Barney Show/Play Area


DIS Veteran
Mar 8, 2001
We are visiting Orlando next week with my 21 month old who is addicted to Barney. Does anyone have any input on the Barney show and play area at Universal? What other rides there are good for a toddler? What about Islands of Adventure for a little one?

I've been lurking around searching for information, but this is my first post. You all are a wealth of good information!
The Barney Show is very good. ( For a Barney show!) There is a pre-show. Go into whichever row has the shortest line, they all enter the theater at the same time so the idea is to be as close to the door (where you see the water coming down)as possible. After the show the kids can shake hands with Barney. As you leave there is a "backyard" type of playground. The kids love it, just be aware it is very full right after the show so keep you little one close. It does empty out and then you pretty much can have it to yourself.
Outside Barney there are two playlands. One is Fievel. This has many ropes and slides. It seems to appeal to children a little bit older . There is also the Curious George playground. This is mostly water. ( I bring a bathing suit for my daughter.) Behind that is one of those ball play areas, where you can shoot the balls. To get to it ( and stay dry) walk behind the buildings. There is also a small circus theme play area to the right of the entrance to curious George.
I spend quite a bit of my time here with my daughter. She is now 4, but we have been going for years and she still loves to go there.
In April they will have a new Animal Show. I am sure your chld will enjoy that to. Outside of Nickelodean Studios you can usually find a few characters. You can also find a small play area as you exit the "Save Elroy ride". If you don't want to go on the ride (they have stationary seats for the little ones, so it's like a movie to them) then you can enter through the store .
Hve fun! :)
The Barney show is wonderful! My girls, ages 4 and 2, love it. There is a pre-show that lasts about 10 mins. (during which you have to stand, which gets a little tiresome) and then the doors open and you all circle a center stage in rows. If you get there early enough you will get to be in front, which my kids love. The show includes song and dance performances of all the favorites by Barney, BJ, Baby Bop and Professer Tinkerputt and there is a chance to meet the characters after the show, but it is like a circus trying to get in and the meeting is very brief, usually just a handshake, but fun for the kids. The show empties to a play area which includes a sand area, water table, building blocks, etc. Very nice and fun for the kids. You can exit through the play area or go through the store, full of Barney balloons, toys, merchandise, etc. To avoid a headache, we usually bypass the store, but they do have some great stuff - just pricey.

Just past the Barney attraction is the Woody Woodpecker Fun Zone which has a small roller coaster, a parklike play area and a wonderful water park. US also has the ET ride, Kongfrontation (a little scary, depending on how brave), Jaws, and Hanna Barberra cartoon ride which my girls love.

IOA has Seuss Landing which is entirely dedicated to kids and has 3 rides and one water park. My kids love it there and don't want to leave so my Hubby and I can visit Marvel Island for Hulk and Spiderman. My daughter (4) went on Spiderman, because she wanted to, but elected to bypass it on our most recent trip. Too scary for her. In Jurassic Park there is a hands-on exhibit that my kids love and there is a play area over by Bluto's water ride. In my opinion, US has more kids stuff but we still visit IOA each time we go too.


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