Budget Rental Car codes to get $22. a day?


Pixie Dust or Bust!!
Aug 25, 2000
what codes were used to get this price,please????


[This message was edited by tink2dw on 03-22-01 at 04:34 PM.]
Do you really know of a way to get a room on property for $22/night? Fill me in!!!

some trips as a child
DxL 4/00
DVC member 4/00
BWV 9/00
VB 9/00
DCL 1/01
OKW 1/01
BWV 12/01
If you can get a rate of $22 a nite I want to know all about it. I thought the $49 was a steal. Please someone e-mail me if you find this out I might stay longer!!



budget car rental codes!! although some are getting All Stars for $49.a night!!! Not me tho I get to pay $104. a nite for All Stars,picked the wrong dates to go!you got to watch those dates!!!

I have had great luck with Priceline, getting a full size car for 17.00 day plus taxes and surcharges. For May I got 6 days full size at Alamo for 134.24 including all charges.
I used a code to get $22.00 a day for a rental car. Its from the florida vacation guide. This is a generic code, anyone can use it!
In the coupon section on there site just type in:
FVG this applies to an economy car rental.
$22 a day for budget with the FVG code is better than the $30 budget is up to with the code from this site (which used to be $26 and I've used many times).
Yes they are. Priceline is affiliated with the 5 largest rental car agencies, but there is no guarantee you will be assigned to one that is located in the airport.
I've never used a rental car before. So you rent the car per day, are you charged extra per mileage and gas? I'm sure you pay gas extra, but what about the mileage? If I were to rent a car and drive 1000 miles to WDW, how much additional over the $$/day for the rental would I have to pay? My friend also told me you have to be 25 years old to rent a car or the rental places suck you with huge fees for their insurance. Unfortunately my 25th birthday is a day AFTER we will have already driven down to Disney. Currently we are planning on using my fiance's car to drive down, but a rental would be better to keep all those miles off her car. I just have no clue how rentals work or the requirements for them. Any help would be appreciated.
Except for certain promotional deals that may happen to take place at any given time that do have mileage restrictions, all the major rental car agencies offer unlimited mileage. Renting a car if you are under 25 is generally very expensive.

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