Balcony Smoking - AGAIN

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Maybe they should make 1 side of the ship for smokers. we had a cat 1 and had smokers-cigar and cigarette on either side. Saw them flicking ashes down onto those below-so I quess they had it worse than we did. everyone on the ship is paying for a vacation, but most smokers feel their right to smoke outweighs your right to breathe fresh air-just my opinion-but it ruined the use of our balcony that trip.
My feeling is this. If you truly believe that your next door neighbors may do something on their verandah that bothers you, then book an inside or oceanview room. That includes smoking, noisy kids, couples arguing, and those using their verandah for other "activities". Cruises are meant to be enjoyable vacations, and it certainly is not worth getting stressed out over. BTW, I am a nonsmoker. Cheers!! :)
One reason I book a room with a balcony is to get fresh air. I'm not just allergic to cigarettes, but also other chemicals such as cleaners, etc. Yes, and fragrances too. The first thing I do when we get to our room is ask our steward not to use any deoderizer in the room that week, then I air it out. Saves me many headaches (literally). Ditto with spending time in the clubs, though it is really limited for me, and depends on how bad the air quality is. If I can go back to my balcony and breathe in some fresh air for a while, I feel much better. I am much less reactive than I used to be, and gratified that I am able to travel. Now it turns out that my DD is slightly asthmatic, and reacts more to stuff than I do. Diana
Getting back to the original question...
Originally posted by Dancind
I know this has been beaten to death. But we have reserved a category 6 room for the 10 day cruise, we're talking big bucks here. With four sea days, I expect we will spend quite a bit of time enjoying our balcony. Now I'm worried though, what if we wind up next to a smoker for 10 DAYS! I think it would be really, really upsetting, since DD and I wouldn't be able to go out on our balcony. What would our options be, given that it will probably be a sold out cruise?
As the responses in this thread indicate (and as has been discussed in various earlier threads), there's a real chance you could be next to a stateroom that is occupied by smokers — and that those smokers will be out on the their verandah smoking at the same time that you'd like to be on your verandah. (This is not a criticism of smokers; they're just smoking where it's allowed.)

My guess is that verandah staterooms are particularly popular with smokers, especially those who know about the smoking restrictions throughout much of the rest of the ship.

Under the current smoking rules on the Disney Magic, you may find yourself facing the choice of smelling second-hand smoke or limiting your verandah use to only those periods when your neighbors are doing something else. Unfortunately, chances are the you and your neighbor will want to enjoy your verandahs at similar times, such as in the morning or in the afternoon before the dinner and show. Chances are neither of you will be on your verandahs during dinner or the show.

I wouldn't worry about smokers who are several staterooms away. And even the smoke from neighboring staterooms won't linger long. But I'd guess that there's at least a 25% chance you'll smell some smoke, at least some of the time. But it won't be like being in a smoke-filled bar.

How much extra are you paying for the verandah on the 10-night cruise? $1,000? You'll still have the advantage of being able to air out your stateroom when nobody is smoking. (You can't open the windows in regular outside staterooms.) And you may be on a different schedule than your smoking neighbors — if you even have smoking neighbors.

We had a category 6 verandah on our first cruise. We won't have a verandah on our next cruise. Second-hand smoke isn't the only reason for this, but it was a factor in our decision.
For those who wish to ensure that they will be able to pay for a veranda and enjoy it 24/7 without the problem of second-hand smoke. Please follow this link to find your only alternative.

I have looked into. It looks like it would really be nice.

Other than that, you will need to either do as Carol suggest and book an inside stateroom or hope that you will be in the majority and not have a thing to worry about.

Unless anyone else has something constructive to add. I think this topic has been beaten into the ground, exhumed, beaten into the ground again, and then gasoline poured on it and burned.
From the American Lung Association

June 2002

Secondhand smoke comes from two places: smoke breathed out by the person who smokes, and smoke from the end of a burning cigarette. Secondhand smoke causes or exacerbates a wide range of adverse health effects, including cancer, respiratory infections, and asthma.

Secondhand smoke contains over 4,000 chemicals; 200 are poisons; 43 cause cancer. Secondhand smoke has been classified by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as a known cause of cancer in humans (Group A carcinogen).

Secondhand smoke causes lung cancer and other health problems. The EPA estimates that secondhand smoke causes approximately 3,000 lung cancer deaths and 35,000 heart disease deaths in nonsmokers each year.

Secondhand smoke is especially harmful to young children. EPA estimates that secondhand smoke is responsible for between 150,000 and 300,000 lower respiratory tract infections in infants and children under 18 months of age annually, resulting in between 7,500 and 15,000 hospitalizations each year.

Secondhand smoke is harmful to children with asthma. The EPA estimates that for between 200,000 and one million asthmatic children, exposure to secondhand smoke worsens their condition.

Secondhand smoke can make healthy children less than 18 months of age sick; it can cause pneumonia, ear infections, bronchitis, coughing, wheezing and increased mucus production. According to the EPA, secondhand smoke can lead to the buildup of fluid in the middle ear, the most common cause of hospitalization of children for an operation.

Individuals can take several steps to reduce their exposure to secondhand smoke, including:
If you smoke, quit!
Keep smoke away from you and your family by asking people not to smoke in your home.
Make sure your child's day care site and school are smoke-free.
Use no-smoking signs, buttons and stickers at home, at work, and in your car.
Eat in smoke-free environments.
Seek a smoke-free worksite.

Support clean air laws that protect you from secondhand smoke.
For more information call the American Lung Association at 1-800-LUNG-USA (1-800-586-4872).

All facts are now in and we can put this puppy to bed.

[Editted for non-compliance with DIS posting guidelines]

the end.gif

Rear, that is...

I apologize in advance to whoever has the cabin next to my mother-in-law's on the Xmas 10 dayer. Believe me, this woman can smoke!!! ;)
What's her room number Trishy? We're on the 10 day.
Location, Location, location....I would check availabitily ( I know this will be hard this time of holiday sailing) for the very first stateroom in that category...6026, or 6628....everything else is definitely down wind from you. (unless the ship has to sail in reverse!!);)
Originally posted by WebmasterAlex
If the ship is at sea and moving the breeze is so stiff there is no way in heck any appreciable smoke is going to carry from balcony to balcony, the only possible time would be sitting in port.

We had an open verandah (5624) last cruise (May) and our neighbor UPWIND was smoking while we were cruising and it did annoy us. Both she and the man with her had very FOUL mouths and argued quite a lot. Maybe they thought no one could hear them but their "show" certainly kept us away from our favorite reading place!

I choose 5622 when I cruise because there is no upwind neighbor - just the lifeboats!

My Father, the dearest man I've ever known, died 5 years ago when he was 69 because of smoking related disease. I don't have to tell you my vote for a "non smoking ship".

There are several other threads concerning smoking including the one that I stated. The poll on my thread shows that about 25% of those responding favor allowing smoking as it is or allow more smoking.

Among the suggestions made was one to designate the verandahs on the starboard side of the ship as smoking. If someone is a smoker, just give them a cabin on the “S” side of the ship.

For those who think that smoke in the open air is not harmful I would like to point out that those who allergic to smoke do not need very much to cause a reaction. I seriously doubt that anyone will get cancer from secondhand verandah smoke.
Two quick thoughts

1. As has been mentioned more than once 25% of people who chose to participate in an online poll on one site of the internet feel that smoking is not an issue. I think DCL sholud do their own survey and decide for themselves if a change should be made.

2. What happens if all the verandahs on the non smoking side are taken? Will someone cancel their cruise or be on the smoking side of the ship? I know it is an outside chance but what if there are say half the smokers out on their veandahs and the wind is blowing the smoke up toward the kids or family pools? Might be kind of potent if they are concentrated into one area. The verandahs are not that far down.

I think we should let Disney handle its own policies.

Remember: Be careful what you ask for you just might get it.

As paying customers we should let Disney know what we want.

Remember: What you don't ask for you don't get.
I guess I have missed this topic along the way, but I am somewhat disappointed with the thread.

I am a smoker. I did book a verhanda room because there are limited places to smoke on board and I felt this was the best option for me. I know a lot of smokers, and I know a lot of non-smokers.

I feel that it is my right to smoke on the verhanda. I am careful , only putting my ashes in the special box they make availible, I dont throw my cigs off the boat. I shut my cabin door so that the smoke wont linger into the room. I avoid smoking around large groups of non-smokers as a curtosy to them. I dont smoke in groups of children. And I find that most smokers are the same as me. Sure there are certain people who disregard the rules, but there are all kinds of rules that can be broken. What about the Non -Smokers who let their children run about the ship without supervison? What about the Non-smokers that are late for dinner, or wear inappropriate clothing. I Know that smoking is bad for me, and I am fully aware of the dangers of second-hand/firsthand smoke to me and others, and I do my best to avoid offending anyone. However it doesnt seem like people are willing to see the smokers side of things. What about the people that get up and are screaming, making noise and disturbing me in the early morn? See where I am coming from here.

If you are worried about this, dont get a verhanda room. I pay for this because of many reasons , one of which being that I am a smoker. But that is only 1/10 th of the reason I enjoy them.

I hope we can all get along... just remember that no single person is perfect, we all have faults.

Aimee, I'm glad that you are considerate of large groups of non-smokers, but what about small groups? For example, the few people that are your neighbors on the ship? Do you feel that your right to smoke on your balcony is greater than their right to enjoy their balcony smoke-free? How would you respond if they nicely requested that you not smoke when they are out there too? I'm not trying to flame you here, I'm really just curious. Diana
Originally posted by Duckielucky
So, what is wrong with putting the smokers on the starboard side of the ship?

I think you should put them on the port side, so you don't bother all the people on the pier :)
Originally posted by Dancind
Aimee, I'm glad that you are considerate of large groups of non-smokers, but what about small groups? For example, the few people that are your neighbors on the ship? Do you feel that your right to smoke on your balcony is greater than their right to enjoy their balcony smoke-free? How would you respond if they nicely requested that you not smoke when they are out there too? I'm not trying to flame you here, I'm really just curious. Diana


Yes I am considerate of all people. And no I do not place my rights above anyones......just and others shouldnt put theirs before mine:) If someone asked me nicely while they were out on their balcony of course I would ask if their was a time that it would be better, but I would hope that they would think about my time also. My point is, that if everyone would think about not just themselves in this issue it would be a lot easier. I dont feel flamed at all. I just feel like my rights and your rights are equal regardless of wheather I smoke or not. Like my points about unsupervised children, and noise makers...etc. Its all a matter of consideration. But to your main question..if I was asked I would not smoke, but I would not refrain for the whole trip. I would ask when they were planning on not useing their verhanda...etc. Also it should be know that I dont "chain Smoke" I like a cig, not 10 at a time.
Unless anyone else has something constructive to add. I think this topic has been beaten into the ground, exhumed, beaten into the ground again, and then gasoline poured on it and burned.

Just be sure not to burn it on the Veranda upwind of me ;)

I'm sorry - I couldn't resist.
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