Canadian deals for 2002?


DIS Veteran
Oct 25, 1999
We are in the planning stages for our WDW trip next January/February, but the decision of how many days at WDW may depend on the Canadian deal ie. 7 day/ buy one pass, the second pass 1/2 price or Canadian at par :D LOL. Does anyone know (or heard rumours) of when Disney will announce the special deals, if any? I know the last two years was the 7 day deal but I don't want to assume it will be the same next year. Maybe Disney will announce it on the NEW 'Canadian Disney' site :D
As long as I can remember Disney offers Canadians a deal on tickets from around January/February to the end of April. Usually the special starts a few/couple weeks before the effective date and ends about a week before expiry date. Sometimes it's at par, but I think the last couple are the buy one get the companion ticket at half price. We just bought our tickets like that for our trip in 10 days! We saved over $200.00! GOOD LUCK!

1975 - off site
1977 - off site
1987 - Indian Rock Shores
1990 - Holiday Inn International Drive/Daytona Beach
1998 - KIDS VILLAGE, GIVE KIDS THE WORLD, Make-a-Wish trip with 4.5 year old daughter born ill),
2001 APRIL - CBR - ON SITE FIRST TIME! YIPPY! With dd 7 years old, ds 15 months old!
They usually dont release anything until late October ,early November.You never know when they will be good for.Up until this current offer ,December was included in the dates.Alot of Canadians were disappointed when the offer started in January.So because you never know what they will do make sure you build the full price of tickets into any budget you are making.
actually, prior to this year, the offer on the tickets had begun around October 14th or so and good until end April, with the exception of 2-3 in December near Christmas. I know I was frustrated in 1999 when the offer came out and it started Oct 14th, and we we're leaving on the 7th, so they were useless to us :(

I am also hoping for some kind of discount for 2002, going for 2 weeks at the end of Jan and a four day cruise included, so we could really use some kind of break!

Last 3 years, there were rumours floating around for CDN discounts in August and actual ticket deals announced sometime in Sept...cross all your fingers and toes!!! :D

Cass AKA Timon
We went over New Year's this year, during the blackout period for the Canadian deal. Since we bought in at DVC last year we bit the bullet and bought regular APs. So we're now going back in December to get two trips out of our passes. Given the number of days we'll be at the parks it will work out cheaper in the long run than the Canadian deal did. It also gives us more flexibility if we decide we want to go to a park for just a couple of hours.

Of course, this solution only works if you're planning on going to WDW twice or more in a 12-month period.

- Mike

P.S. Hey, Timon - I just realized we registered for the DIS on the same day. What are the odds??? :D


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