Allow me to take a position not often seen on this forum. If you are even a little bit worried about being able to afford
IMHO, it is better to wait until you are sure you can afford it before you buy.
DVC is a prepaid
vacation program. It is not inexpensive and should only be purchased if you are reasonably sure you will have the extra/discretionary funds to pay for it, as well as the other expenses associated with a WDW vacation. Lots of us WANT a DVC vacation, but none of us NEEDS one.
There are lots of things that are more important than an annual vacation at WDW. Some things to consider before you buy -
If you have a home, are you comfortably able to make the mortgage payments? If you don't have a home, do you plan to buy one and if so, are you saving for the downpayment?
Are your job(s) relatively secure/stable?
Have you paid off your student loans if you have them?
Do you have an "emergency savings" account equal to at least 3 - 6 months of living expenses?
Are you saving for your children's education (if you have them) and if not, do you plan to have children?
Are you saving for your own retirement?
Are you carrying a lot of credit card debt or are you able to pay your credit cards off in full every month? Big car payments?
Do you have $$ left over at the end of the month?
DVC is wonderful and we are very happy with our purchase. But it is not more important than the things I've listed above.
Renting points is a good way to see what the DVC accomodations are like and a wonderful way to spend a vacation without making a long term commitment. Wait until you are sure you can afford to buy. You won't be sorry!