Beauty & the Beast at IMAX


DIS Veteran
Feb 12, 2001
Is anyone else as excited about this as I am?!?!

I'm probably gonna see it tomorrow or wednesday. This has been my fave disney movie since I was little, so I can't wait! And a bunch of my non-disney obsessed friends love it too, so that's a plus!:D Is anyone else going to see it?
I'm going to go see it!! Actually, there was going to be a DIS meet at my local one, but I don't think that owkred out, but I'm still going with some "non-disney" friends!! it looks so cool!!:)
I want to go see it so bad!! But we dont have a theater like that around here. I think the closest one is Atlanta, and that is 5 hours away!!!
Yall gotta tell me how it is! :)
its one of my favs...Im not seeing it yet b/c we are planning a Houston DIS meet to go see it! so Im really excited about the meet

Ill probably go see with my mom too! hehe


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