Best studio for 4+ infant


DIS Veteran
Oct 11, 2006
Any suggestions. We will have another set of grandparents along so we will probably have one child over there.
Since you will have 4 adults, I wold go with OKW so that you get two queen beds. Otherwise, one couple will be sharing a double-size sleep sofa. The baby gets the Pac 'n Play portable crib.
If there are 4 adults, then OKW has 2 real queen beds with no couch. (Studios with a pullout couch are full sized)

With 2 adults and 2 children, I would say any studio except AKV value (small rooms) and BLT (smallest standard studio), so choose the resort that best fits your trip.

The new VGF is an interesting option with 2 showers and a small Murphy bed in addition to the Queen bed and pull out couch.
Since you will have 4 adults, I wold go with OKW so that you get two queen beds. Otherwise, one couple will be sharing a double-size sleep sofa. The baby gets the Pac 'n Play portable crib.

The only caveat about OKW is that only three of the 49 buildings have elevators. If you can't get a first floor studio, then you might have to carry the infant and the stroller up to the second or third floor. Not to mention that after a long day at the Parks, grandparents can get cranky about walking up one or two flights of stairs.

The CMs at OKW are very good at trying to accommodate requests for a first floor villa. But sometimes one isn't available and you'll have to make due with what is available.

Good luck!
The only caveat about OKW is that only three of the 49 buildings have elevators. If you can't get a first floor studio, then you might have to carry the infant and the stroller up to the second or third floor. Not to mention that after a long day at the Parks, grandparents can get cranky about walking up one or two flights of stairs.

The CMs at OKW are very good at trying to accommodate requests for a first floor villa. But sometimes one isn't available and you'll have to make [do] with what is available.

Good luck!

If I was a grandparent, I'd relish going to Disney with my grandkids, and there would be no complaining!;) I'm old enough to be a grandparent and as old as my grandparents were when they became great grandparents. I don't find walking up 1-2 flights of stairs a problem at OKW. Hope you have a GREAT trip!
I mean 2 adults, 2 kids and one infants in one room and then grandparents would get a separate studio
I mean 2 adults, 2 kids and one infants in one room and then grandparents would get a separate studio

Get a two bedroom lockoff. You and spouse in the master with the packnplay and baby. Grandparents in the second bedroom. Two kids wherever they fit (with grandparents or in living room). Five people in a studio is just too many.

With the lockoff, grandparents can make coffee in the AM or whatever with their kitchenette. And they can close the door between the two villas if they want peace and quiet. Or they can open it up and join the family.

You won't get any studios that connect.
I'm a granny and we only get top floor at OKW and no complaints...and we have two toddlers and a double stroller that Papa has to carry up three flights of complaints from him or the the room, the view and even the buses. I'll be at BWV next month and have requested top floor, so will probably utilize the stairs...time will's a solo trip.

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