Barca33Runner's Journal: Thanks For Noticin' Me(Comments Welcome)

(Yes, they are couch (and bed and car) dogs. No, I will not apologize for that.)

It's all fun and games....until someone's GI system rumbles so much that you don't get to sleep until after 1 til it stops. Yes, that was last night for me and my dog, Buddy (who sleeps butted up right next to me.)
I know I’ve missed a couple days but it hasn’t been from lack of trying. I’ve tried to write and then got lost in editing a couple times when trying to get down my thoughts on food. The posts and my thoughts have been a jumbled mess on the subject. So I’m going back to bullet points to organize the chaos

-I love food. I like a lot of healthy-ish food but I love a lot of garbage (processed foods, cheese, anything that can be made in an air fryer, cheese, all the carbs, cheese. Also, I’m not sure if I mentioned cheese enough but I’ll add cheese to pretty much anything.)
-I have the capacity to eat an insane amount of food. Not necessarily competitive eater amounts of food but much, much more than proper servings.
-I live alone and making proper servings based on meals for one is very hard. I love to cook and bake so I often end up with way too much food just based on the joy I have at the activity to make it.
-Food waste guilt then kicks in and my options are throwing away perfectly good food or eating like a glutton to finish it all. I end up eating leftovers that I’m not even enjoying anymore more than I care to admit.
-This leads to additional overeating as I sometimes augment those meals with something I am actually enjoying.
-When I had all of my success in 2012-2014 I spent a lot of time thinking about all the foods I could go back to eating when I was fit. Well, I gradually made my way back to them in moderation but it wasn’t long until I was just eating whatever I wanted whenever I wanted.

I guess that covers most of the issues. Eating the wrong things, eating way too much of them, and eating them for the wrong reasons. The optimist in me knows that I’ve dealt with the issue before and, generally, I know how I have to deal with them again.
I get the issues about wasting food and I think that would be especially tough when you are preparing food for one. Would any of those meal prep things work for you (hello fresh type things)? I've never used them so have no idea. And, I think they can be pretty expensive, but maybe using something like that for a short period of time would help you.

One mantra I remember hearing when I was doing a weight loss thing one time was, "It's better to waste than to waist." Maybe tell yourself that when you have a hard time leaving food behind.

I hear you on loving food that isn't especially good for you. Why is it that it seems the best tasting foods are bad for you?
You didn't specifically mention donuts, but in case you're looking for tips to crave donuts less, run a donut mile. I ran one over 5 years ago and I've finally gotten to the point where I can eat a donut again but I never seek them out like I used to.

This post is mostly in jest. I could never recommend someone run a donut mile after my experience. I didn't get physically ill and I did finish although it's the only race I've ever seriously considered quitting half way.
Week 1 Progress:

Weigh-in: 256.1 -2 pounds 4 points
Bike: 1:30 3 points
Run: 2 miles 1 point
Cumulative: 8 points

Definitely looking forward to better weeks than 8 points; but it’s a good start getting back into things. No injuries. Going to continue to take it slowly on the run.
You didn't specifically mention donuts, but in case you're looking for tips to crave donuts less, run a donut mile. I ran one over 5 years ago and I've finally gotten to the point where I can eat a donut again but I never seek them out like I used to.

This post is mostly in jest. I could never recommend someone run a donut mile after my experience. I didn't get physically ill and I did finish although it's the only race I've ever seriously considered quitting half way.

My instinct is that I’d be very bad at the running portion of this and very good at the eating donuts portion.
I get the issues about wasting food and I think that would be especially tough when you are preparing food for one. Would any of those meal prep things work for you (hello fresh type things)? I've never used them so have no idea. And, I think they can be pretty expensive, but maybe using something like that for a short period of time would help you.

One mantra I remember hearing when I was doing a weight loss thing one time was, "It's better to waste than to waist." Maybe tell yourself that when you have a hard time leaving food behind.

I hear you on loving food that isn't especially good for you. Why is it that it seems the best tasting foods are bad for you?

I’ve told myself most of the mantras. I think the most effective thought I have about waste is remembering the food becomes a sunk cost after I’ve purchased it; if throwing some away helps my health and fitness goals and will make me happier I shouldn’t feel guilty about it. In the long run that will help with buying more appropriate quantities as well. I guess that’s the more practical, and much longer-winded version of yours.
You didn't specifically mention donuts, but in case you're looking for tips to crave donuts less, run a donut mile. I ran one over 5 years ago and I've finally gotten to the point where I can eat a donut again but I never seek them out like I used to.
I did a bike race where you had to eat as many cider donuts as possible… I got lost and added 10 miles to the race lol. I also still like donuts.
Just wanted to drop in to say I really admire your courage and honesty. Looks like you have a good plan started! I really appreciated your thoughts around weight. I am also a bigger runner, rarely if ever would someone look at me and say he’s a runner. In fact I got a “you’re doing good big guy” from someone outside AK during the marathon. I know the comment was intended to be supportive but it pierced all my insecurities.

For me I run quite a bit, but am a bigger person. I know that my weight impacts my running so I am working at dropping some more weight. But unlike you I don’t have the same level of courage to put it all out in a journal like this. I admire that. Keep up the good work.
Forgot to do the weigh-in/scoreboard update post this week. Had a big snow event that kind of threw things for a loop. Rather than post anything today I'll wait for Wednesday and have it be a two-week catch up. Things are going well, getting my fridge and pantry cleaned out of a lot of things I don't need including *gasp* throwing things away, and getting some miles in everyday (either on the bike or treadmill). Still a long road but at least I haven't swerved into a ditch.
Almost forgot.

253.7 -2.4 4 points
Bike-4 hours 8 points
Run-14 miles 7 points
Two week total: 19 points
Grand Total: 27 points

Ramping it up a bit as I get comfortable that there are no issues with my legs. I think I’m building back a little muscle I’ve lost the last few years so weight loss isn’t showing yet. Should pay dividends moving forward though.

Relatively booked for Vegas. My brother is joining my sister and I (not running though) so it’ll be a cool siblings trip. We all know nothing about Vegas so it’ll be educational if nothing else. Staying at the Aria (it seems like it’ll be nice:confused3), have booked a brunch and a couple dinners, and the Love and O Cirque du Soleil shows. Should be fun.
Aria is one of our favorite places to stay in Vegas because it’s pretty much right in the middle of the Strip. You can walk out the door and easily get to any of the other casinos & resorts.
We also stayed at the Aria when we went a few years ago. We loved it there. We went with a group of friends and I will not disclose how much we spent at the pool one day when we rented a cabana. Yikes! But so worth it. At the end of the day, our hostess told us, "You guys did Vegas RIGHT" I suspect her tip may have had something to do with her remark. LOL

Anyway, enjoy. It's a great hotel and as @FFigawi said, the location is fantastic!
Had a really nice 6 mile run today. One of the first in a long time that just felt right, don’t know how to describe it other than that.

On a sour note, I was really bothered by the Chapek comments this week. It’s not that he said anything untrue: park attendance is crazy high and spending at the parks is higher than ever. From a strictly supply and demand standpoint they have no reason to do anything other than to continue to pack people in, charge them more, and give them less. The fact that he doesn’t see anything wrong with this approach, or have even the slightest bit of self-awareness about why people universally despise him, makes me less interested than ever to get back to the parks.

I’m definitely going to continue my push to get healthier but I’m not sure Disney is much of a carrot for me anymore. Im sure my sister will continue to pursue Perfect Dopey, and it’s hard to say no to going on vacation, but I’m thinking that even if I sign up for a race (or races) next year that it may be park/resort free for the first time. I’m just completely put off by the attitude of the corporation right now.
Aren't those runs just the best? I know exactly what you are describing and they are wonderful. Too bad all runs can't be like that!

I understand you on losing that Disney love feeling. I've tried hard to hold on to it and we actually did have a great trip this past MW, but it honestly is tough to stay positive these days. I have a daughter who really does want to do either that marathon or even Dopey, so I know we'll be back at some point, but not sure when and it's hard to imagine not actively planning my next trip.

We have talked a bit about maybe going back out to DL to see if we feel the love a little more out there.
Aren't those runs just the best? I know exactly what you are describing and they are wonderful. Too bad all runs can't be like that!

I understand you on losing that Disney love feeling. I've tried hard to hold on to it and we actually did have a great trip this past MW, but it honestly is tough to stay positive these days. I have a daughter who really does want to do either that marathon or even Dopey, so I know we'll be back at some point, but not sure when and it's hard to imagine not actively planning my next trip.

We have talked a bit about maybe going back out to DL to see if we feel the love a little more out there.

When I’m there I still have fun. I can’t really help myself, I guess. There are people that focus on the cost, the things that go wrong, the literal workings of the parks and attractions; and there are people, like me, that see the magic, excuse the warts, and suspend disbelief. I’ll always be in that latter group when I’m in and around the parks.

I’m not naive, I know that Iger, Eisner, and those before them were first and foremost beholden to the stockholders. The magic has always been and will always be second to the bottom line. They had a way of, at least publicly, making everyone feel as though the magic not only wasn’t forgotten but that it was #1.

I think the change under Chapek is that he neither understands the way the parks are viewed by many people nor does he care to pretend that any Disney magic exists. It’s all dollars and cents, and as long as the dollars are there everything must make sense. He pulled no punches that they had neither the inclination nor the impetus to stop raising prices or improve the experience.

Oh well, things change and I’m sure I’ll be back in the parks and enjoying them at some point. I think I want to give a couple years for some of the new attractions to actually be finished (and for more to hopefully be announced) before I spend my time and money at the parks again.
Quick update: Finished the Vegas RnR Half yesterday. Really enjoyed the race and the night run definitely fits my personal body clock better than early morning. Felt good to finish.

Still a long way to go, but I’m moving forward.

Maybe a little longer recap with an update after I get back.


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