Can you help? The Haunted Mansion in WDW.

The ring is...

  • As you ENTER the ride

  • As you EXIT the ride

  • What ring?

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~*Belle 2003*~

<font color=navy>I used to be indecisive, but now
Jan 6, 2003
I'm having a disagreement :p with my DH, he says that the bride's ring, the one that's hidden in the cement, is at the ENTRANCE to the ride.

He has even seen a website that shows pictures at the exit and he still thinks it's as you enter! :rolleyes:

So help me to convince him please so I can win my bet! ;)
you are right....we took the backstage tour a couple of months ago and the ring the guide showed us was at the exit.

Hope you bet something good !!!!
I couldn't remember either but we were there last week. DS is a cast member and I had him show it to me. It's embedded in the ground as you EXIT.
It's definitely at the exit. We have a picture of me pointing to it!
Definetly at the end of the ride! I have to look for it every time I go and ride.
the ride every time we go to Disney......I love to show people where it is......and I plan on doing it again in less then 68 days........yippeeeee
I had a cast member show it to me last December. It is definitely at the exit. It is also not very impressive. Doesn't look like a ring to me, just a circular piece of metal - like something used in construction.
It's on the way out. I have pictures of it. But I've heard it's not really supposed to be a ring - it's just a leftover from a fence pole or something from many years ago.

No matter - I still think of it as a ring - I like the fantasy spin.:D
According to the newsletter that Disney publishes for the CMs, it actually isn't a ring....alothough, it is by the exit :)

When we took the tour, we were told that a washer had fallen into the cement and when a worker tried to retrieve it with a screwdriver, the tip of the screwdriver, the size of a "diamond" broke off. The story seemed plausible at the time, but who knows?

Sometimes it seems that the legends you hear on these tours depends on which guide you get.
Actually there are several little round rings but only one that actually resembles the cross-section of an engagement ring (stone setting, etc).

These "rings" are the remains of guide poles for the exit gate, which has since been (long) removed.

The one that everyone calls the "ring" is the remains of a post that helped support a turnstile at the attraction's exit back when it was still an E-ticket ride. It appears to have been sawn off at the level of the cement, & then someone later tried to pry out the last little bit with a screwdriver, which broke off at the tip, providing the "setting" for the "ring."

Here is a thread with pictures that shows you how to find the ring:
The Ring at the Haunted Mansion
When I was at Disney in December, my dad had a CM point the ring out to me. It's definitely at the exit.

The one that everyone calls the "ring" is the remains of a post that helped support a turnstile at the attraction's exit back when it was still an E-ticket ride. It appears to have been sawn off at the level of the cement, & then someone later tried to pry out the last little bit with a screwdriver, which broke off at the tip, providing the "setting" for the "ring."

THe CM also told us a story very similar to that...
I always look for it when I exit the ride.
We will be looking for it in a couple of weeks. Thanks for the post Dan for the location, that should make it easier to spot.


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