Breakfast at City Walk?


Dis Veteran
Feb 11, 2000
Any opinions on where the best place in Citywalk is for breakfast?
Any really good breakfast buffets to be had there? ....or in the parks?


The only place I recall that had a breakfast buffet in Citywalk was NBA City. You can also go to the Poritifino for a buffet, although I hear it's kind of pricey. At IOA, Circus McGurkus has breakfast, although it is not a buffet.


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards
I was there this past Dec. Unless they change for the seasons this is what was open for breakfast.

1.At Pastamore they have the Market Cafe opens at 8A and they serve breakfast lunch and dinner. The restaurant opens for dinner only at 5P.

All other restaurants in City Walk opened at 11A serving lunch and dinner only.

You could have a nice breakfast buffet (or menu) at The Portofino and soon I am sure at the Hard Rock as well. Food was excellent at Portofino and many choices. I believe it was $13-14 per adult for the buffet. You could also have breakfast at IOA or Universal. Beverley Hills Boulangerie at Universal served yummy pastries and egg croissants and fresh fruit. At IOA there is the Croissant moon Bakery...fresh baked pastries,muffins, sandwiches with specialty coffees. We had breakfast here one morning and it was very good. Oh yes and at IOA Green Eggs and Ham Cafe serves breakfast starting at 9A.



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