Can you still rent golf carts for 6?


DIS Veteran
Feb 5, 2001
I just went to the Disney website, and I'm only seeing golf carts for 4 mentioned. I know we have rented for 6 previously. Are they no longer available? TIA!
I just rented a cart for this February, they asked if I wanted a 4 or 6 seater, so yes they still have them
How large is your 6? We fit 6 of us in the 4 person cart, but that was when the kids were little so we fit 3 across.
(I was also about 50lb smaller LOL).

I don't think we would fit in it right now with the 3 in the back here being tween/teens.


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You cannot reserve a cart for six. They have a very limited number of them and are only available on a first come first basis.
I reserved mine and they asked if I wanted a 4 or 6 seater($90 a day no thank you)


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