? booking Grand Californian reservations


Chris Isaak fan
Jul 13, 2000
I'm trying to get reservations at the Grand Californian for early May. Does anyone have any suggestions? I've used the Disneyland web-site, Disney Club & Dreams Unlimited. No one can get us in there for the dates we want. (11th hour reservations doesn't have May dates yet.) Any help would be much appreciated.

<img src="http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Lair/9541/tcarousel.gif" width=114 height=87 border=0>
Did you call the resort directly? I would try that!
I hope you get reservations! :)
DUH!! OMG! I can't believe I didn't think of that! I called right away and got a room for exactly when we wanted! Thank you AZLaura!

<img src="http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Lair/9541/tcarousel.gif" width=114 height=87 border=0>
Your welcome-I am so glad you got a room! Have a great time. When you get back let me know how it was, we are going in June!
Does anyone know where I can get ifo on the 2 Disneyland resorts, especially rates. If anyone has gotten rate for rooms only, can I ask what they were?
Disneyclub rates for June- 212 for good view at DL HOtel and 238 for GC
Hope this helps!
Laura :)


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