give" it to someone else. You would have to purchase a new ticket and pay the penalty (most have raised it to $100 per ticket). The amount you paid for the original ticket would be a credit toward the new one.

Example: You paid $200 for your son's ticket. To purchase the ticket now would be $350. You pay $150 plus the $100 penalty. For $250 and your old ticket you get a new ticket. Usually the credit will be good for two years.

You can't "give" any ticket to someone else since the ID they present must match the name on the ticket. If you have a full fare ticket you can probably get your money back. However, it's rare for someone on vacation to have a full fare ticket.
I would call the airline. Most will not allow you to change the name on a ticket, just the time, and with a fee.


Offsite - 88
CBR - 89 & 90
PO - 91
OKW-92,OKW-93,OKW-96, OKW-97 2X'S,OKW-98 2X's
OKW-99 2X'S,OKW-00 2X's OKW-01 1X
Jamaica-SandalsInn 98&00

Thanks everyone,I called us airways and said no I can't give the ticket to anyone else. But credit will be good for 2 years.Oh well I tried. :(


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