Best month to vacation at Disney (2002)...March, April or May?


Earning My Ears
Mar 9, 2001
We are trying to decide. I know Easter is at the very end of March so that week is out. We would like to go when it's not too, too hot and crowded, but don't won't to go when the parks close down real early and rides are down. We would appreciate some imput. Thanks!
We have been to WDW in March/early April with a late April Easter - and it was very crowded. The weather was great though.... This year we are traveling to WDW mid-May and getting APs with the plan to return in April 2002. I'll have to let you know about the crowds in May - but I'm sure it will be hot, and the MK closes at 8pm - with the exception of weekends (those that aren't grad nights). I like mid-April 2002 because Spring Breaks should be over, and the weather should be ideal. Have a great trip!!!
We go every Spring, usually around May, but it mostly depends on Easter. We avoid Easter break at all costs. So that usually leaves the first 2 weeks of May. I love going in the spring but May can be pretty hot. Next year, 2002, we will mostly like go the last week of April, first week of May (we do 2 weeks every spring). So considering Easter is March 31, April would be a good pick for you. Going in both late April and everytime in May, it has always been crowded, so that can not be avoided in the Spring. At lot of field trips from schools going in the Spring also. Grad activities and Prom activities going on in May too.


<font color=3300ff>PO/Riverside 5/01
Dixie Landing 11/00, 9/00, 8/00, 1/00, 10/99, 10/98, 6/94
All Star Sport 10/01,5/00, 12/99
All Star Music 7/01, 4/01, 4/00, 5/99, 5/97, 5/96, 4/95
All Star Movie 11/00, 4/99
Caribbean Beach 5/96, 11/90, 5/89
Coronado Spring 5/98
Wilderness Lodge 7/99, 11/95
WDW Hotel Village 10/87
Disneyland 5/86
We honeymooned at WDW beginning the week after Easter, which was April 15th that year. All the schools had finished their spring breaks by then and it wasn't very crowded at all. Since then we've been twice in mid-May and haven't had much trouble at all with crowds. The exception being that one day of the month (on our first May trip) when Florida state residents get a discounted admission. We didn't know what was going on until we'd gotten back to our hotel.

90 honeymoon
95,98, 01 w/kids & grands
We last went their in August of '99. It was hot, but we had a great time. Thank you for your advise!
Hey Dave and Lori from you have 4 kids and live McMurray? If so, this is your Best Man's wife who has 3 kids and lives in Cranberry. Is it a small world, or do I have the wrong Dave and Lori??? :cool:
Hi "Lucky'sMom". It's funny, we have four kids and our names are Dave and Lori, but we live up here in Mercer County near Sharon. Ironic huh?
Hi KangaT --

I found your post mentioning the one day in May when FL residents get a discount very interesting. We are currently planning our first trip for May 19 - 24. Any ideas on how to find out what that one day might be this year? I'd love to know ahead of time and plan accordingly!


I haven't been able to find out until the beginning of the month you'll actually be there. The trip I referred to, it was Saturday of Mother's Day weekend. We'll be there May 16-23 this year. I plan to call the first week of May to ask, and again just a couple days before we leave - and I know that the accuracy of the answer I get will depend entirely on the CM I speak to. I love WDW (my DH says I'm obsessed), but I can't take that level of crowding.

90 honeymoon
95,98, 01 w/kids & grands

We go two weeks after Easter and find it isn't so bad. We avoid Easter week and the week after at all costs.

I grew up in New Bedford (went to Wilmington H.S), my dad worked at Sharon Steel, and I used to work at the "Brothers 3 Lounge" at the Sheraton in West Middlesex while in college (YSU). I still go to the Lube for wings when I am home!

Thanks for the welcome BethR! Sorry I sent a "personal" message before (I forgot the rules!). Anyway, Dave and Lori, I'll give you my 2 cents on your original question on when to go. I think late April to mid-May would be best. Anytime in March can get quite crowded due to Spring Breaks. I think early April can also get quite crowded. But by late April, the weather up north is starting to clear, and Spring Breaks are over, and people usually don't want to take their kids out of school during the last few weeks of the school year. The weather should be great then, too.

Sorry about the "DaveandLori" mix-up, I'm sure there are lots of Dave and Lori's in the state of PA!
Thanks for all the opinions! The one thing I was wondering though would June possibly be better than May because of the times the parks close? I noticed MK closes about 8 pm., Studios closes around 6 in May. In June I see they usually close around 10 or so. Also, I'd like to see all the parades and I saw that they don't have many if any parades in May and April. I know it's warmer in June and may be alittle more crowed, but the longer hours and the ability to see the parades kinda seems better. We have narrowed it down to the end of April to the middle of June. Somewhere in between we plan on going to Disney for a week and a half. We can't wait! :D :p
I am in the same dilemma as you. see my post. early march or may? Still confused. have you made a decision yet? I am only worried about early closings and grad nights for late April and early may. Our sping break is 3rd week in April. Easter being end of March is what is making this such a difficult choice.
We're going the first week in March. But we're going to Disneyland. I don't think the crowds will be too bad. Er should I say I HOPE the crowds won't be too bad!! :D
We were in Florida May 10-21 this year. Weather was beautiful - hot but not humid. We liked the weather so much we've decided that if we ever go back, we'll go no time other than May. We love to swim, and it was beautiful swimming weather. Never had to worry about bringing a sweater anywhere (except to air-conditioned places). Never had to break out the sneakers and socks. The weather was so consistently nice. It didn't rain either.

Disney parks seemed croweded to us - but apparently they weren't crowded for Disney. Thats what people said anyway.
Mainey, Thanks for your response. This is the week we will probably pick. Were grad nights over then. Did you see spectromagic and fireworks. Thanks for your input
I would go 1st week of March.One of my best trips was March 1-10 in 1999. The weather was beautiful and the crowds were light.


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