Back from 7 nights at HIFS


Aug 28, 2000
What an excellent hoiliday although I'm tired so I don't know about a trip report but will answer any questions.

We did DIS 1 day, SW 1 1/2 days, BG 1 day&2 days USF&IOA (rained for our 3rd day)

We loved both the hotels&their pools. Favorite park was IOA (front of the line worked great for the 5 of us)

One night without the kids was at Emerils (I can still taste the excellent food)The kids went to LRC&loved it. My 4 yr kept asking to go back everday!

Perfect weather&allowed lots of time to relax&enjoy the pools. Would have loved another week but guess I'm getting greedy. Now back to unpacking!
Glad ya'll had an excellent time! Now start planning that next visit!
Welcome back!
Sounds like MY kind of vacation!

I stayed at HIFS in January, LOVED IT! What kind of suite did you have? Did you miss all the room when you moved to the HR?

What kind of room did you have at HR?



Mother of Michael
Proverbs 3:5-6


<font color=purple>Co-Moderator of the Community and Universal/IOA Boards</font color=purple>

[This message was edited by Robinrs on 03-07-01 at 08:27 PM.]
So glad to hear you had such a great trip. We are staying at the HIFS for 5 nights and then the Hard Rock for 2 nights in April.

We are sooooo excited.
Glad to hear you had a good time. Boy, you were everywhere!

My kids want to stay at Camp Lil Rock for an evening. You said your kids loved it. How did you feel about the place? Did the people seem trustworthy? Did you get a beeper? Were there activities for them (arts/crafts) or were they left to themselves? Was it crowded? How much was it?

Thanks for your help. I won't check back for a reply for a couple of days. You are probably tired from your trip! :)
Hi everyone, Just some quick replies (yes I am still very tired&my house looks like a bomb went through it)

We had a normal garden view room at HR&did not find it bad. My 10yr old folded up his cot every morning so it was out of the way. We were not in the room very much. We would get up go to the parks then go for dinner. After dinner we were at the pool untill close (10:00) then go to bed. No kidding my 4 yr fell asleep in about 1 minute every night so we could watch TV in bed although we were all vey tired. Its hard to compare the 2 hotels, both very different&no complaints for either. HIFS is definetely roomier&cheaper but HR was so cool. Anyways more then 4 nights at HR we would have got a bigger or 2 rooms but for the short stay it was fine. If we go next year for 1 week it will be HIFS.

As for the HR club everything seemed fine. We dropped the kids off at 7:oopm&there was 2 male&1 female employee. All were younger in age 20ish. My kids are 10,7&4 so old enough to tell me how it was. They said everone was very nice. My daughter did some crafts&4 yr made paper airplanes with help from the staff. They played outside as well. We picked them up around 11:00&they had a childrens movie on with the lights dimmed. Some kids were sleeping mine were still playing. They have computers, video games as well as normal crafts&toys. Comfy beanbag chairs&cots available if kids want to sleep. They gave us a beeper if there was aproblem.
They will feed the kids but it was expensive 10.00ea for kids meal so we fed them by the pool before for about half that.

Anyways sorry this is getting long, yes I would leave the kids there again but we paid $17.00 hr so it can get costly. This was our'e most expensive night between LRC&Emerils but you only live once.

Any more questions, I'm happy to answer!!!!


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