Came back last night


DIS Veteran
Oct 16, 2000
If your going soon, don't worry about line-ups, the parks seem busy but the longest we had to wait was about 7 minutes. Most of the time we basically walked on. We had the Universal Express pass for 9-11:00 but didn't need it. The attendents didn't even mark the rides off.

Spiderman is fantastic. I kept dragging my family back on. I don't care for roller coasters but my DD dragged me on Hulk. I survived but she couldn't talk me into the dueling dragons. The kids ages 11 and 14 rode the coasters many times.

If you like Dr Suess, your going to love IOA. I was so impressed. My DD (the 14 year old) got into a friendly pushing match with the Grinch and thing 1 and 2. She got such a kick out of it.

Anyways, weather was great. And we also enjoyed USF again. Back to laundry, sigh.

Glad you had a good time. We are going next month. What do you do in the Universal area at night when the parks close early?

So the weather warmed up. Good for you!

Spiderman WAS awesome, wasn't it?

Where did you stay?


Mother of Michael
Proverbs 3:5-6


<font color=purple>Co-Moderator of the Community and Universal/IOA Boards</font color=purple>

We stayed at Vacation village at parkway. Very nice condo with a balcony (my favorite place) over looking the pool. We've been very spoiled having suites, I don't know what we'll do if we ever had to stay in one room with the 4 of us.

We always get to the parks before opening and stay until we are exhausted or closing which ever comes first. We didn't do anything exciting at night. After we left the parks, we'd grab supper somewhere, (love Bennigans) and head back to the hotel. The kids loved to end the days with swimming for a few hours at the pool and me in the hottub. We also did some shopping, downtown Disney and one evening went to Pirates Dinner Theatre which the kids loved. Leaving behind snow and cold we just enjoyed sitting outside with a couple of drinks on the balcony, of course. Not too exciting but it sounds like heaven right now.

Welcome back! Glad to hear you had a great time! And all those short lines! Wow... :D

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<font size=4 color=blue>Kevin</font>

<font size=2 color=navy>Mariah: The Collection - 69 CDs and Counting.</font>

<font size=2>"I Will Be Alright, If I Can Find That Rainbow's End." - Mariah Carey</font>

I do the exact same thing, go early, stay till exhaustion, eat, unwind and sleep.

My kind of day!! :D


Mother of Michael
Proverbs 3:5-6


<font color=purple>Co-Moderator of the Community and Universal/IOA Boards</font color=purple>



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