Camping at Christmas


Earning My Ears
Apr 10, 2001
Hi All, I think I've talked all of my family into going to Disney around Christmastime -- Woohoo! So, we'll have 8 adults, 2 kids, and 2 1-year-olds. We need to stay in budget, so we decided that we'll do a vacation home outside of Disney. But... I'm thinking that camping might be an option. My family loves to camp, but it's been awhile since we've had such little ones. What's the weather like at this time? Is it too cold for babies? I worry that one of them might have a cold or something at that time. Also, what's it like at Christmas at the campgrounds? Thank you all in advance.

Welcome to the DIS and the camping board, we have stayed at Fort Wilderness at X-Mas time, it is cold thank god we had heat, it did not help that I was sick, if you have an RV with heat it is possible, I personally would not tent camp in December - the weather is just to unpredictable some days nice and some days cold.

December is a nice time to visit Disney, all decorated up its very fun.

<Font Size=2><Font Color=blue>Scott</Font><Font
Co-Moderator Camping @ Disney Board
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Thank you! That makes our decision easy then. We'll have to try to do it some other time.
Also, be sure to reserve early. We have a reservation over x-mas this year; I just called to try and add on 1 luck....
I have camped at FtW in a tent at Christmas time with small children and we did just fine. Used blankie jammies on the girls and they were warm as toast in their sleeping bags.

Pooh Bear


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