Best park to go to Mother's Day?


Earning My Ears
Mar 24, 2001
Our first full day at Disney will be on Mother's day. We really like to go to MK on our first day at the parks, but I was thinking that it would be very crowded there that day because of the holiday. Our other choice would be MGM but that is early entry day and it might be crowded there because of that?? Any opinions? Suggestions?


Go to whichever park mom prefers, after all, it is her day.

I would choose Epcot, myself. Sundays are always busy at MK, but less so than Saturday, so it is always an option.

Offsite 5/99 (never again!)
All Star Sports 5/00
All Star Sports 1/01
Animal Kingdom Lodge 6/01
That will also be our first full day and we are planning to go to MGM for early entry, but I just found out that they are having Star Wars weekends then, so it will probably be very crowded.
I also saw somewhere that all moms who go to EPCOT on Mother's Day receive a flower.
We were at Epcot in 1997 on Mother's Day and it was absolutely beautiful. My mom still talks about it. They gave each mom a carnation on the way in and we did a character dinner at the Garden Grill. We also just took time to walk through the gardens and soak up the atmosphere.
My mom loved it.
Thanks everyone for your suggestions. I will leave it up to Momma as was suggested with a slight nudge towards MGM :D



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