Baby Watch


DIS Veteran
Nov 23, 2001
I found a web site with babies born in Kermit's home town. Anyone know what names they've picked??

Nothing for 12/31/2002 yet though :(

I don't know what names they are considering but I'm really hoping we hear good news soon!
:bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc
She didnt want to tell anyone the name, however she did mention they were discussing some biblical names but it wont be Jesus. ;)
I hope we hear soon--I keep coming over here specifically to see if there's any news on her!
I just searched a local paper and they didn't have the first baby of 2003 in Greenville. Sometimes in our local paper they'll more than one baby born on January 1st, but in this paper they just did the first one.
Hoping to hear from Amy soon! My prayers continue to be with her and Chris.


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