Booking thru DCL or Canadian TA


<font color=blue>New car vs another cruise?? THAT
Aug 22, 2001
We are planning a family trip to WDW end of April early May. We usually book our own lodgings either at WDW or offsite, but this time we want to do a Four day Cruise . How do most people book the cruise. Have done some pricing from Canadian travel books, Air Canada and Holiday house as well as got a price quote from the DCL online site
.Time is getting close, need to book soon, any help greatly appreciated!! :crazy:
We also wanted to go on a Disney Cruise, but found the prices too high. Also when I also double checked with CAA at my DH's insistance, all she did was call DCL and got me the same quote I had gotten 20 minutes earlier at home on the DCL website - I had asked her to try Air Transat for a price, but she never got back to me. Basically, like most things Disney, there aren't many significant discounts given out for the cruise line by booking elsewhere. We found that they all quoted us the same as DCL - but early booking discounts did apply because we were checking on summer rates. Good luck!

We always book with Dreams Unlimited and have tremendous service! If the price drops, they will notify you and get the discount for you, you don't have to call THEM! Plus, almost every month or two they offer an on-board credit if you book within a certain time period. We booked our Jan 26th cruise with them and we had no problems and they sent us a wonderful little gift for us to our stateroom.

And if that's not enough, I practically live on these boards and by supporting the DIS and Pete by booking through Dreams, well, I guess I feel like I am supporting something that I love and am very grateful for.

We booked through a TA that does cruises only and I was very happy. She got us a discount that got us upgraded 2 catagories PLUS saved $200.00. Now this was about 2 months after we had booked but a TA will go the extra mile. I am just outside of TO and I would be happy to recommend my TA. If you are interested private message me.
Booked thru travel agent at Homeland Travel and DCL.
Agent called back next day and was able to save us $1500 Can. by moving booking to Worldoftravel.
I guess it does pay to use a travel agent that knows the ropes, Homeland has been in buisness for 50 years.
Thanks for all the help.
We travel on the Magic 7day east, April 27 :wave::wave::wave:


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