BWV Harbor Club vs Poly NeverLand Club


I'm a Maniac, so what???
Mar 16, 2001
Looking for some feedback on the Harbor Club at BWV. 4yr old DD has been to Neverland club twice and absolutely loved it. alwys asks if she can go back on the next trip. We saw the Harbor Club on our walk through at BWV and we are wondering how other kids liked it. It looked kind of small compared to NL.

What ages are the kids there? What kind of activities? Anything special? How crowded does it get at the end of April/beg of May?

Any help or feedback is appreciated...
My four year old went to both in the same week. We were staying at the BWV, and had a dinner at California Grill on a Monday-- Harbor Club is closed Mondays. We took her to Neverland Club. Now, keep in mind this was a very slow week-- last September, post-11. Neverland was fine, and yes it was bigger, but the buffet looked kind of unappetizing-- under hot lamps, looked like it had been there a while. My daughter did some crafts there and watched tv.

We took her to Harbor Club for a few hours on Wednesday. Yes, it is much smaller. But we got to order her meal, so we know it was fresh and hot. And she did crafts and watched tv again. I personally found the staff at the Harbor Club a little more attentive, but naturally ymmv.

It probably depends on your kids' ages-- for older kids, more activities like video games, may be important-- also Neverland is likely to have a bigger group, so they may find more kids to play with. But I preferred Harbor Club, because I think it is a more manageable environment for a four-year old. (Also, Harbor Club was fun for us that night-- because we just dropped her off for a bit while we went stolling and having drinks on the Boardwalk-- and because of the glass windows, we were able to peek in on DD without her cathing us!)

I would call Harbor Club to get information on activities.
Any other Harbor Club reviews? I'm interested in taking my nephew there for one evening this coming October. He will have just turned 5 the previous week. The info I just got said it was $8 per hour, open 4:30 to midnight. But I did just read on here somewhere about prices going up 2/1/02. Anyone else have comments? Thanks.
While I thought the staff at the BW were more "clued up" on the security aspects of the children they were looking after, I think that TNC has much better facilities and themeing. Unless you were staying at BW and were planning to eat on BW (therefore saving you drives to the Poly in order to drop and collect the child) I would go for the Neverland Club.

The BW, was clean, adiquatly furnished ,well staffed and those staff were well organised so I have no complaints. I would happily use them again BUT I think the Neverland is a full evening childcare venue.whereas the BW has the appearance of a daycare centre for sales puposes, that is being pressganged into evening use.
My son really enjoys the Harbor Club and asks to visit there every trip, whether we need it or not. It is small and there aren't many kids there, but he always makes a friend and has a great time. Normally the CM's are very nice and interact well with the kids. He also likes to choose his meal.

We used the facility at Grand Floridian once (while we went to V&A's) and he was disappointed as were we. We went and checked out the Neverland Club another time to give him the choice between that and Harbor Club and he chose Harbor Club. So for us, it's the Harbor Club, which is usually works best for us location wise anyway.
Thanks for the replies. We will be staying in the Boardwalk Villas, so Harbor Club is more convenient for us.
Thanks for the info also. We'll be at BWV in June and DD will be 5 and I've been wondering about Harbour Club also. I've never left her at any of these facilities so all this info is appreciated.
dznymom1, If you dont mind me asking, how old is your son? I am asking to see if there is going to be enough for my DD to do to keep her busy. Can you tell me some of the activities they have for the kids?
nice to see another bwv dvc'er in little rody. we live in rumford r i . going to bwv in may 18-25 and thanksgiving week.

golfing mickey tom goryl
Hey golfing mickey!!! Ya, I think there are actually quite a few dvc'ers here in Rhody. Ever since we joined, I have been seeing DVC bumber stickers, shirts, jackets seemingly everywhere.

We are going home for the very first time at the beginning of May. Too bad we wil miss you!
How is the harbour club for eleven year olds? When we were on The Wonder they HATED the Oceaneers lab due to the crowds & some rude kids.
One other Harbor Club question. I peeked in the windows when I was there last week, but have never been inside. Is it just as big as what you can see from the Boardwalk windows? My nephew will be 5 when we go in Oct. If we take him there and we stay out until midnight, can he fall asleep somewhere? I know he won't stay up that late. I noticed on the cruise (we went in Oct. - just me and my husband, but planning to take nephew on that in a year or so) when I checked out the kid's clubs, they could fall asleep on sleeping bags on the padded floor while watching movies late at night.

Would he just have to lay on the floor if he got tired? Should we take a sleeping bag or something? Do they turn the lights down and put on a movie late?

Thanks for any replies.

We stayed at the Beach Club this past October. Our kids were going stir-crazy one night so we decided to bring them downstairs to the Sandcastle Club for a couple of hours. They loved it and wanted to go in every night of our vacation. This club is the next largest to the Neverland Club. The staff was great, food was ordered, a snack was given a little later, and mats were put out in front of a movie when it got late. My twin girls are 4 and each made friends. They did lots of arts and crafts and played games. It is a very short walk to the BWVs. In fact, we'll be staying at BWV s in May and will probably take them over to the Sandcastle Club. Good Luck.

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