birthday trip finished!

i was reading through your TR and noticed you saying some stuff about your son being ill so i went to previous pages to see why, i saw the word cabergoline and of course from experience knew the word, so i continued to find you saied he has a pituitary tumor! first i am so sorry to you and him, because again, experience, it is awful to have. i had one. it was shrunken of course, and they sometimes grow back rapidly during or after pregnancy or after going off the medications. i beleive mine may be slowly growing back though hope not, dont wanna have to pay for this medication again! i took parlodel. and i have never taken cabergoline but its nasty like parlodel. parlodel had this one side effect, can make you instantly fall asleep! how insane is that? it reallllly helped me though. i had headached and blurred vision, breast milk, infertility, soooo tired, and so much more before they treated me. tell me about your sons, is it benign? does it run in your family, have they done parlodel or just cab? so sorry its a nasty thing to go through but he will get better! also him losing weight, i did the opposite and gained 40 lbs in 3 years. then lost it easy peasy after treating. i sympathize with you and him, its horrible. but he will be fine im sure!
Oh, sorry for the confusion. My husband has a son was just plain old sick. :)

Did more than skim your reply, editing to reply more.

DH's endo went with cabergoline/dostinex instead of bromocriptine/parlodel because of a couple reason i can't remember right now, but I know I was glad of it because the literature said that bromocriptine can make surgery more difficult, or even impossible, to remove the tumor, if the drugs don't work. I've thought long and hard about why it would...all I can come up with is that perhaps it makes it more diffuse (or "squishy" in my thoughts, LOL) so you can't get it out? Hubby's is a big one, 20mm, but then he has a big noggin. Oddly, his prolactin levels are nowhere near as high as I have read they can get.

But he'd had symptoms of it for THREE years, and no one would do hormone level checks on him, even though at one point he had a cyst in his "chest" that was actually producing fluid...the MDs he went to for that embarrassed and shamed him to a stunning degree, he couldn't go back for the biopsy b/c he was so ashamed, and they *NEVER* called back out of concern or trying to schedule an appt. NOT ONCE. Anyway, I mention the 3 years b/c I wonder if it had been higher at one point, and had started coming down...or some such thing (I believe the body is amazing and can do astonishing things, when given enough time). Because the length of time of symptoms, and its size, don't go along with the relatively low levels of prolactin.

And yes, it makes him SO sleepy. It works by sort of helping dopamine along, and sleepiness makes sense from what I remember of dopamine from my neuro classes. His symptoms have changed a bit as he gets used to taking it...he's now up to a pill per week, and the last two weeks he will have a massive headache on the day after he takes it, then the following day he could sleep ALL day if possible. Since that day falls on Saturday, extra sleep has worked for him, but he really doesn't like sleeping all day. I figure the headache and sleepiness make sense.

Interestingly, for most of his adult life until he fell into the swing of having married a sleepy person (I like to sleep in as long as possible, though I don't like naps), he only needed maybe 3 hours of sleep a night. Didn't drink coffee, was alert and awake and's just all very interesting when you think of his endocrine system...if I were his endocrinologist, I'd be studying him and writing a paper at the end of all this...but then I find the body interesting to begin with.

Along with this prolactinoma, he found that his LH and testosterone were drastically low, so he's now started injecting HCG to help his body increase those things. Insurance would have been happy to just pay for testosterone, but that would have rendered him infertile, entirely, for while he takes it, and that's not something we want to have happen. So we fought Aetna and came out victorious. Yay.

I *think* that you and I have talked about this before, if any of it sounds familiar. :) I keep myself sane on the Dis by trying hard to not remember who said what when, but sometimes it gets through my resistant brain, and I *think* you were the person I've talked (typed) about it with. :)
Found the notes! Woo!

OK so we went on TSMM.

Which reminds me that during our first time through TSMM on this trip, the first day I believe, we witnessed two parents who had just realized they'd misplaced a child in their party. Dad was in the Toy Story line along the pathway, mom had been in the bathroom, we figured out. Daughter, who was old enough to say she'd meet up with dad, had been with her and didn't know of this plan change...augh. Scary moment just to watch, let alone what they must have been feeling.

I know it's almost impossible, but if faced with a situation like that, we will do our best to NOT argue about it right at that time. Why? Because that takes up time better spent finding a CM, looking around for the child, and so on. The daughter was very likely in the giftshop right there, the fear probably only lasted a minute or two, but the arguing did nothing but delay the happy reunion we assume happened. So that was our "takeaway" from that moment we witnessed. And I will tell you, everyone that heard the conversation and understood what was going on was rooting for them to find their DD quickly! In case people start to get jaded about what their fellow guests are thinking...the line was energized, buzzing, with concern for all of them, for minutes after they left the line.

So back to TSMM. Oh yeah! Now I think I remember. Robert, I think, stopped to get me a coffee. Well, us. Mainly me. :) E and I forged ahead. Parked the stroller and realized that that long line leading out of the queue was where we were headed. The line was out of the area b/c they didn't have many loops or switchbacks open inside the line. Robert got up to us really fast and he'd gotten a mocha which isn't my first choice, but it was nummy, even though we'd just had coffee at breakfast.

While in that line, a mom let her two girls go ride Triton's Carousel, but the girls weren't yet back by the time she was about halfway through what short line we had. So she got out of the line. Robert hadn't seen her with her girls, but had noticed her leaving, so when she and two preteens suddenly go back into line, after you pass *behind* Mr Potato Head, he was pretty surprised! But she had spoken kindly to the people right in front of us (behind her), to see if they'd save her spot, and they it was all quite OK that she got back into line. And she got in right where she would have done if she'd stayed there...I tell you, the area was full of happiness and bonhomie (if that's a word that means good feelings...if not, ignore it)! Then it turned out that the family who let the mom back in was riding TSMM for the first time, and while we all waited for our turn, we all called tips and tricks to that family. The dad of the family and a son ended up facing me and E (more good feelings...E chose to sit with ME this time instead of Robert! a First!), and E and those two kept pointing their ride-blaster/pullythings/whatever they are called at each other whenever we'd face each other at a turn in the ride, and at the end.

Only I can make a description of ONE ride last for the bulk of 2 posts...:flower3: Bet y'all are afraid of whenever I go to WDW, eh?
Sorry guys. :) Just didn't feel like updating. Tired. And today I'm angry at the world; last night had a "last straw" fall in the form of my MIL being stupid, and everything just came down on my heart and mind...

Hey Molly!

So I totally just wanted to comment on the fact that I sort of sensed that you were off lately. I heard you mention on the planning board that you were taking a break from your TR because you weren't in a "zen place". Just wanted to offer some encouragement!!!:goodvibes I know your life is all over the place right now, what with E being sick and stupid MIL on top of regular ol' life. I hope things look up for you. Don't worry about updating, we'll be here, waiting, whenever you're ready. Much love to you and your family. :hug:
After the requisite tour through the store, we headed over to the midway games area. As many who read my reports might know, we do tend to speed past things to get to other things...therefore, there are vast areas of DLR that we've never noticed, because we don't take the time.

We'd heard so much about the new games, and we'd seen SO many people with the Dumbo plushes that I'd read were the deluxe prizes, that even though it was MY birthday and I am not that big into midway games that you have to pay for, we went on over.

So... you don't pay cash to the people working the games; rather, you put money or card into a machine, and get a card. The guys made an argument for putting $20 on the card, and I agreed. Interestingly, when money's on the line, I will do my research! We went back and forth, looking at the games and the charge for each game, the rules, and the prizes.

This was interrupted by news that Jessie was wandering, so E and I went to wave at the character. We could tell she was on her way backstage, so we tried to be very obvious in body language that all we wanted was a wave, and that's what E got!

OK that baseball game has horrid prizes, in our opinion. Didn't even try it, though Robert wanted to play the *game*, for fear of getting one of those things. :laughing: I think this can be played as a one person game. I haven't a clue if you can trade up, as we disliked the prizes so very much.

The fishing game has cute lowest level prizes, and really cute higher level prizes. You canNOT trade up in that game. It can be played by one person.

There's a fire themed game with the squirt nozzles...that had the cheapie prize of Timothy the mouse from Dumbo, and I found out later that they had the Dumbo prizes, but they run out. They must have been out out out when we were there, because Dumbo was nowhere to be found. I wish I'd asked, but I didn't want to sound greedy. :-)confused3 what's up with that?) This required two people at least. You can trade up, if Dumbo's on display.

And there was a horse racing game, where you roll balls into holes, and each ball in the hole moves the horse forward. At least two players are required. The prizes are Woody/Jessie/Bullseye themed, and you can trade up.

We, and I mean Robert and Eamon, played all but the baseball game. With the horse race, we waited until it was only the two of them. If over 4 players are playing, the prize is much better (bullseye, I believe), but it's more of a game of chance, and I don't like that. Not sure if that's been made clear yet, LOL. Since it was only the two of them, that meant a small prize, which meant a choice between Woody or Jessie on a funky little pillow. And I mean little. They played, and one of them won, and E chose Woody (though he had plans to get Jessie ahead of time).


They also tried the Dumbo/fire themed game, and won Timothy.

The rest of the time and money was focused on the fishing game. Between the two of them, they paid for, er, "won", all of the smaller prizes. Your prize is based on the color of dot on the *bottom* of the duck you snag with your magnetized fishing's absolute chance...and they just never got a bigger prize dot color. So we have a duck with an innertube, a crab, lobster, and a little turtle. E was very happy with them! That day I had Grizzly planned, so I had my poncho and my clear plastic disneyland bag from a previous trip, and it was kinda fun loading up the bag with those purchases, er, "prizes".

We finished up there and walked around the rest of the pier. For whatever reason we opted to not go on the funwheel, even though the guys like it and I can get through it...'cuz that's how I like to do theme parks...riding what I can get through...:cool2:

E wanted to ride Mulholland Madness again, and the line was only 10 minutes, so that's what we did. I put him on my right side this time, and left all bags with the hubster. Still felt the need to grasp his leg (so he didn't fly out), but it was nowhere near as scary as the first time we rode it, as I was trying to keep bags, skirt (the skirt was involved this time, but without the bags it was better), and son from flying up and/or out.

After having me'n'E time, he and Robert went on the Silver, no Golden, wait, it's Silver but called Golden, Zephyr. Even though the line was short and they were back quickly, it felt like a lovely little break, leaning against the construction wall...
Hey Molly!

So I totally just wanted to comment on the fact that I sort of sensed that you were off lately. I heard you mention on the planning board that you were taking a break from your TR because you weren't in a "zen place". Just wanted to offer some encouragement!!!:goodvibes I know your life is all over the place right now, what with E being sick and stupid MIL on top of regular ol' life. I hope things look up for you. Don't worry about updating, we'll be here, waiting, whenever you're ready. Much love to you and your family. :hug:

Thanks. :goodvibes

I just got really tired, and while I was OK in handing out thoughts and advice on touring, or budgeting, or if people providing money for a wedding are allowed to want input...talking about our trip was too much.

I'm over it now...I started getting jealous of Sherry and mnmrmustard (I must remember his name at some point, or at least get his username right one of these times!) and their reports, so I had to get back to it.

The didn't ask, but here's what she said.

I've mentioned that she's Korean, and she is extremely outspoken. I'm quite sure there are plenty of Korean women of her age who are lovely, kind, sweet women (the sister of hers that I met, who told me I was beautiful and watched one of E's very first nursing sessions (b/c she and her husband were in America at that time), is one of those), but my MIL is absolutely the image that comedian (hate the word "comedianne") Margaret Cho paints of her own Korean born mother. Says what she wants, insults people, she's prejudiced, etc.

For quite awhile now, even after Robert and I started trying for another baby (though we kept it quiet b/c I rarely want to know when my friends are "trying"), Kyung has been outspoken in how GLAD she is that we haven't had another. Although that's been hurtful, as I look back, she was so right. He has been a handful, and if I had had another (or two more, as was originally "planned" by this time) like him or more difficult than him, I would have imploded and disappeared forever. But especially in the last one and a half years, as we've figured out what makes him tick, and he's become so much more reasonable LOL, we've really known that it's time. And it's probably not a coincidence that we've really gone forth in following up on our own, with Robert's health concerns, because he had a *strong* feeling that any "fault" was with his body. And so we found all of this.

Kyung knew about the diabetes diagnosis b/c Eamon told her. He also told her about Robert's layoff last April! We keep thinking we've learned our open and honest in front of the munchkin lesson, but I guess we haven't yet. And so whenever she gets me alone, she makes sure that I'm keeping control of him and his eating...and that's an epic in itself...she "controlled" him from when he was a *toddler*. He has a round Korean face (much rounder than his brother's...but his brother is only his *half* brother and there are some strong fundamental differences in their faces due to different fathers, while he and his full sister are almost clones) and he's a big strong man...he could have been a sumo if he'd been Japanese. And he's been a sturdy kid since he was little.

Kyung put him on a diet as a toddler. When he'd wake in the mornings, hungry, she would send her first son in with a big glass bottle of *water*. Which filled him up but kept him from getting any calories. Just thinking about what that could do to a baby's metabolism stuns me. But she thought she was doing right by him. Growing up, his sibs had ice cream, he had a popsicle. They had Cokes, he had Tab (for the youngsters, that was the precursor to Diet Coke/Pepsi, and had saccharine in it). etc etc.

And so, a food-sneak was created. And attempts to "control" him only make it worse. Her attempts to shame him into losing the weight that sneaking food created made it worse.

It's taken almost 10 years for us to figure out a way that I can talk so he will listen, and not sneak, about food. Right before his blood sugar diagnosis, I had noticed some big problems, and I had started working on mentioning them to him, and letting him know what they might mean (coloring changes on legs and back of neck = blood sugar problems). But he had to get as sick as he got, before he could even think about making such changes in his diet. HE had to do it.

I'm not the boss of him, I'm not in charge of his body, and I've told her this, but she continues to insist that I am.

The worst? If he gains weight, it's HIS fault, and I am the poor wife who has to put up with it. IF he LOSES...I get the kudos. She's messed up.

So what does all this have to do with what happened? It's just background for the kind of person she is. I mention that she's not from here to make sure you understand that we don't really share a language. Actually, if she'd speak Japanese, I could take a refresher, and we could talk much better with each other...but she refuses to speak Japanese b/c she learned by force when her country was occupied, and her father spent a year in a concentration camp for having Korean books in his possession. I understand...but if we could speak that language, it would make things easier.

So when Robert went off to the Land Down Under last month, I stopped in with E. It was as we were getting sick, and my defenses were down. She flat out asked me if I was pregnant, and was disappointed to hear that the answer was no. And it came out that all of a sudden, she is *desperate* for us to have "a sibling for Eamon". Like THAT is why we want another kid. Like THAT is a good reason to have a kid. Here kid, you're lonely, let's make a kid for you. Uh, no.

And so, in that weakened state (and thankful she hadn't told me how fat I was and have been for a couple years now), I reminded her of the prolactinoma, and how it was messing with his system, and I let her know about the other hormone problem he's having too. But that we're working on treatment for that.

I told her that we've been trying since E was 9 months old. I told this ALL to her, when it's not her business, in hopes that it would stop her from asking again.

But yesterday, while E and I were at the store, she called. And started crying. Why? Because she wants Eamon to "have a brother or sister" soooo bad. She's so sad, she's desperate, she's praying to Buddha and "daddy" (even though Buddhists believe in reincarnation, she somehow has it in her head that Robert's father reached nirvana with his death...listen...Robert and his brother were at the memorial service talking about how they figured he'd had to go back to *cockroach* due to his actions in this incarnation...there's a serious disconnect as to what sort of man he truly was, and what sort of man she has decided he was). etc etc. Crying.

And Robert told me. And he told me without any buildup. No "my mom has lost her mind, listen to what she did, this is horrible", no "brace yourself for what my mom said, it's not nice of her", etc.

And when he told me, and when I went ballistic (this was after E was asleep by the way), he went silent. And I was telling him that silence was hurting my feelings, that I needed him to talk, to help, to do something...and he stayed silent because that's his reaction to ballistic sparked an argument between us. Which isn't surprising...Kyung actually knew we'd have problems with communication from the moment she found out I'm a "Rooster", because Robert's a "Rat", in Asian astrology...and the stresses of low fertility, even secondary (maybe even especially secondary) fertility problems aren't known to make partners all sweetness and light all the time to begin with... We worked it out, it didn't take long, but I didn't appreciate that yet again, something she said had sparked a problem.

It also, of course, brought up these years of frustration and sadness. I'm sure, if I were a medically-minded person I could have gone to someone, had a workup, and since they'd probably find no problems they would have moved along to Robert sooner...but that's not me. And at every moment along this timeline, I've talked...will I regret not seeing an RE now...if a few years from now I see one, and there's a problem, will I be disappointed in my past self...will Robert be disappointed, etc etc etc. We've been possibly more verbal than many others about it all (except for the possibility of a donor...that only recently got brought up, but still, it was brought up, through laughter and goofy ideas of who we could use). And the bottomline for that thought process is that Robert had brought up his concerns for 3 years to several different health care providers, and until this endocrinologist, NONE of them would do what he wanted them to do. So we have THAT along with all the other emotions to deal with. It's been really sad and difficult, and I very rarely talk about it. I barely talk about it to one friend, and she's the only one in real life. The person I *should* be talking to is a friend who hasn't been able to have any kids...but because I've had Eamon, I feel bad talking to her, because I should just be thankful for him and not bother her...those are *my* thoughts, not hers...I'm sure she, my oldest friend, would be happy to talk, but I just can't pick up the phone about it... It's been all inside...

But I told my MIL the problem. I told her, through tears, how long we'd been working on another baby. I told her this so she wouldn't have unrealistic expectations. I gave her the timelines that the endo has told us for when the shots would start working. I gave her so much more information than she needed to know...

But she called, crying, because she wants a "sibling for Eamon".

And I'm done, again, with her. What does she think she's accomplishing by such a call? She has THREE sisters that she can talk about this with. She has a great int'l calling plan, she talks to them all the time. She has friends. She has her monk. She should talk to *them*. Not us. Not ever us. It all fell on top of all the other stuff she's pulled, and it's renewed my wish to just not talk, not see, not deal with her at all again....

Writing it out, maybe it's petty. But maybe I'm wrong. Maybe it's not worth being so angry. I think that only someone who has been through problems like this might relate to my outrage, and maybe they would think it's petty too.

But it's how I feel. I feel hurt.
That's enough of all that. princess:

After the Zephyr, hunger appeared. At least in the guys...I find no receipt for myself, though perhaps I was planning on sharing what I thought Robert would get.

First stop, Cocina Cucamonga, for E's kid's burrito meal and a *water* this time, no more Nesquik, dagnabit!

E and I got his food and Robert went over to get a rice bowl from the...


Anyone who is also reading mnmrmustard's report will recognize this weather! It was the same day they got in, the 12th. You can see why, way back when in retelling, but only a couple hours ago while happening, I regretted sending back my fleecey coat.

Well, instead of the nice Thai veggie rice...Robert decided to try the Korean sauce instead.


Ummmm, yeah....SO not Korean in spice. Lots of heat, for sure. It had lots of mepta (Korean word for spicey hot)...but it wasn't hot bean paste. Sigh.

So I was left sad because I had wanted to share Thai, but eating E's rice (he sometimes likes it but not that day) and fruit cup made my stomach happy.

We decided to move along and get my little bag of birthday tortillas! We'd stopped in on the first day, but all they had were corn tortillas, and, I'm very sad to report that their corn tortillas are rather bad. Although we use flour tortillas from Mission at home, when we get corn tortillas they are usually from a Mexican company, and Mission pales in comparison, even freshly made. :( Anyway, that was the 10th, and this was the 12th, and we were excited, and hey, no line! I don't have to rush. I'll take a picture of lights and lamps.





Got to the door...hey, there's no CM well maybe it's during a "show" (maseca!), what's that sign...ah MANNNNN, closed.
OY, Molly. I totally get the mother-in-law thing. My MIL is Chinese and for some reason feels totally justified in saying bad things to my husband about me - in front of me - in a language I don't understand. :headache:

DH's parents were not ideal parents, but listening to DH and his growing up friends compare stories about their parents, they were not that much different than his.

DH's very good friend died this last summer from cancer complications. He hadn't been married for more than 5 years, has a little almost 2 yr old son and has many, many health complications. He has had lupus and other things for years. He had a kidney transplant and all sorts of other things. His wife is an angel and knew what she was getting into. Okay, sorry for the background, but you'll understand in a minute. DH's friend had broken off all communication with his mom - who lived very close to him - he'd changed phone numbers (cell and home) and would have nothing to do with her since she was just so hateful and rude. He finally relented to see her when he was in the hospital and I guess just wanted to make peace with what was happening. She came and the FIRST thing she said to him - in front of wife and son - was "I guess you got cancer on purpose to punish me and to get out of living anymore." :scared1:

SHOCKING, just so shocking. The insensitivity and total lack of any sort of compassion was astonishing to me. And to say it in front of a wife who probably knows that he is not going to live long is appalling.

DH - because of the abusive nature of his mother and the lack of any sort of love or compassion or anything toward him - cut off all communication with his mom when our 2nd son was born. That very night, actually. He is an only child and we have the only grandchildren. She has only met one of them. She has no idea where we live, no contact with us in any way and no hope of ever seeing these great boys - ever! We were talking about how sad it is for her to be so hateful in her life that she has missed the opportunity to even have any contact with her posterity.

I think it is a hard thing for my DH to do, though. His Dad died when he was in his early 20's from cancer and that left his mom. She is still bitter - 43 years later - about her divorce and arranged marriage to his Dad. She blames it all on DH, to his face, repeatedly.

She makes me crazy and glad I don't have to deal with the manipulations and skewed thinking that you have to deal with. I would support my DH if he decided to open up peace talks with his mom - but she would have to do some of the compromising - and I don't think he is ready to pursue that headache anytime soon, since she thinks she is too old to change and won't even make an attempt.

I do sometimes wish I had a great MIL like my sister does. I wish for that extra family interaction for my boys. My family is near us and so they get my side of the family - but are missing a Chinese extended family component that I think is important. They are 1/2 Chinese, after all.

Sorry you have to deal with her and I can understand how hard it is with different cultures and then add in infertility and R's problems and you have a super-explosive situation on your hands. I can empathize with 2/3 of it - cultural differences and secondary infertility - just don't have the Hubby with health problems. :confused3 After reading your post it makes me selfishly glad I don't have to deal with my MIL anymore. :flower3:
Oh Shannon...on one hand I'm glad that someone gets the MIL thing, but on the other hand I feel so bad for you guys and so bad for your husband's late friend and his family. :(

My MIL does the "all about me" thing too. When E spilled the beans about the blood sugar, it was "if you lost weight like I told you...", with the job "I worry so much about you" like WE don't worry about us, too.

When the job was ending, it was obviously b/c Robert wears shorts to work, and because he doesn't have a degree (yeah, amazon closed a department of 14 people because of that...nothing to do with the fact that the ND office was now all trained and they make far far less than the Seattle guys did, and amazon makes excellent financial decisions like that).

Then when Robert got not one job, but TWO, inside of 2 months in the summer, the kudos didn't go to him for working his heiney off, going on informational meetings galore, interviews like crazy, etc etc...nope, it was ME for supporting him, HER for praying for him, and Buddha and his dead father for pulling strings in the great beyond. Duuuuuude. Robert worked hard to get that job with m'soft, and once he realized that contract work was not going to work for us, and amazon came a'calling again, he worked hard to impress them. We *had to* give money to her to give to the monk...she badgered us until we did it. Does she invite us to temple? nope. Does she support us finding a temple in our area so we don't have to go to the very odd place she goes (female monk living in a house out somewhere in the boonies around Kent WA)? Nope. Thinks it's weird that we want to do that. I think she's still stuck in the thought that R changed religions as a preteen and teen...he changed back before HS ended, but she still thinks of him as not being of her religion. Her caucasian husband changed religions, but it seems odd that I might choose to research the religion (it wouldn't be a *change* for me, LOL)...and so on.

None of that is as bad as what that mom said to her own son at the hospital....

Though, on a funny note...Robert's mom has been known to call her sons "sons of" I think you know where I'm going with that...and it doesn't even occur to her what she is calling herself. :rotfl:
Oh Oh Oh.

So she's all on R's case about weight and always has been. So what does she give E when he visits? Remembering that SHE has blood sugar issues as well (her "control" means 150 readings, while taking metformin and something else....supposedly she has type 1, but she refuses insulin...I personally think she got a BAD diagnosis, but the doc who diagnosed her committed suicide, and the doc that took over has some weird respect thing going on and won't go against any of that previous doc's diagnoses), and E's father does...and E reacts really weird to corn syrup and HFCS which could very well be a blood sugar thing....she gives him white rice and Pocky. She will give him 4 packs of Pocky, which he eats, right in a row, after having white rice. :headache:

And she gives these too him b/c she feels guilty because we won't "let" her give him meat and fish and "normal" candy...can't figure out other things to give him...he loves this odd Korean pear she buys from PalDo market, but nooooo. White rice and Pocky.

OMG I could go on forever. First time I met her she tried to get me to cry. I teared up, but didn't cry, and got some respect from her. For, oh, I'd say, a minute. She's tried to sneak meat into my food. She knew E was exclusively nursed, but just about gave a supermarket apple juice to E when he wasn't even crawling yet...said "it's not food", yeah, it is. I was still very much recovering from pregnancy etc, and I harmed my body by leaping across the room to grab the spoon of my mind's eye I picture myself as the former spokeman for Hertz, jumping over tables and rocking chairs, to keep the juice from him. When I saw her about the second time after R and I started dating, shortly before going to dinner as some strange xmas celebration on the 26th, I'd gained a couple pounds, as one often does when initially dating someone new, and she flat out said "oh you got so fat". It was like 10 lbs.

Augggghhhhh. I'd been doing so well. I'd decided she ahd turned over a new leaf, a new time of harmony. It needed to happen, since she refuses to move back to Korea. And no one suggests that in a mean way, but she's been gone for almost 40 years and has never really settled in here...she has siblings out there, a brother that she basically raised and owes her big time, his wife loves her, they have asked her to move out there, to live with them, etc etc, but she won't because she doesn't have money. So she suffers here, in a culture she doesn't like...

Wow! I got more then I bargined for on the MIL front, but I gotta be seems like you were bursting with it. Like you really just needed to get it out, to tell someone, anyone, who would have a better reaction then your wonderful albeit sometimes-doesn't-have-the-best-coping-skills, R.

My MIL is an oddity. She's a "b-word", through and through. She's horrible. She is dramatic and cries, she is one of those mothers who thinks her son is made out of nothing but the best, and it's ALL because of her (even though he hated his home so much that when he was 13 he opted to move into his best friend's house and live there for the next 6 years but...whatever). She thinks EVERYTHING is a medical emergency. I do mean EVERYTHING. One time my daughter got a paper cut from her coloring book, A PAPER CUT, and my MIL thought I should take her to the ER. I'm so dead serious. It was insane. She started bawling because she thought we were neglecting HER children. Not MY children, not her son's children...HER children. What kind of psycho are you? She feeds my kids things that we ask her not to. She gave my nephew (my SIL's child) mashed potatoes AT 2 WEEKS OLD!!! She thought since he was born in November he needed to be a part of Thanksgiving. She's certifiable. Fortunately for me, she is EXACTLY like my mother so I know how to deal with her and we get along fantastically. :rotfl: I actually get along better with her then my own mother. It's weird. I know how frustrating MILs can be (lets just say this is my second MIL. My first was more then helpful in the downfall of my first relationship. I hate that woman so much that when I hear her voice I litterally cringe. And I cry. I cry after EVERY time I'm done having to interact with her. She should be stoned...but that's JMHO:lmao:). I'm sorry.

I can't relate on the child front either. We've been blessed. HOWEVER, I do know what it is to hope, and pray, and to be let down TIME AFTER TIME only to have someone put salt in the very open wound. I can't believe how inconsiderate it is, and that R isn't sticking up for you more! Bless her heart, because I do think it has a bit to do with a difference of culture, but I don't think culture has anything to do with the ability to see when someone is being hurt!

I think it's amazing that you're so strong and able to keep yourself going after all you've faced. I hope that God blesses you in the way he has blessed so many others, and if not, I hope that he opens another door so that you can accomplish the things you need to in order for you and your family to feel complete.:goodvibes
Molly you need this.:hug: Aren't MIL's just the best? I thought mine was the only one that tortured her. Argh. I think we need a support group. My MIL and SIL's all think that I am the devil in disguise because Scotty developed a life that didn't involve taking care of them when we got together. Argh, too much of a story to put you through but, :hug:.
Justa (I've decided that that's your first name, and Kid is your last, LOL), sorry about the vent-blast. I'm sorry you've had MIL problems too. Mashed potatoes at 2 weeks old...I shudder to think of it. Laughing at the ER for a papercut. I remember when DS knocked out a brand new tooth at 6 months old, when suddenly we couldn't find the tooth (it happened at a restaurant, and as we left it disappeared from his mouth and we didn't know where it went), we stopped at the local kid's soon as we got to the triage nurse she listened to us, stopped us, said it would either dissolve in his stomach or come out, it wouldn't puncture anything, and that we needed to LEAVE because, and I quote, "there are sick people here and you don't want him to catch anything". :rotfl:

Molly you need this.:hug: Aren't MIL's just the best? I thought mine was the only one that tortured her. Argh. I think we need a support group. My MIL and SIL's all think that I am the devil in disguise because Scotty developed a life that didn't involve taking care of them when we got together. Argh, too much of a story to put you through but, :hug:.

Thanks. :) And right back atcha.

It's funny...Robert can spot his "ethnic brothers" from across a crowded store. Literally...the cashier at our local grocery is also quarter Korean, and the two of them saw each other from yards away and they both said "your mother?" at about the same time. And all of his fellow half Korean friends, that I have met, say the SAME things about their mothers...they joke that it's all just one woman...sigh.

Though with Robert, his dad got in on the act too. He was a kid during the Depression; he was 79 when he died just about 3 years ago (sniffle...cruddy husband, bad father, but nice FIL and really kind and sweet grandfather), and he had a big time "old school" thing going on.

Robert recently related the story of a dinner with the family once R was an adult and living on his own... Through their lives, dinner was different when it was just their mom there, vs when his dad was home. His dad was in shipping, so he would be gone for months at a time, then home for months, etc. When it was just mom, they ate Korean style, all pulling food from communal bowls. When Russ was home, that was absolutely forbidden. It often took them a meal or two to remember, when he got home. So here they were, adults sitting around the table with dad. Robert wanted some extra heat in his meal, so he got out the spicey bean paste and scooped some out with his chopsticks, and did that a few times. Finally his dad exploded, said it was 'defying' him. Robert had been away for awhile and said something like "you know this isn't about the bean paste, tell me what it's about." Russ said something else that was petty, Robert called him on that, too.

And finally it came out that Russ was peeved about two things. One, that Robert didn't offer him the cash that he'd recently spent on a computer (1K way back then! ick!). That Russ had supported him growing up (uh duh) and that he should have at least offered...that he wouldn't have taken it, but the offer should have been made. (I call a big youknowwhat on the "I wouldn't have taken it" bit...he sooooo would have done) The second issue was that Robert was working at a Saturn dealership at the time, in the service department, and he should have not only gotten his younger sister a deal on a set of tires, but he should have bought them for her as well.

OK his sister is only 2 years younger (she was a grownup, too), and she had her life handed to her on a platter. The car she needed tires for had been Robert's car, which he was forced to give her. And, um, when's the last time anyone went to a *dealership* for a DEAL on tires??????

Just strange. Very different from the family I grew up with.

Kyung has told me she wants me to call her mom, especially since I don't have one. That she *is* my mom now. Wowie, no, you are really really NOT...

OK seriously I can't talk about this anymore, LOL. I know I brought it up, and I have to stop myself now. Gotta read through the Gymnastics News thing they handed E at his class this afternoon...
Oh Oh Oh.

So she's all on R's case about weight and always has been. So what does she give E when he visits? Remembering that SHE has blood sugar issues as well (her "control" means 150 readings, while taking metformin and something else....supposedly she has type 1, but she refuses insulin...I personally think she got a BAD diagnosis, but the doc who diagnosed her committed suicide, and the doc that took over has some weird respect thing going on and won't go against any of that previous doc's diagnoses), and E's father does...and E reacts really weird to corn syrup and HFCS which could very well be a blood sugar thing....she gives him white rice and Pocky. She will give him 4 packs of Pocky, which he eats, right in a row, after having white rice. :headache:

And she gives these too him b/c she feels guilty because we won't "let" her give him meat and fish and "normal" candy...can't figure out other things to give him...he loves this odd Korean pear she buys from PalDo market, but nooooo. White rice and Pocky.

OMG I could go on forever. First time I met her she tried to get me to cry. I teared up, but didn't cry, and got some respect from her. For, oh, I'd say, a minute. She's tried to sneak meat into my food. She knew E was exclusively nursed, but just about gave a supermarket apple juice to E when he wasn't even crawling yet...said "it's not food", yeah, it is. I was still very much recovering from pregnancy etc, and I harmed my body by leaping across the room to grab the spoon of my mind's eye I picture myself as the former spokeman for Hertz, jumping over tables and rocking chairs, to keep the juice from him. When I saw her about the second time after R and I started dating, shortly before going to dinner as some strange xmas celebration on the 26th, I'd gained a couple pounds, as one often does when initially dating someone new, and she flat out said "oh you got so fat". It was like 10 lbs.

Augggghhhhh. I'd been doing so well. I'd decided she ahd turned over a new leaf, a new time of harmony. It needed to happen, since she refuses to move back to Korea. And no one suggests that in a mean way, but she's been gone for almost 40 years and has never really settled in here...she has siblings out there, a brother that she basically raised and owes her big time, his wife loves her, they have asked her to move out there, to live with them, etc etc, but she won't because she doesn't have money. So she suffers here, in a culture she doesn't like...


Sounds so much like my MIL. Her family immigrated to Japan from China and so all of her family lives in Kobe, Japan, but she's lived in the US for so long that I think she feels like she really doesn't belong anywhere. She doesn't really like the US, but she can't really go back to Japan. That would be tough, but at least make peace with your decision.

4 boxes of Pocky?? Why?? It's not even that good. I mean, my kids like it and I might have a stick or two, but it's not really that tasty. :confused3 And wouldn't a pear be a much better choice??? Probably more expensive, but at least healthier. We actually eat white rice a LOT at my house, but we mix in a lot of other stuff. And we are all about the good Asian vegies, even though we live in a place with no Chinatown/Asian influence, really, we do have a couple of grocery stores that we can hit up.

And don't you hate that the person that needs the validation/credit for doing something good (R and his job skills) doesn't get the attention at all. It's all about someone else doing it for them - like they can't do anything GOOD for themselves??? Oy, makes me so crazy.

Haven't you had any luck finding a Monk or a Temple in your area? That would be hard. I don't know what my MIL does for a Temple, but she does have a shrine in her house and she goes to it every day. There is a Buddhist Temple in our area - about 30 minutes from us, but it doesn't really apply to us since we aren't Buddhist. The surprising thing to me is that you can actually attend a Buddhist Temple in Utah. Who knew Utah could be so progressive??? :upsidedow Which is why it surprises me that you would have a hard time finding one in your area.
Hey Molly - here I go again :lmao:

Oh no, in-laws can be tricky and have a habit of being stubborn in the face of reason. Hope she comes around.

You’re welcome on the reply btw. I love seeing the interesting turns that people’s TRs take. ROFL, the parents were a bit too traditional as far as those wedding pics, aye? Ah well – as long as you were happy with them. $35 for a 5x7 …that’s just crazy. Did that include custom framing or something?

Yes, I remember about the dilemma about getting E workable antibiotics. Roxy was on a med that had to be custom mixed for a while after her hysterectomy and we had to drive to the next city and then all the way through it to the far end of town to get to the only pharmacy that could make it. But at least that was covered by our insurance. That really bites that they don’t cover it.

Glad to hear that he can now take pills on his own. It is never easy to try and give a little one pills.

Waiting in line is never fun, but making new friends/having good conversations with “line buddies” does make the time go by easier. Nice “bat” shot of E and as far as the skinny legs, it is hard to know what is normal and what needs to be checked. I know my younger DD had legs like that when she was 5 due to a growth spurt and then her muscles caught up to the bone growth within a year or so.

Cool that you were still near the front for rope drop after your happy flight on Soarin’ and I totally agree about the line growth on TSM. LOL, his color combo was fine for a boy ;)

What a mess the doctors made of your hubby’s diagnosis and treatment. And that whole mentality they have now of never admitting they were wrong is pathetic. I know they would just say they can’t because it would open the door to them being sued, but they can at least show concern and check back in.

The human body is quite the interesting machine, so much happening just to keep us upright and talking. And you sound like Roxy, she LOVES to “hibernate” …just sleeps in and can do a 12hr stretch of snoozin’ if the fam lets her. I do good to get 8hrs (usually less) before my mind clicks on and I’m up and puttering around the house. Go figure.

Yay for finding the notes! Scary to lose a kid for sure, but Disney has it together between well-trained helpful CMs and parents who help out however they can. Glad to hear that there was such good vibes in the line there. I know I’ve had the kids duck out and the line was moving on, so I’d just drop back and lean against the wall and let people pass while keeping the best spot I could while still being in a good spot for my brood to see me and catch up :D Neat that E wanted to ride with you :woohoo:

Cool that Jessie gave E a wave on her way backstage. Sounds like the midway games were just as hokey as any midway games. We’ve never played them ourselves but I appreciate the details on the games and prizes. Sounds like y’all enjoyed them well enough. Good fun on Mulholland Madness and the Zephyr too.

What a mess with your MiL, and for her to pick a time when y’all are sick to go off on a tangent like that. I would say a healthy break from talking to her would do you and her both some good. Hopefully it will give her time to realize the reality of your situation and that a sibling for E just isn’t in the cards right now. And just give you one less stressor to deal with during all of this medical stuff.

I know it was hard for us when we contemplated having another child. For us it was Roxy that gave us pause. She had endometriosis and with her pregnancies she lost over 30lbs and was sick and weak for the whole nine months. When she had Bean it was an emergency c-section and a full hysterectomy. If a sibling isn’t in the cards for E, then you just make sure he has good friends growing up. Those bonds can be just as strong as those of siblings :goodvibes

Back to the TR! Lunch time aye? And yes, it was a bit of a brisk day, light jackets all around. Sorry yours was back at the room. Oh no, no b-day tortillas??? :confused3

Wow, aren’t MiLs fun. Mine has such horrible eating habits and she live in the same house with us (she is no longer mobile). I had to have talks with the kids to make sure they didn’t emulate her eating habits. And she still “sneaks” them cookies which she keeps stashed in her room. Oy vey! And btw, we’re happy to be your sounding board for this stuff, it does help to get it off your chest. It’s one of the things I like about the boards. Good place to find smiles and friendship …and also a good safe place to vent :thumbsup2

All the best and I look forward to more TR’ing. And I have to find time to get my day 3 pics done so I can start posting it :headache:
We actually eat white rice a LOT at my house, but we mix in a lot of other stuff.

Haven't you had any luck finding a Monk or a Temple in your area? That would be hard. I don't know what my MIL does for a Temple, but she does have a shrine in her house and she goes to it every day. There is a Buddhist Temple in our area - about 30 minutes from us, but it doesn't really apply to us since we aren't Buddhist. The surprising thing to me is that you can actually attend a Buddhist Temple in Utah. Who knew Utah could be so progressive??? :upsidedow Which is why it surprises me that you would have a hard time finding one in your area.

The white rice thing is so silly, because she cannot eat it! She has to make brown rice. And that's what we make here at home. He does, however, LOVE the stuff. And she makes it with a perfect mix of soy sauce and sesame one else can make it like her, he says, so it is an absolute favorite and treat, but still. You'd think she would be more careful, but she doesn't think she has to be, because he is thin.

OH and she met my brother at the wedding. My brother was a chubster as a kid, but as soon as he became a sophomore in HS he trimmed down and stays fit all the time. So when she compliments E on his trim physique, she says that he takes after my brother. :headache: I have shown her pictures of me, I have explained over and over that I'm naturally NOT heavy, it's just something that has happened for awhile now for who knows what reason, and that I was trim for most of my life...doesn't even matter, she doesn't remember from visit to visit.

There are Korean Buddhist temples around...we just feel...lost. Hubby hasn't been a temple-goer for ages, and he speaks at about a 3rd grade level of Korean, so....

And that whole mentality they have now of never admitting they were wrong is pathetic. I know they would just say they can’t because it would open the door to them being sued, but they can at least show concern and check back in.

What's super-sad is that they've conducted some sort of study that has proven that an apology is actually what MOST people want, when they've been wronged by a healthcare professional. That "I'm sorry" would actually *prevent* most lawsuits.

But of course, with many things, the malpractice insurance companies are the ones that get it, when something happens. You know, you have a patient who will probably be fine, so risk is pretty low for them. But the doctor sees multiple patients like that, and some of those by statistics will have a problem, and some of those who have a problem will sue, so the doctor does have a higher risk for something bad happening than their patients. Then if the doctor is successfully sued, that's 100% risk for the company. It makes sense that the ones with the 100% risk would say "ack, no, don't apologize!", because there will be a few who take an apology as knowledge that they will win a suit. But for the vast majority of patients who are wronged...that apology would be IT for them. I know that I would be one of them (though DS was injured by the OB on call, he will have a right to have a little legal chat with the dude when he's 18, for instance...very minor, but still...), and I'm sure Robert would be too.

Up next, different post, different topic!

Up after that, chatting about the Grand Cal!
Earlier this week, we planned that DS could go out on Friday for the local business trick or treating. Would be fun!

We explained it to him, and he was so confused. We were confused about his confusion, because the only tot'ing he's done has been at hubby's workplaces and at Ikea.

But he had it in his head that we were going to do REAL tot'ing this year.

So I sent a quick PM to a kind and helpful person on this forum, who also lives in Tacoma, and she let me know that kids were going out tonight (well, officially, last night I suppose). Excellent.

Now, we live at the edge of downtown, and even the non-downtown edge we're on isn't big on *houses*. So we would need to find a house-neighborhood.

We spent the day at Ikea, because we did want to do their little festivities and look around. Very dangerous for us, to be working hard on our budget but visit Ikea. We did well, though. E had great fun. We left Ikea and had dinner (with part of our November "family fun" fund) at Zoopa, which is a sort of "soup and salad" buffet place.

Backing up...on know how Mike just mentioned how good it is E can swallow pills? I thought so too. Except that on Friday, for the FIRST time ever, E put a non-food item in his mouth and swallowed it. :headache: A marble. Small, but still.

Took a bit to figure out what he had swallowed, because he was talking about "a bubble thing, the bubble thing, you know". Finally I got that it was the marble that he got at last summer's Ren Faire...a jester type person did a little bit of magic with blowing bubbles, then making the "fairy bubble" turn into a marble. So it was *extremely* upsetting for E to have swallowed it, because it's NOT a marble to him; it's a fairy bubble, a one of a kind thing.


Well shortly after waking up Saturday morning, he kept feeling nauseated. Not to the point of producing anything, but he was very uncomfortable. Then it would subside. So we went to Ikea in a subsiding moment. Then it kept hitting him. At Zoopa, it hit hard, and I was so so so worried about him.

But then Robert talked about what they had for breakfast...a piece of toast, and E had a small brownie. At 10am. It was after 4pm by then. And he'd had TWO antibiotic pills by then. Oh man oh man how stupid could I be....I didn't even think that he might not have had lunch before we left! (I was busy getting ready, the guys had been ready for ages, I figured Robert fed the two of them.)

Of course the nausea kept him from wanting to eat...but we finally got something into his tum, and watched him perk up. I'm serious, I was about to ask the employees for a phone book to find the nearest place to take him, he was freaking me out so bad. So thankful Robert got him to eat. It's not good for a 5 year old to not eat for 6 hours during his waking hours!

We're still watching him carefully, anxiously awaiting the "fairy bubble" to make a reappearance. :rolleyes1

After he perked up Robert talked about how the "Lack" side table is now only 7.99, and how he needs something like that, etc etc etc...ended up going back to Ikea to snag two of them. We've wanted them for years, literally, and 7.99 is astonishingly low.

Finally got back to town, E was still a happy camper, he was in costume still obviously, our tummies were still we found a neighborhood with houses!

Went to one of the nicer Tacoma neighborhoods with old houses, just gorgeous, I used to jog there while in college.

It was SO much fun. He had a fabulous time! I was worried that he would be bored because it was just him, but the neighborhood was so packed with people that there was often a big crowd, and we'd see the same people going house to house.

And I got to see some of the houses, up close and personal, that I've drooled over since I was 17. :yay:

Before going home, we stopped at the store to buy some safe candy for him, to swap for. Oh, and a beer for me. :) Mmmmm, chocolate and beer....

Got home...he dumped out his candy...he must have gotten 2 bags worth of candy. Thankfully, we'd bought three bags! So we went through it all...NOT ONE piece was safe for him. All had corn syrup, corn syrup solids, or HFCS. Ugh.

What's WEIRD is that some candy is different from package to package. We had noticed that KitKats weren't safe anymore. But then we looked at all the various types of KitKat packages at the store, and *some* had corn syrup solids, while others did not! It is so strange!

So I dumped out the safe candy, and he swapped it all out, piece by piece! Funniest part was swapping known-ingredient-KitKats for exactly the same in appearance, but no-ingredients-listed, therefore, unkown, KitKats. :rotfl:

Then we lit the candles in the jack-o-lanterns we (they) made the other day, enjoyed the shadows they made, ate some candy, ate more was nice.

When we saw how much candy he couldn't have, we talked about it. He still remembers how he acted (I can't say "behaved") when still eating that nonsense, and tonight he came over, held my face (when he used to have something with corn syrup in it, like an Uncrustable, he would squeeze my face TIGHT, and scratch it while kicking me...I cannot believe it took me so long ot make the connection), and said "thank you for figuring that out about me."

Sigh. :love:

So even though tot'ing costs us money (to replace all the gross-ingredient candy we buy for swapping), we're looking forward to it next year. :)

And someday, when we buy a home in that neighborhood, we'll be sure to get the good candy only.:wizard:
When I hear about E I am glad that I am "that house", the one that doesn't hand out candy but hands out play dough.:goodvibes
Hi Molly,
Boy, I have been buried and you have been busy, dealing with a lot!
Firstly, I love your wedding picture. It is truly lovely, and R is indeed a handsome man.
Secondly, I am sorry for the challenges you are facing right now. Control what you can and let the rest go. Medical professionals are just so egocentic. It is difficult for them to acknowledge the patients own knowledge. I would think an ND would be different though. MIL, what can I say. Mine is in Minnesota and that is a good place for a MIL. Maybe yours could move:)

Poor E! I am glad he is feeling better and had proper trick or treating. Nathan ended up staying home as he had a 103 degree fever. He did not seem to care too much, as we promised him a full bowl of candy, which we had because not very many trick or treators ventured out last night!

Well, take care of yourself for goodness sakes.
Hi all!

So, yesterday, Robert and I thought that the time was going to change as we slept Sunday going into Monday. I realized it around 10 last night, that the time had already changed. :rotfl:

We'd been out at Costco then JCPenney for several hours, and both kept noticing that the day was going really really slowly. Robert later said that he kept wondering why the hours were taking so long. He'd look at the car clock (needs to be manually changed), then later on at his cellphone, and think "wow this hour is taking so long!"

So he didn't get to enjoy his extra hour, because he'd already had it the night before. :3dglasses


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