Best Month for Hotel Discounts?


Living the dream - near Disney!
Feb 8, 2001
I would like to begin planning a Disney trip for my family of 5 for the year 2002. We are flexible and can travel at any time during the year. Although we do like to swim, so I guess the "cold" weather months would be out for us.

We would like to be able to get a good discount rate. Are there certain months that Disney tends to discount steeper? We would possibly be willing to buy an AP if this was needed and if it dramatically lowered the price.

So what is your opinion? When should we go?

Also, I heard something about a Fall Fantasy package? Is this a good deal?

Thanks to anyone who can help in this dilemna!
The best months to go are during the value season - the best month, I believe, is November. My husband and I go quite often and we have had the best luck with that particular month - the weather is average; a high of 78 and perhaps a low of 57 or so and the crowds are very manageable.
Instead of getting an annual pass, you may want to look into the Disney Club - we were able to get $22 (20% off) off a night for seven nights in Port Orleans this November. When you obtain an Annual Pass, it becomes a hassle to try and obtain any info on discounts through Disney. However, a good place to start is - you can research vacation packages yourself with different dates, times and discounts. Any package deals that Disney offers are not worth the extra money - if you want to save money (perhaps to go more often!) it is better to purchase every aspect of your trip separately. You can also save 5% off of park passes with the Disney Club - it is $39.95 to join but money well spent - if you are interested, you can call 1-888-DISNEY4U and they can explain the benefits to you. Hope all this info helps you out and above all, have a blast!!!


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