Best Ticket Prices Available?


DIS Veteran
Sep 17, 1999
Do resort guests receive a discount on ticket prices? Are there any current discounts available? thanks!

Woo Hoo - 24 days and counting :p
Hi Dagny! Just wanted to let you know, that if you are a AAA member, you can contact your local office for discounted tickets. I am getting Orlando 5 park flex tickets for $185.00 and that includes tax!

Kim:bounce: :jester: :p
I believe that the Discover Card is still running a special that if you purchase a two day USO/IOA ticket you can get the third day free. Just be advised that the third day does expire (as opposed to the typical tickets where unused days never expire). I think the 3rd day expires 30 days from the day you first use the tickets.:jester:
:bounce: We just purchased our US/IOA tickets from AAA. We found this to be the least expensive price. For DH-38, myself-38, DS-10 (he has to have an adult price ticket) and DD-8: the price was $314.00 which included tax. Good luck!!


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