Beachcomber Shacks and Mini-Golf Reservations

Topaz Scorpio

Earning My Ears
Feb 12, 2024
Some quick questions:

Beachcomber Shacks - Tried to book one of these today at 60 days for the ninth day of my trip and there was nothing available in any category. Agent on the phone could not tell if they were sold out or just hadn't loaded inventory yet. Since there is no option on the Disney website right now to book these for any date I'm going to assume they haven't loaded inventory yet. Does anyone have experience with booking these where you have seen no apparent inventory loaded? Do I have to keep calling everyday? Is there an estimated time that they will add the inventory for booking? 45 days prior? 30 days prior?

Mini-Golf - Could not get times I wanted for this. Availability seemed to be very limited for both Fantasia and Winter Summerland. She checked a range of dates that were in the 5th-8th days of my stay and she could find no times at all for Winter Summerland and two times only for Fantasia. That seemed odd to me. Are these courses really that booked up in advance? Does Winter Summerland close when Blizzard Beach closes? Do they limit the number of reservations to allocate space for walk-ups? I had a trip to Disney that I booked back in 2019 for 2020 (cancelled by Covid) and I reserved mini golf times in advance at both courses with no problem. Just unsure how to proceed, if I should keep calling on this and how often I need to or just wait until I get there and do walk-ups? We would looking to do evening visits to the courses. Is it a reasonable wait time if you do that? This will be for early May.
For my last trip, when I booked hotels, BB was open, but TL was going to be open during the actual vacation. There was nothing available for TL at my 60 day mark. I basically checked the website every other day, and one day TL’s shacks were loaded and I booked one. I‘d guess it was a month give or take into my 60 day booking timeframe.

WinterSummerland generally remains open when BB is closed. In fact I don’t think we‘ve ever done WS while BB is open. We generally go the first week of May, and I’d be surprised if you had more than 30 minute wait during the prime evening hours, but there could be some kind of event (like cheerleading) there that has booked mini-golf as an evening activity, I suppose. I booked a reservation for WS at 6:30 on a Sunday in September just to be safe, and we were literally the only people there for about 20 minutes. We prefer WS. It has way more shaded areas than FG, but it’s a little inconvenient if you don’t have your own car, which is probably why it tends to be a bit less crowded when BB is closed (no bus to BB) in our experience.
Beachcomber Shacks are extremely popular and my guess is that there sold out. My wife usually calls everday and checks availablity when we want one. It takes quite a bit of calls to get one. I really wish Disney would add the option to the app to make a reservation.
Beachcomber Shacks are extremely popular and my guess is that there sold out. My wife usually calls everday and checks availablity when we want one. It takes quite a bit of calls to get one. I really wish Disney would add the option to the app to make a reservation.
I made my Beachcomber Shack reservation online. I even cancelled one and reserved a larger one online. This was for last September. The only thing I called for was the mini golf time.
For my last trip, when I booked hotels, BB was open, but TL was going to be open during the actual vacation. There was nothing available for TL at my 60 day mark. I basically checked the website every other day, and one day TL’s shacks were loaded and I booked one. I‘d guess it was a month give or take into my 60 day booking timeframe.

WinterSummerland generally remains open when BB is closed. In fact I don’t think we‘ve ever done WS while BB is open. We generally go the first week of May, and I’d be surprised if you had more than 30 minute wait during the prime evening hours, but there could be some kind of event (like cheerleading) there that has booked mini-golf as an evening activity, I suppose. I booked a reservation for WS at 6:30 on a Sunday in September just to be safe, and we were literally the only people there for about 20 minutes. We prefer WS. It has way more shaded areas than FG, but it’s a little inconvenient if you don’t have your own car, which is probably why it tends to be a bit less crowded when BB is closed (no bus to BB) in our experience.
Thanks. I'll keep checking the website for when the shacks appear on the website. I'll probably try calling again about the golf tomorrow and see if I get a different answer from another rep. If all else fails we'll just show up day of and hope there aren't long waits.
I’m surprised about the mini golf. When we did Fantasia, I don’t think we made any reservations and had no issues walking up as a party of 6 (we did do this later in the a.m. on our departure day).
In regards to the Beachcomber shacks, we wanted one last spring for April 7th (Good Friday). It wasn't until sometime in March that they loaded them. We checked daily. On the first day they loaded them, but the website was having trouble and I couldn't book one, so I called instead. They were all available, so I booked a deluxe shack. No regrets!
In regards to the Beachcomber shacks, we wanted one last spring for April 7th (Good Friday). It wasn't until sometime in March that they loaded them. We checked daily. On the first day they loaded them, but the website was having trouble and I couldn't book one, so I called instead. They were all available, so I booked a deluxe shack. No regrets!
By any chance do you remember what number Deluxe shack you had and were it was located? TIA>
By any chance do you remember what number Deluxe shack you had and were it was located?
I don't remember the number, but it was the one closest to the Tropical Amity Outpost and by the Crush n' Gusher. It was nice because it was close to the restrooms, changing rooms, and next to a drink re-fill station.
FYI…reservable umbrellas / chairs (for 4 people) at TL just appeared online for April. Price has gone up to $99 (from $49 I believe)
FYI…reservable umbrellas / chairs (for 4 people) at TL just appeared online for April. Price has gone up to $99 (from $49 I believe)
Yup. Just saw that Beachcomber Shacks were now available for my May trip. Premium Plus was $500. Not sure what they used to be.
I made my Beachcomber Shack reservation online. I even cancelled one and reserved a larger one online. This was for last September. The only thing I called for was the mini golf time.
Question about reserving the Beachcomber Shack online... I didn’t see where I add how many people will be in my party? The booking instructions say “Book the reservation with a party size of 1” so I’m the only one on it as of right now. Do you know when/where I indicate my party size?
Question about reserving the Beachcomber Shack online... I didn’t see where I add how many people will be in my party? The booking instructions say “Book the reservation with a party size of 1” so I’m the only one on it as of right now. Do you know when/where I indicate my party size?
I’m pretty sure I just picked the one person - me. I don’t remember adding anyone else to the reservation. We all arrived together and someone escorted us to our spot. I guess they took a head count, but no one ever took any other names.
I have reserved shacks by phone . The number of people in you party determines which shack you should reserve. We were 10 in our party and had to reserve a deluxe shack which accommodates that number. In the past I was able to reserve a basic shack which accommodated six and paid $25 for each additional person.
Question about reserving the Beachcomber Shack online... I didn’t see where I add how many people will be in my party? The booking instructions say “Book the reservation with a party size of 1” so I’m the only one on it as of right now. Do you know when/where I indicate my party size?
I just chose 1 and then went through payment. We only had 4 people; so we were under the max number of people.


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