DIS Veteran
Nov 18, 1999
I understand there's a shop inside Universal Studios that sells Rocky and Bullwinkle merchandise.

Does it sell Bullwinkle antlers-hat????
The WossaMotta U shop in Toon Lagoon in Islands of Adventure is devoted to Rocky, Bullwinkle and Dudley Do-Right.

I can't remember offhand if they have the antlers hat but I'll try to check it out later today.

Kelly Monaghan
Author of "Universal Orlando: The Ultimate Guide to the Ultimate Theme Park Adventure" and
"The Other Orlando: What To Do When You've Done Disney & Universal"
<img height=100 src=http://www.theotherorlando.com/images/use.jpg> <img height=100 src=http://www.theotherorlando.com/images/orl3.jpg>>
By the way, your book is outstanding....recommended reading to all planning a trip to Universal.
Well, there were no Bullwinkle hats at Wossamotta U when I checked this afternoon. They said they usually carry them but that they had run out. When they have them, they're $24.

I also checked the Brown Derby hat store over at USF and they don't have them either.

Kelly Monaghan
Author of "Universal Orlando: The Ultimate Guide to the Ultimate Theme Park Adventure" and
"The Other Orlando: What To Do When You've Done Disney & Universal"
<img height=100 src=http://www.theotherorlando.com/images/use.jpg> <img height=100 src=http://www.theotherorlando.com/images/orl3.jpg>>


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