Babysitters for naptime


Jan 30, 2001
I have 2 boys, 5y and 22months. I don't want to leave the small one behind. However, he absolutely must have a nap. 2-3 hours if only once a day. Has anyone used a sitter from one of the services for naptime--say 12-3 pm?
I have never been to Disneyworld (although we go to Disneyland every year with our kids) and I want to just offer one thought. while your five year old may not ordinarily take naps, it may be beneficial at WDW. My daughter goes to an all day kindergarten, so is used to a full day. However, I took her and her 3 year old brother back to the hotel and they both napped. In fact, their 8 year old brother napped one afternoon with them. We have atrip planned for this April, and I plan to take the kids back to the hotel for a nap most days.


First trip: July, 1983
Second trip: April 17-20, Dixie Landings
April 20-28: Orange Lake COuntry Club
Also keep in mind that you may end up paying for more than just the 3 hours you want. Fairy Godmothers requires a minimum of 4 hours payment (even if you use them for less time) as well as an hour for travel. Pretty expensive nap.
Will he nap in his stroller? My dd would be quite happy to sleep in hers for a few hours when she was that age. (A larger Graco style, not an umbrella one)

Might work.

Why not go with the flow while you are on holiday and just see how everyone feels.

just my opinion, and don't take it wrong, but I would NEVER,EVER leave my children with a stranger, expecially on a vacation... just had to add..
I have to agree with the one post about everyone needing a nap! Usually around after lunch we are all beat from running around and go back to the room and take a rest...and I mean all of us! So, I wouldn't waste the money on a sitter..your little one will need a rest, especially if you plan on stuff in the evening! And you will need a little peace and quiet too! Have a great trip!!!


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