Bridal Party song?


<font color=red>Won't admit to anything<br><font c
Nov 11, 2003
Anyone have any suggestions for a good/fun song for the bridal party to dance to at a wedding?

TIA! :wave:
I know what NOT to do...

Went to a wedding this past weekend, and the Bridesmaids attempted to dance/act Thrilller. It wasn't pretty....LOL

(of course, it would have helped if any of them knew what they were doing!)

kimwim8 said:
Anyone have any suggestions for a good/fun song for the bridal party to dance to at a wedding?

TIA! :wave:

do you want fast or slow, new or older? Or doesn't matter?
How about I Knew the Bride when She used to Rock n' Roll?
I like that old time Rock'n'Roll
That kind of music just soothes the soul...
Nancy said:
do you want fast or slow, new or older? Or doesn't matter?

I think the bride is looking for something fun & peppy (I'm one of the bridesmaids). Old or new doesn't matter.
Our DJ had the bridal party dance to Grease was priceless, especially when he broke out the pleather jackets for the groomsmen to wear!
Do some shots and then have the DJ play Tequila. :rotfl2:
This would be a good fast song:

Venga Boys
Lyric Name: We like to party

We like to party
We like, we like to party
We like to party
We like, we like to party
We like to party
We like, we like to party
We like to party

I've got something to tell ya
I've got news for you
Gonna put some wheels in motion
Get ready 'cause we're coming through
Hey now, hey now, here's what I say now
Happiness is just around the corner
Hey now, hey now, here's what I say now
We'll be there for you

The Vengabus is coming
And everybody's jumping
New York to San Fransisco
An intercity disco
The wheels of steel are turning
And traffic lights are burning
So if you like to party
Get on and move your body

We like to party
We like, we like to party
We like to party
We like, we like to party

Hey now, hey now, here's what I say now
Happiness is just around the corner
Hey now, hey now, here's what I say now
We'll be there for you


The Vengabus is coming
And everybody's jumping
New York to San Fransisco
An intercity disco
The wheels of steel are turning
And traffic lights are burning
So if you like to party
Get on and move your body

We like to party
We like, we like to party
We like to party
We like, we like to party
We like to party
We like, we like to party
We like to party
We like, we like to party

The Vengabus is coming, the Vengabus is coming
The Vengabus is coming, the Vengabus is..


The Vengabus is coming
And everybody's jumping
New York to San Fransisco
An intercity disco
The wheels of steel are turning
And traffic lights are burning
So if you like to party
Get on and move your body
The Vengabus is coming
I was in a wedding last month and the bridal party danced to Accidentally In Love, from Shrek 2. It was really fun, much better than the traditional "grab the stranger you're partnered with and slow dance" song.
kerrynic78 said:
Our DJ had the bridal party dance to Grease was priceless, especially when he broke out the pleather jackets for the groomsmen to wear!

I second Grease Lightning...I can see a bridal party doing it! :rotfl:


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