Breakfast at Carnation Cafe or Riverbelle Terrace?


DIS Veteran
Sep 18, 2000
Would like to hear all opinions on these two places for breakfast. This will be our first trip to DL so we need help deciding. Let me know what you had and what you thought.

WDW~CBR 11/29-12/5 2000
Disneyland May 2001 !!
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The Carnation Cafe is nice if you have a table near the sidewalk & you're there early, and you catch the Main Street Band coming down the street - we've sat at the bakery & seen that, and I love to watch the smiles, and they come down.

Riverbelle Terrace overlooks the Rivers of America, Tom Sawyer's Island, and has a view of New Orleans Square, etc. You can sit outside on the patio or inside.

I tend to prefer Riverbelle Terrace for breakfast - I like the atmosphere there. But, if we just want a snack, I like the bakery with a nice cup of coffee. :)

<font face="Comic Sans MS"><font color=#FF0066>Mary Jo

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I love the RBT ! Sitting outside is a delight. Also, they have unlimited refills on their coffee, although you must return to inside the restaurant to get them. It is the best place to get Mickey Pancakes.


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Another vote for the Riverbelle Terrace :D It has some of the best park breakfasts I've ever had anywhere :D

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