Can you fax requests for rooms at VWL?


Sep 29, 2001
I have rented points through a DVC member for a 1/31-through-2/3 stay at the VWL and wondered whether we could fax a room request prior to our arrival... We'll be staying in a studio, and would love a really nice one for the 3 nights we'll be staying at VWL. I've read in the room reports that 3511 has a great view, and would love to request that room (or another with a similar view if you can recommend one) but didn't know if requests would be honored at the Villas like they sometimes are at the Lodge itself. Any advice on good studio rooms, whom to contact and when would be MUCH appreciated! Thanks!! :)
Requests at DVC resorts are guided by the date when they were made. Many make their requests when the reservation is made. You might ask the member you are renting from to add a request for you.

It can't hurt to try a fax a few days before, but asking for specific room numbers makes the room assignment very difficult to meet.

Good Luck!
... so much for the reply! I didn't know that room requests were supposed to be made with the reservation. Wish I'd known that -- I've had my reservations since October!! Oh well, guess we'll see what we can get! Thanks again for the information! :)
We are going in February and have reservations for a one bedroom villa -- we did not request a room preference either. Since we have never stayed at VWL, can anyone tell me which rooms are the most preferable??
... at this site that rates a few of the VWL rooms. Here's the link:

I was also interested to see if anyone had recommendations, but since I didn't get any additional room suggestions, I think I'll just try for the one room that was given a good rating in the trip report area.

Hope you guys have a great time in Feb... Which week are you going?? We'll be there 1/31-2/7 and can't wait!! We've stayed at the Wilderness Lodge before -- last Feb., as a matter of fact -- but never at the Villas. I've heard great things about the place, so I think we'll have a wonderful time.

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