

<font color=navy>Let me just say "I Love living in
Aug 18, 1999
Where is the best spot to watch Believe (Fireworks). We are going in June and 2 of the 6 nights that we are there will have presentations of Believe. On one of the days, I hope to get Fantasmic Dessert Seats for the 9:00 show and I know we can stay there and see the fireworks, but if that falls through and for the other night, where is the best place. I figure it is probably Main Street, but what part of Main Street?



P.S. Since I am an over planner, as my trip gets closer, you'll probably be seeing alot more questions.
Main Street, just right of center as you're facing the castle, between Coke Corner and the Camera shop. :D

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(Links will return when I find a new place to host the sites)
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I like two of them - where Rajah said is a great spot to see the fireworks. Another great spot is in front of the Partners statue (Walt & Mickey), and in front of the castle - the fireworks are "right there." Just note that they do rope off the area right in front of the castle - there's a vendor cart where the rope goes.

Note also, that the fireworks are more to the left of the castle, so make sure you don't stand where the trees are going to block them.

JudyfromBoise & I found out that as you face the castle, standing on the walkway to the left (opposite Snow White's grotto), is not a very good spot for watching the fireworks. ;)

<font face="Comic Sans MS"><font color=#FF0066>Mary Jo

Disneyland & Techie Boards Co-Moderator

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My Sequoia/Yosemite Trip

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The site has a very good section on the fireworks with pictures of different viewing angles. I found that helped me decide where I wanted to view the fireworks last year and it was quite helpful. We decided against viewing it right by the rope area in front, because the people were pushing very hard and my little one was getting suffocated. The people seem to get very up tight juggling for position, so if you have some little one in tow, protect them from the big bad adults out there who don't realize that the fireworks are extra special for children, but won't give them space to see them.
Last Saturday night we stood in the middle of Main Street - between the Bakery and the Clothiers. It was not crowded at all - which was good because I have two little ones too. They could see great! Have fun!


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