Booked Entertainment rate and now......................


I like being ME
Sep 19, 1999
I can't find my card!!! Will I have to show it? Do they replace them if I can't find it?
As far as I know you do have to show youre card for them to honour the discounted rate. When I made my res at HR she told me I would have to show my card at check in. I dont know about replacement, maybe check on their web site or call them direct. Good Luck!
Q. My Entertainment card was lost/stolen. How do I get a new one?
A. Contact our Customer Service Department via e-mail at Contact Us and request a new card. There is a $15 fee for replacement cards. Stolen cards will be replaced for free but must be accompanied by a police report. You can also contact us via e-mail at Contact Us for any customer service issues you may encounter.

This might be a stupid question, but how do you prove you ever had it in the first place? I have not bought a book yet, so don't know the procedure. Thanks
Thanks Jessica!

Sleepy- My card was registered on the Entertainment website


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